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Butterflies and Hurricanes

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Status Updates posted by Butterflies and Hurricanes

  1. Oh yes I did! Oh, Happy New Year! Hope this year is the best for you in all ways possible!

  2. Hi Oh I had a great Christmas! The highlights for me was a Muse calander, iPod Nano 5th gen. and Some Muse tickets for next year at the cricket ground!!!!!!! Woooo, that will be my first Muse concert!!! I'm really happy! heh heh!

  3. hi mate! Did you have a nice Christmas? What did you get?

  4. hi mate, Merry Christmas!!! Hope you have a good one!!!

  5. Hi mate! I just wanted to wish you a happy christmas and a happy new year!!!

  6. Aww cheers mate, same to you! Hope you have a good one!

  7. heh heh, i'll check it out! Ahh, well i want some books for crimbo as well (i'm a bit of a book worm lol!) I just wrote down the songs i'm gonna put on my Ipod...(i know i'm getting one now :-D!!!!!!!)i have 40 Muse songs i want! o.0!

  8. Ha ha! I would love to hear that! I hopefully will get my Ipod i want for christmas! which means Muse on shuffle! (please ignore my terrible spelling!) Ha ha! Well i can't wait! What else do you know that you're getting?

  9. hi yeah sorry, i forgot to reply to that post sorry...anyway wish i could do that! Well i've finished today so YAY! heh heh lol! Season greetings for 1 week today!

  10. I know I really want an Ipod!:'( Heh heh, i would be excited about that as well! Oh yes, 2 more days of school left for me then i'm off for 2 weeks! But i'm back on my birthday!:facepalm: All well!:LOL:

  11. hi there mate! Haven't spoke in a while! how you's been? getting ready for Christmas? I can't wait! XD

  12. Oh, I'm gald that your're "Feeling Good!" (get my drift?) Aww, I want an Ipod...I haven't got one...oh yeah, 23 days till Christmas Eve!!!! Can't wait for Xmas day, can you?

  13. oh yeah too right! Are you well again, or you still ill? I'm ok now, because I listen to Muse for 1 1/2 hours!!! ;-P

  14. Oh you were a lot of help mate! Thanks again! Hey I've got a bit of a cold too! Well it's winter now, so I'm not surprised! Haha! Ahhh, Muse is the best sorce of medical help, always! Lol XD!

  15. ha ha! So, how you been latley? I've had my results back from my homework, thanks to you i got on A! :-D

  16. hey, glad to be your friend! I'm lovin' your picture mate!!!

  17. hey thanks for that message, you seem nice as well! of course i'll be friends with you! :-)

  18. i remember when i was in love with my PS1! I always played Spyro on it! Spyro is legend! i've still got it and a PS2 and a gameboy advence! old school!

  19. ahh, that's where you and me split. I'm not a COD fan. It's all Gears 2 for me! But hey, we have a xbox, that's all that matters! Nice you and your dad battling out! Me and my brother do that too! Isn't it funny, we you beat someone older than you?

  20. oh yes, i love my xbox...sounded a bit wired that...LOL!

  21. oh just watching some Gears of War 2 videos on youtube. Hey, i'm going to the one in Manchester next year! My first Muse consert!!!!! Can't wait lol!!

  22. i'm fine thanks! what you up to then?

  23. hello mate, hows you on this horrible weather day?

  24. hi ohhh that must be hard, a GCSE exam after a Muse consert! I gotta do my GCSE next year I think, dunno...are they hard?

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