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Butterflies and Hurricanes

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Status Updates posted by Butterflies and Hurricanes

  1. Same I can go high but not low...well not too low:stunned: o.0:LOL: You and me have a lot in common, i can't do long distence running as well! I would love to hear you play piano and guitar! (not at the same time, unless you can do that!:chuckle:) I'm listing to Resistance now, I can just imagen you playing!:happy:

  2. Oh no, I want to play guitar but i don't have the time...:( plus people say it's too hard for me. I do sing, my firends say i can sing. all i sing are Muse songs:D I sing Plug in Baby on GH5. (I don't know how, but i can reach that high note that Matt does!:stunned::LOL:) I bet you'll be brill at singing because you are brill at everything else!:):D:happy:

  3. Oh you are like a younger verson of Matt!:D (can you sing?) Oh i have so many fav Muse songs; Bliss, Darkshines, Microcuts, USoE, Uprising, Resistance, Unnatural Selection, I Belong to You (because i can pronounce the French bits of it:p) and All the other songs off OoS, Absolution and The Resistance...that's a lot!:$:D

  4. Oh wow!:eek: I didn't know you could do that! You're amazing and very VERY clever:D! That's so awesome!:awesome: If I was there, listing to you i would be like :eek: and :D and :dance: lol! ;)

  5. Oh I'm really sorry, I can't seem to get it on clear! I think it's the light...:( It's gonna have to wait:( I'm really sorry! I'll try again ASAP!!!

  6. Oh I'm fine thanks! Just rocking out at United States of Eurasia!:LOL::D Oh I'm just off to take a picture of the new Matt drawing I've done, just for you!:) I've tried really hard on this one because, it was hard! (it's a picture of red hair Matt...without the colour sorry!:LOL:)

  7. Hi! Aww that's tight! Well we have that, but on surten websites (please forgive me for my terrible spelling!) Like youtube and ebay, stuff like that. Well anyway, how are you mate?

  8. Sorry my friend just killed the keybord:rolleyes:! I'll put it on tomorrow:happy:!

  9. Hi! I'm talking to you from school! I'm gonna put another picture of Matt 652

  10. Aww a week overdue. Oh my lovely drawing you said how sweet of you! Yeah, I think Muse slowly come into are lives sometimes! I think I'm going to get it soon! I'm sorry, I have to go now:(. 3 1/2 hours on the pc= my mum going mad! heh heh!:LOL: See you soon!:happy:

  11. Oh, congrats!:D My you and your cousin have happy times in the future my friend!:happy:

  12. Yes, i want to but i keep forgeting to draw him!:$ If i ever get to draw a real person in art, it'll defo be Matt! But, i still need a lot of practice to do first:LOL:! ok i promise i'll draw Matt again ASAP because you told me to:happy:!

  13. And again thank you so much!:happy::happy: I need to work on Matt and Dom again:rolleyes:. But it's because Chris had the simple clothes on (no offence to him) so it was kinda easy. Dom was the hardest to be honest! Oh, I bet you're a whiz at drawing!:happy:

  14. Awww thank you so much!:happy: That picture is the first time ever i drew Matt!:stunned: I'm quite proud of it! (not bosting, i mean)

  15. My R.S teacher does the same! but after she tells someone off, she goes all happy and smily! o.0 oh, please can you look at my Muse pictures i drew?

  16. You have a nice range of lessons there:happy:. Oh, I like Art, Graphics, IT, History, Geography, Resistant, P.E (when we do good sports!), Music and Science:).

  17. Yes, I am from the UK.:) I know what I want to do and what to carry on already!:rolleyes: I was a bit worried so I picked out what I want to do.

  18. Oh French, Drama, English, Maths (I didn't have these today) Food Teh, Music <-i like music itself but not the teacher and R.S.:sleepy: Which lessons don't you like or have you carried lessons on? I do that next year.:p

  19. Hey thanks, I found it!:D It should work now yes? Sorry, I'm a bit slow today. Had the worst lessons today at school!:LOL:

  20. heh heh, that's quite hard to believe! But, hey we do find new thing out everyday;). Oh (sorry for asking you ANOTHER question) do you know how to get your signature to work on this website? I'm kinda stuck:$

  21. Hi again! Sorry for 2 posts:$, but I wanted to say thanks for the info on where to find more Muse stuff!:happy: It's working, I'm getting smarter at Muse now (not as smart as you though!:D)

  22. Hey thanks mate! I like you too!:) I think you're a nice person, and your knowledge of Muse is amazing!;)

  23. Yes, it is. Oops, I forgot about my profile picture! That was dumb! Sorry! I don't understand why, my profile picture doen't come up when I post messages. Can you help me, please?

  24. Oh you should get it, it's amazing! Get Guitar Hero 5, Matt is in it! It's so life like! (if you didn't already know) I reccomend GH: Greatest Hits and GH 5.

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