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Butterflies and Hurricanes

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Status Updates posted by Butterflies and Hurricanes

  1. Hey, thanks for joining my group on Game Consoles :)


    EDIT: Oh just saw it was your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a great day!

  2. Oooo! Lol, I've got a boyfriend...shame! Lol! xD,if I didn't I would join you. !!! ANYWAY, I've just been chilling really. Having a good lie in...but I'm back at school now! >_<'

  3. AWESOME! Sorry, I haven't been on for a while, my internet died :( But it's back again! No, I haven't been to Thorpe Park before, I must go! Lol! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! I am good thanks! How are you?

  4. Nice Lvl. 44! Why did you stop playing, you can't! Lol, joke! Oooo 1 on 1, that'll be interesting! Must warn you, I'm mean with a sniper! Lol, nah it'll be fun! xD Your bio is awesome, even if you change song, LOL!

  5. Being honest, I think he's awesome! Lol! the 9th Doctor was really good, yeah, just wish he stayed longer. Who's your fave' Doctor?

  6. Lucky! I really want it! Hmm sounds good that book, I'll look out for it! Did you watch the England match?

  7. Hey thanks for joining my group :)

  8. Yeah, I did! It was awesome! Can't wait for the next episode! How long, do you think Matt Smith will last?

  9. Oh, my level is 56. Lol, I've got the highest out of all my friends. But what about you? What level are you? I'm gonna send a friend resquest now btw. I ain't a bad gamer, for a girl xD Love your bio, btw!

  10. Heheh! I agree! Let's uprise! Lol! Oh ma tag is (spelt like this) Un1qUElyRand0m. What's yours?

  11. Yeah I read a lot! I really want Nemanja Vidic's biography. I've just finished a book called Bloodline. It's really good if you like a bit of horror/crime

  12. I loved the Dream Lord one! Lol, the preview was a place (well no duh!) where a drill was happening, but when they stopped drilling, there still was drilling noises. I can't wait, it's a 2 part-er! xD

  13. Aww cheers mate! I watch Dr. Who, Merlin when it;s on, music channels and that's about it. A bit of Family Guy as well! Do you read?

  14. No! It can't be! Lol! Ah, not being rude, but I don't like Halo or COD. Lol, for me it's all about Gears, Fifa 10 and Guitar Hero. (and a few others) Lol. I see you don't like Twilight. I like you m8. Lol, I've only met a few people who don't like it.

  15. I started watching it at series 3 onwards. I really like them all being honest! Hey, don't be hard on your self. I see your avatar is an xbox live avatar. What's your fav xbox game, wait better question what do you play on your xbox??

  16. Hey there! I see you like Heroes. I think it's really good! What's your fav' episode? Oh sorry for the random post, I saw no-one sent you a post...

  17. Me, oh I Love footy! I play it a lot. I'm a going-to-be(hopfully!) ace goalkeeper, i love music and i play the drums with help of a note book, LOL! Yeah, we are twins! Lol! What do you like to wactch?

  18. Hi! Sorry, I ddin't reply, tottaly forgot about it! >_<' Anyway, I'm very well thanks! How have you been! It didn't sound THAT cheesy! LOL! Anyway, did you watch Doctor Who?

  19. Hey there! I like the sound of you, mate! Fellow Mancunian, Man Utd fan, like Guns 'n' Roses and AC/DC and hates Twilight! Anyway, what else do you like/like to do?

  20. Aww, that's not fair to you! I think that's really tight! I bet, you are like the best player in the band! Anyway, I wont to put stuff I've wrote on here, but I'm too scared to! I find it annoying that people hate Matt Smith as well! I think he is one of the best Doctor's ever (lol personal opinion!) I though DT was too OTT and doesn't do the Doctor part well! I was like ^_^ when he left! Lol! Oh the Muse book! It is really good! You can by them from Amazon. I got mine from Boarders R.I.P <--LOL! I think you can get it from Waterstones as well, but not to sure on that! Thanks fo the picture comment! I've done a better one, but i can't upload it! Sad face!

  21. No. I'm on my own in the music world! :-( Lol! I see you like reading. I'm like that! Horror? Nice, like it! I'm into game books. Lol, but i like fantasy, action, bit of horror myself and footy players's (auto)biographies. Lol. An other question, what's your fav' Muse song?

  22. Yeah, I'm good thanks! Yeah, I play Drums. I really want to learn to play the Electric Bass. Do you play?

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