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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. better. But I've not really been digging any sort of ambient stuff as of lately.

  2. You're a gentleman with and auora which demands respect?


  4. Good day to you sir

  5. To put it as basically as possible. It started off with an awkward confusing fancying someone. Which then turned into an awkward love triangle. But then it turns out that secretly my friend has made it an awkward love quadrilateral. Combine that with awkward 3-way tensions between me, one friend in quadrilateral and person who may make up a 5th part of awkwardness (not sure yet). Then add a dash of multiple other similar scenarios. And then me breaking a heart, upsetting multiple people, and causing more drama and anger :awesome:

  6. I can't really explain all that has happened

  7. My posts barely exist anymore...


    I've just become a lot more sociable. And fucked people over badly...

  8. Indeed.


    I have not talked to you in so long. You would not believe how much i've changed...

  9. A lot. Just spending time with genuinely good people. Meeting new people and having an amazingly crazy new years. Etc. I could write for ages about actual events but that'd be boring... I do checkout supervising at a big department store. Speaking of which, got a pay rise today :D


    My friend is actually in Germany at the moment on an exchange trip.. He's eating a lot of sausages from the sounds of things.

  10. Christ I thought she just dropped off the face of the earth.


    The last couple of weeks have been full of crazy intenseness of both the epic and bad kind. Today? I have to work :/ you?

  11. ...even in if this "small conversation" was just one message from you I forgot to reply to.

  12. Holy shit it feels like yeeeeaars ago since we had this small conversation. I've had a mental last week or so. And no, I don't :/

  13. Was quite confused by your message. I must've drunkenly sent that to you. Lovely.

  14. Have you moved yet?




    "are you supervising now" "ya" ":awesome: sweeeet"

    One all :cool:


  15. Just tell her to get fucked?

  16. Just get in there

    "if you can't beat them join them"

  17. Fuck them. It'll help

  18. Why are you tenting with them?

  19. Then don't say it as if you're actually about to leave :phu: I thoUght you might not have internet

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