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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. He loves coldplay and TK too :chuckle:


    The crowd looked funny. It was like mini-noshing for people with arthritis :chuckle:

  2. Only if you want to :LOL:




    I will get around to it. I have just been severely put off,thats all.

  3. My best friend loves them too. He also likes James Blunt and Dido. I bet you like them too.


    I just laughed at that :LOL:

  4. I'll find us some new bands :awesome:not today though.



    I listened to Modest Mouse. I downloaded this "beginners pack" thing from another Forum I use. It only had their early stuff. I was really looking forward to it. But I HATED it...:(

  5. And who is Gogol Bordello

  6. :facepalm: thats all I have I say.


    You.like.keane? TAKE THAT BACK. RIGHT NOW:mad:

  7. I'm sorry Saniya. I can't explain it.

    Can we move on?

  8. Ugh. She plays Taylor Swift songs on guitar.


    I went through a quick stage where I liked Jet. I got over it quickly though :chuckle:

  9. :facepalm:

    I have a younger sister. The only bands she likes are Paramore and Jet. She has like 2 Muse songs and a couple of other songs :facepalm: s'pos it IS better than Britney though :chuckle:

  10. Doesn't everyone?



  11. I miss you :'(

    Come back soon :kiss:

  12. I seem to remember you saying something a while back about cheating Internet usage. What did you mean by that? Is there a way to get more Internet usage than you are allocated?

  13. Kk.

    Good night

  14. Really, if you are going to get a gun, get something that won't kill someone. It's too easy to freak and shoot someone getting a fright.

    You hear of so many accidental shootings in the US

  15. :LOL:

    They aren't hard to use though. Load, aim, the hardest part is usually aiming. But some guns are hard to load.

  16. Shit...that sounds scary.


    The worst that can happen to a kid (in the city I live in) is someone might try and sell you weed in class or if your a smart arse get chased by year 13s with a crowbar :chuckle:


    Though, one guy got kicked out for trying to sell weed in class (his parents named him Stoner :facepalm:) then his dad came to the school after hours with a gun. It was only boarders there and the cops came before anything happened...

  17. It's a good place to come for a holiday :yesey:

    And you only get mugged in one or two cities :awesome:

  18. I don't think it's on our Television (I live in New Zealand). Where are you from?

  19. Nope? What is it?

  20. :LOL:


    So how about that weather?:chuckle:

  21. I'm not really sure either tbh...

  22. Look, I know I overreacted and I apologize. Let's just move on eh?

  23. I can't explain it.

  24. Then you never will get it.

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