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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. What you haven't done

    8)British Sea Power

    9)The Fratellis (which I already know a bit from

    10)Kings of Leon. (which I HATE)

    11)oF Montreal





    Band; Kings of Leon. The bassist is really hot.

    Sound; Alternative, never search Kings of Lion, you'll find too many videos from The Lion King .

    Voice; Caleb knows how to sing, but sometimes how he sings annoys me.

    Listen to more;

    Songs Listened; Closer, Sex On Fire.

    Best Song; Sex On Fire.



    Band; Arctic Monkeys

    Sound; Indie , Rock Alternative.

    Vocals; at the begining i thought that Alex doesn't know how to sing, teen voice at the first two cd's, you'll miss it in the last one .

    Listen to more; , they're really amazing.

    Songs listened; Brianstorm, Mardy Bum.

    Best song; Brianstorm.



    Band; Gallows

    Sound; They sounded good at the begining of Misery, they kinda remind me of One by Metallica, but then, THEN the siger started to scream and, i dun like that . They want to sound like Rammstein and Slipknot.

    Vocals; The singer wants to be like the guy from AFI and Chester form Linkin Park, he has tattos and all . Has a good resistance screaming tho .

    Listen to more; no.

    Songs listened to; Misery, In The Belly Of A Shark.

    Best song; Misery.



    Band; Paper Route

    Sound; Alternative, and they use keyboards, proably a bit of Interpol there, idk.

    Vocals; Kinda good, he remind me of the singer of Papa Roach .

    Listen to More; Perhaps, i need another listen.

    Songs listened to; Wish, Are We All Forgotten?

    Best song; Are We All Forgotten.



    Jeff Buckley.

    Songs: Lover You Should've Come Over, Yard Of Blond Girls.

    Soft Music, beautiful vocals, kinda sad but peacefull, a really big influence in Radiohead .

    Worth it.



    The Arcade Fire.

    Songs: Wake Up, My Body is a Cage.

    They have violin and synths and an accordion, which is really unusual, the style of the vocalist remind me of Elbow.

    Best Song; My Body Is A Cage.

    If i don't listen anything more of them i'll burn in hell, they're amazing.


    Band; British Sea Power

    Sound; Rock, Alternative.

    Voice; Like the guy from Interpol, very good voice.

    Listen to more;:stunned::yesey:!

    Songs listened; Man Of Aran, Remember Me.

    Best Song; Both, Man of aran was instrumental, beautiful piece.


    Band; Art Brut

    Sound; Brithiiiiiishh, a reference of them could be The Kaiser Chiefs.

    Voice; strong british accent, but i like it.

    Listen to more; Of course!, I love it.

    Songs listened to; Emily Kane, Direct Hit.

    Best Song; Both , but i can't stop listening to Direct Hit .




  2. Here is the list we have so far.


    The pains of being a pure heart.

    Songs listened to; Higher than the stars, Young adult fiction, Everything with you.

    Uses generic pop drum beats and quite a bit of synth. They are probably heavily electronic, Bass is quite good. Uses atmospheric vocals-I think they use both male and female vocals.

    Best song; Young adult fiction.

    Could be better-they have potential.

    Worth listening to; yes, but their music is a bit samey.




    Listened to; Beauty, Morning light.

    Music kind of similar to early TK (the pop side). Quite slow but upbeat at the same time. If that makes sense. Good use of bass. The Music sounds quite dark, but I didn't really listen to the lyrics. They use a few different vocalists, the vocals are quite atmospheric as well.

    Worth finding more? Yes.


    Band; Animal Collective

    Sound; Very Synthy. Probably entirely electronic music. A bit repetitive. Lots of different layers and sounds in the music.

    Vocals; Not very strong, and probably not much focus on the lyrics. Lots of back up vocals

    Listen to more; I wouldn't get more. I didn't really enjoy, but you might want to have a listen.

    Songs listened to;

    -What would i want? Sky

    -My Girls

    Best song; My girls


    Band; Guided By Voices

    Sound; They use a mixture of real instruments and some synth. Quite cool really. Nothing really too new about it. Do both soft and heavy

    Vocals; A mixture of singing and close to speaking. Very British.

    Listen to more; Definetly. My favourite so far. Probably the least popular so far though, they are clearly self produced and VERY indie.

    Songs listened to; Teenage FBI and I am a scientist.

    Best song; Both


    Band; The Shins

    Sound; Acousitc, quite slow. Use of a few different types of percussion

    Vocals; Moody and slow.

    Listen to more; I wouldn't, but i could see why people would like them

    Songs listened to; Phantom Limb, New Slang

    Best song; Phantom Limb


    Band; Pavement

    Sound; Quite a variation in sound, some heavier, but lots of plucked instruments.

    Vocals; Very British, almost spoken lyrics, puts emotion into it.

    Listen to more; Yes, they have potential.

    Songs listened to; Stereo, Shady Lane

    Best song; Stereo. Shady Lane had been listened to way more times, and is probably recorded better, but I liked Stereo more. Shady Lane didn't have the "X-factor"


    Artist; Andrew Bird

    Sound; you have to see for yourself. He plays violen, guitar, whistles, sings...it's hard to explain.

    Voice; to top it off he has a good voice.

    Songs listened to; Imitosis, A nervous Tic Motion

    Best; listen to A Nervous Tic Motion. Watch the love performance on YouTube

    Listen to more; yes. He makes me curious.


    Band; The Strokes

    Music; I can't think how to describe it. They are rock though

    Voice; strong voice.

    Songs listened to; vision of division, ask me anything

    Best song; Vision of Division.

    Listen to more; I wouldn't


    Band; The Thermals

    Sound; indie pop/punk. Very generic

    Vocals; crap.

    Songs listened to; I don't remember and I don't want to.

    Listen to more; hell no.


    Band; SilverSun Pickups

    Songs listened to; Panic Switch, The Royal We.

    Sound; is awesome a sound? I can't really explain it. They use eery synth and cool bass.

    Vocals; I don't like many female vocalists, but this girl is :awesome: Edit; it turns out the singer is a dude. The girl does back up.

    Best Song; Panic Switch

    Listen to more; YES!

    Other info; Go to their myspace song and you can download a free song :awesome:


    Band; The hives

    Sound; The music may have been also Punk? I'm not really sure, but it's quite cool. Not exactly and original sound though

    Vocals; The vocalist lives up to his nickname "howlin' Pelle Almqvist". He has a raw, untrained, untainted voice. I'm not sure if I like it yet

    Songs listened to;Tick Tick Boom, Try it again

    Best song; Tick Tick Boom

    Listen to more; yes.



    Band; Chesterfield kings

    Sound; Psychedelic

    Vocals; all most country. Very whiney.

    Listen to more; I wouldn't bother.

    Songs listened to;

    -I don't Understand

    -Up and Down

    Best; I don't undersand. It was shorter.




  3. :cool:


    Artist; Andrew Bird

    Sound; you have to see for yourself. He plays violen, guitar, whistles, sings...it's hard to explain.

    Voice; to top it off he has a good voice.

    Songs listened to; Imitosis, A nervous Tic Motion

    Best; listen to A Nervous Tic Motion. Watch the love performance on YouTube

    Listen to more; yes. He makes me curious.



    I've done all mine. You're a lil behind aren't you :p

  4. now we sit back and wait for the beef :yesey:

  5. But you've replied to all my messages, it wouldn't take any longer :supersad:

  6. You couldve done it by now.

  7. I think one took me seriously, the rest ignored me :p



    You should quote me and say "agreed" to get them going :awesome:

  8. I can't remember. :facepalm:

  9. I just trolled in PMT :chuckle:

  10. Yep :chuckle:

    I might do it again actually.

  11. No:phu:


    I went there once to piss people off:chuckle:

  12. Band; The Thermals

    Sound; indie pop/punk. Very generic

    Vocals; crap.

    Songs listened to; I don't remember and I don't want to.

    Listen to more; hell no.

  13. I don't know. They just did nothing for me :erm:


    I have. Lots. But not any more. I'd just rather keep it private :LOL:

  14. It's bad cause he will know more about my Muse problem :LOL:

  15. Band; The Strokes

    Music; I can't think how to describe it. They are rock though

    Voice; strong voice.

    Songs listened to; vision of division, ask me anything

    Best song; Vision of Division.

    Listen to more; I wouldn't

  16. Clearly :LOL:


    My friend knows my username :chuckle:

  17. I'm thinking of changing my name. Any suggestion?

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