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Killer Rabbit

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Everything posted by Killer Rabbit

  1. Think I'm going to try for a ticket to this. Hope I can get something good within my budget. I don't need to be super close to the stage, but I also don't want to be so far back I can hardly hear anything.
  2. That's a pretty good line-up. Muse AND Florence + The Machine at the same gig makes the ticket price and the drive worth it. And ticket sale day is payday …
  3. ^ This! 1000x this! Meeting Musers and partially traveling with Musers made going to the UK solo in 2011 such a blast.
  4. It just stands to reason. This is a sponsored gig. It's going to be, at best, a one hour set of all the hits plus "Dead Inside" and/or "Psycho". Especially if this is going to be recorded for TV, there isn't going to be anything because the songs aren't mainstream/known by casuals. It's the US. We usually tend to get shafted when it comes to these things. The only Muse songs that get any radio play here, if you're lucky enough to be in an area with a station that plays them, are "Uprising", "Starlight", "Madness" and if you're lucky an occasional "Time Is Running Out" or "Knights Of Cydonia". As it is, I've only ever heard "Dead Inside" on the radio a grand total of three times (so far) and got "Survival" once.
  5. It won't be an OMG! rarities set. It will be the standard radio fare of "Madness", "Starlight", "Time Is Running Out", et al with maybe, maybe a heavier track thrown in. Remember … this thing is sponsored by Guitar Center and DirecTV, likely to be aired on the AXS TV channel as part of the "Guitar Center Sessions" series.
  6. I remember you leaving to move back. I ended up filling in your spot so a RATM fan couple could move in with the girl on barrier and the guy acting as a shield. Anyway … looks like the sexy plane for this gig should be a fun one. The first class cabin will be everyone who got screwed by AXS. Business class will be everyone else. There is no coach on Jimmy Kane airlines.
  7. Damnit! Why couldn't this have been announced a week or two ago? I would've saved more money out of my last couple paychecks. I'd totally drive to L.A. for Muse (I've done it before). Ah well … apart from not having the $$, I have to work tomorrow morning and would miss the pre-sale anyway. *sigh* Here's hoping for an S.F. date to be announced #soon (and hoping I can afford it).
  8. The Globalist could just be the overarcing title for the sake of the track listing, while the album liner notes could break down the titles of the individual parts? /grasping Have to admit, I'm nervously excited now after seeing and hearing this video. In my opinion, the closest Muse have ever come to prog rock is on Origin. Even then, they were just grazing at the edges of it. IF they can indeed pull off a full fledged 10 minute prog song, I'll be immensely impressed and satisfied (and hoping it gets in the U.S. set lists).
  9. I'm now wondering if the different parts are sub-titled "movements" in the piece as a whole. Kind of like how Genesis has divisions for "Supper's Ready" and Rush have the seven parts for "2112".
  10. From that video, I think the important thing with this song will be how the disparate parts transition into one another. If this is indeed going to be Muse doing proper Progressive Rock, it's going to have to be on point. I'm nervously excited for the finished product.
  11. That riff Matt is playing for this one sounds a bit like the breakdown in the Grand Omega Bosses edit of Assassin (2:30 to 3:20 if anyone cares) I like it!
  12. I really like how Matt's vocals convey the protagonist's obsession/anger towards the object of their affection. Also, while y'all are ragging on it, I really like the line about "outside I'm the greatest guy, but I'm dead inside". For what it's worth, managed to catch this on the radio while going to get dinner last night. This song passes the vehicle speakers test. Sounded ace.
  13. Ha! Figured out why I like the bass line/tone so much. It's basically this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snILjFUkk_A
  14. Didn't know about "The Globalist" thing. Going to have to research that. *using the "Steve" story from the Psycho discussion thread* Steve meets the most amazing person ever and they start dating. (Undisclosed Desires) Steve and his partner date a while and realize that their relationship isn't the best. (Madness) Steve and his partner break things off and decide to see other people. Steve can't handle things as well as he had hoped. (Dead Inside) Steve decides to join the military. (Psycho) I have just created links between songs to tell a story.
  15. First listen … and I don't know what to think. I'll seriously laugh if this turns out to be the Citizen Erased "sequel". Such a different tone. Musically, it's the best of Undisclosed Desires and Madness thrown together, which is great. Going to listen again and see if it's a grower.
  16. Between Psycho and Reapers, I'm liking what I'm hearing so far. Granted the cellphone vids of Reapers aren't the best, but there's enough audible to give me a hint of the flavor.
  17. So, is that double-tracked Matt doing the "I'm gonna make you, I'm gonna break you, I'm gonna make you a fucking psycho" bit? Wonder if Chris will end up doing that bit live. We'll know in a few days.
  18. So … is it just my ears, or does Psycho share a little bit of its sound with The Beautiful People? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypkv0HeUvTc&spfreload=10
  19. I have a thought but I'm not quite sure how to word it, so bear with me. On one level, we have Matt whose lyrics of late haven't been the greatest (if ever). On another level, we have a song with something to say. I agree that bits of the lyrics are hilarious, but that's because some of the shit that drill sergeants/drill instructors say when hurling out their abuse is pretty damn funny when it is looked at out of context. For example: "Texas? Only two things come from Texas: steers and queers. You don't look like no steer to me." I think right now we're having a laugh, but maybe in time we'll realize that this song is actually pretty damn dark and we all like our Dark!Muse. I now return you to your regularly scheduled posting.
  20. Huh … It's actually cheaper by $5 to buy the vinyl and CD/DVD separately than getting the Deluxe Edition. I wonder if having the art prints would be worth the difference. In either event, I need to at least get the vinyl since I have all the other albums on that format. I really only want the combo pack for the DVD. The CD will likely never get played.
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