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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Haha, I exactly know how it is to be the fangirl XD My best friends had to live through my Johnny Depp fandom XD They survived that so they can survive almost anything ;)

    Now I'm going to make my friend, who joins me into going to MUSE, the newest Muse Fan XD Mwahahaha

    I guess I'll have to bring my MUSE cds along with me tomorrow evening. (She had the strange urge of wanting to watch vampire movies; the creepy ones).

  2. Yeey, my dad had the binoculars! I'll have to clean them first, but I don't mind :p

    My dad was: You have to clean them before right?

    My mom: It's in November.... <_< Why the rush?

    I'm feeling sorry for the people at the supermarket, I think I'll bounce contantly in my chair! Poor Alice, the one teaching me (yeah, it's funny. My name is Alies, and she used to be mispronounched to Alies. And I used to be mispronounched to Alice XD)


    Well, g2g *waves*

  3. Okay I'll think of that! I'll try to get my dad's ^^

  4. Yeah I would have prefered standing too. Really without a reason, but just because.

    i'll send you a link about where I sit.


    I'm in Ac. The podium is where they are about to play (but I heard rumours of them playing in the middle, but then again; they are just rumours, and you know how rumours shouldn't be taken too serious)

  5. Yeah, the dissapointed feeling of being so close kind of dissapears now. I'm not good at standing to long anyway. (on the christmasshow on school two years ago I couldn't stand too long which ment about 10 minutes.)

    And I guess it's a good first time :D (Now I can finally say that MUSE was my freaking first concert ever :D)

    I've got a seatnumber. But first row! (sadly the place they play is on the other side of the arena. But I guess that's okay ^^)

    And next time I won't be a donkey (prob again a dutch sentence; a donkey doesn't hit his head on the same stone a second time; making the same mistake again). Now I'm somewhat more experienced, I guess there are more concerts to follow :D (starts saving right now XD)

  6. I've got tickets! I was so damn close to the standingtickets! But the website didn't tell us that we had entered a wrong code (there were two codes on my dads creditcard, but we kept entering the 4number one, but we had to enter the 3number one) So that's why I have two seattickets instead. Bit dissapointed for being so close. But hey, I'm going to my first Muse Concert and now we know this for the next time ^_^

  7. thanx for the tip ^_^

    Okay, Im getting way too stressed right now. At the same moment I'm incredibly tired (after work and stuff. I sleep badly; thanx to Muse XD)

    I hope I'm going to freak out in a positive way (aka jumping through the house and stuff) between 17:00 and when the tickets are gone. I dearly hope so. It's my first time. and my dad will be the one behind the computer (I'm giving the orders, mwhahahaha)

    I'm excited about it, but I'm afraid to be dissapointed. I really hope I won't ^_^

    yeah beautiful is incredibly subjective. Even my mom and I argue about the fact that blue eyes with black hair is beautiful or not. I claim it is, she doesn't.


    I've got to go now. Cleaning my desk so that no headsets will interrupt my dad and I ^_^

  8. You have a cool dad! Haha, well, if my friend has to cancel the concert, my little (who's about a few cm larger than I am Grrfff... ;) ) brother wants to join me in going to the concert. (IF we get the tickets ofcourse). He just doesn't want to be around TWO girls :LOL:

    And haha, if teens would claim that all together I would instinctly not like the books at all. And I would ask them to learn proper english XD And to be honest; I don't think the Twilight Saga contain the best books at all! I mean; haven't those teen read Jane Eyre? Or some other juwels from English and Homelands literature? I just guess they are frightened by the word (old) literature. And what about Pride & Prejudice (however Jane Eyre is my fav. The romance in P&P doesn't really show, where it does in Jane Eyre. I completely fell in love with Edward Fairfax Rochester XD)

    I thought that Jasper's expression was soooo funny (but I guess that doesn't really do the movie justice.) You know, Twilight (mostly refering to the movie) is like; at first you think: Woaw it's awesome! And you join boards and stuff. And next you keep visiting those boards (or one in my case) because you have made connections there, but you think to yourself... yeah... how can they be so hysterical over a photograph?

    I will probably do go to the New Moon movie. But at the moment I'm not like: OMG! I'm so excited! I really thought the trailer on MTV wasn't good. I hope it was just a draft really. And the eyes on the still of Carlisle! People shouted (in digital message way) WOAW! That's just an awesome picture. And I, as a Dr. Carlisle fan of that board was like: OMG! He looks creepy! Almost got me terrified!

    I've read the draft also! My dad was thinking a was going mad, reading it at night, behind the computer. And I was hooked on the Twilight book too. I had read it within two days (reading secretly at school too, during boring lessons).

    I think the problem with the hype around Twilight is that people start to overreact. They obsess about the actors on screen instead of the characters in the book. Or no, just in general; they obsess.


    Carlisle Cullen is my fav person in Twilight. So I kinda started to like the actor of the movieaddaption too; as an actor ofcourse. Peter Facinelli. And a friend of mine, also a Carlisle fan, mentioned him having Twitter. So I checked it. Then I reminded myself of the fact that I had drawn him in one of my drawingsmoods (I think it was the same day as my Matthew Bellamy drawing, or the day afterwards). So I decided to send it to him, by Twitter. Never got any respons. Kinda dissapointing. But hey, what else would you expect? :$


    Well, I've got to go. Need to work on 'counter' tomorrow morning again ^^



    (Urg I hate that I have to relogin after I finished writing to message in order to post XD)

  9. Oh, languages aren't really a problem for me. I'm tested to be dyslectic, but still my best subjects were English, French and Literature. And oh boy, you should be happy you don't live overhere. Dutch is claimed to be a pretty hard language! I have people in my class that are smart; they are about to step into university next year (just like I will if I pass), and they still have immense problems with using Dutch. And fool as I am, I'm going to study it on Uni! (Well, yeah, I love languages, especially Dutch, because it's my dream since my 11th age to become an author someday ^_^) And I love english too, however I'm not as good in it as I wished I was.


    Okay, well, I can't do anything more than trying to get them. They start selling at 17:00. So I guess I'll start refreshing (and demanding my dad to sit down next to me with his creditcard ;) ) around 16:45?


    Well, I'm happy you got the tickets :D Now I'm praying for mine :p

  10. My dad dislikes Matthew's voice, his comments make me laugh. Like he also does when my mom and I watch Ghost Whisperer. He claims it's überamerican sentiment. And he was commenting things like that enduring the whole show. At some point he was like: 'Oooh how, sad -sarcastic cough- I think I've got to cry!' Then he looked at me (I was about to explode in laughter) next he looked at my mom. He was like: 'Oooooh NOOOOo You Are Crying!' o_O

    Now not only I, his daughter was addicted to this 'american sentiment' but now he also found his own wife guilty XD

    I really hope I will manage to get those tickets! I really hope it won't be that difficult as in my worst case scenario

    Haha, no I'm not a gamer at all (my lil' bro tries to get me to play DBZ games with him, because he shares the my dbzfandom; just like he does with Twilight. You are not going to believe this; but my brother is around 15 and claimed Twilight to be stupid. But then he was bored and descided to watch the movie online. And he was like: damn, I don't like when my sis is right! And now I just got the books; finally! And I started reading New Moon (haven't seen any Muse reverence yet). I read them in english; less expensive, Breaking Dawn was available and the original language is better, since the translator lacks a lot in the latest translation: Eclipse. And my brother came to my room yesterday. Can I borrow New Moon (1. he's no reader AT ALL 2. Why wouldn't he have problems with the fact it was in English if he hated reading in Dutch already?! 3. what a lame excuse saying that it was to prepare himself for a english monologue for school. XD )

    Going back on topic: I'm not sure if counter was even the right word XD I thought so, but I'm not sure. It's in the supermarket. I *bleep* things XD (no, this really makes sense, right?) I'm the one scanning the products and receiving the costumers' money. (And sadly enough, not keeping it )


    And about Twilight; when I was doing those Mary Sue tests after your comment on my summary, I was like: OMG! Edward is a Gary Stue god! And I don't quite understand Bella at times. And I don't like the actors at all in the movie. (Except; Charlie, Jasper, Alice and Carlisle. Carlisle is my fav)


    Atm I'm reading New Moon, after a wait from december till the beginning of May. (The books had to come from England. But hey, how long a trip from england to the netherlands should take? In my case I guess the books had a Hollandfobia )


    (woops, I guess I chatted waaaaaaaay to much XD)

  11. Hii,

    Well, I'm more of a rocklover. I grew up with the music (80ies, my mom is fond of Creedence Clearwater Revival and stuff like Genesis, Simon and Garfunkel). And I can appreciate most of this music. I'm even terrible fond of Robert Palmer atm (mostly caused by the use of his Bad Case Of Loving You/Doctor Doctor in a fanmade music video about Doctor Carlisle from Twilight *ducks for some books that you are throwing at me now ;) * But hey, at least I'm not Edward obsessed (a)

    In general I dislike the grundge part of metal (and I know that just a small part of the whole metalscene).

    Just had my first day behind counter, and I loved it :D (wow, that was a randomn statement, and I'm going to randomnly change subject again :p)

    And I'm anxious about tomorrow *jumps up for every suspicious sound* because of the presale for MUSE at my homeland. And I'm so terrible afraid of fishing behind the net! (is that even something you would say in english? Or am I literary translating a typical dutch line now? Anyway; I'm afraid for not getting the tickets). it's my first time trying to get tickets for a concert so yeah..

  12. Yeah me too, about the toyboypart. Always have been, never will change. And I'm completely fine with it ^_^ That's probably why I listen to music like RATM and stuff :p Even Rob Zombie XD But no metal for me.

    But I've got to go now *waves* Sorry that the message isn't that long and respondive towards what you said. I'll promiss to really respond after I'm finished with work ;)

  13. Awesome ^_^ Well my influence came from RATM. At first I was only educating myself about Che Guevara, but then we started to talk about the Russian revolution. And then Communism got mentioned so I started to get interested. Not because I follow the way of thinking, but because... yeah it's an interesting history. And I still remember quite a few things learned in those lessons (which I came to know when I had to teach my co-writer about the Russian Revolution for the story, since she never heard of it (:O).)

    I ended up getting good grades, and it's a shame that I couldn't follow history in my 5th and 6th (final year of secondairy) anymore, because I had too many subjects to follow.

    And I remember Anastasia for being the best Disney cartoonmovie I've had ever seen when younger (since I was a big fan of DBZ at the time, I wasn't really a pinkprincess fan ;) )

    And for literatureclass I read a dutch book about the russian dynasty. It's about a guy that's obsessed about the family and discovers that there might be a connection between him and the tsaarfamily. The books is from Rasha Peper and is called Russisch Blauw (Russian Blue)

  14. Haha, me too. or at least in the Russian history, since RATM made me read about it. I'm just interested, nothing more.

    And my mom forced me to learn about Gorbatjov when we had to 'read' about him on Geography. As the 13-yearold I was back then I was like: Why, I don't even know him! XD

  15. Yeah I heard that those are some kind of Mary Sues. But in the text for my dutch exams the author of the article said that back in the days it was not done to write aspects of yourself in a novel. But he also said that nowadays people mark the use of bits of yourself as a literature aspect.

    I always try to create depth in my stories. There is a story I write with another girl where I use a lot of symbolics like the colour red. The title is: The Heir of the Red. And since the maincharacter has hemofolia (or something; blooddissease) the red of the title could mean his blood or the communistic believes. He discovers that his family originally came from Russia; but is he heir of the Tsaar (since Alexeij also had the blooddissease) or is he the heir of the communistic leader Lenin...

  16. Aah, I always take things from myself and make it bigger. This in order to get to know the thoughts and how they should be feeling. If they are not like me in the slightest I wouldn't know how their mind and thoughts work. So there has to be a little of me in there in some degree.

  17. Yeah true. Sounds a little Mary Sueish.

    The two most important characters are the maincharacter and the drummer. For both I have worked out a whole characterquestionaire. And really, believe me, this maincharacter is not superwoman or something XD She has some things she lacks; She's really shy, and feels terrible about herself at times. With her shyness comes the fear that she can say the wrong things.

    But I'll do some mary sue tests on the net (did one, that one said she only got 'my nose', with the conclusion that she could stand on her own feeth.)


    In general I let my maincharacters always have noticeable negative traits. Mostly the I-am-too-shy one, because I know how it is to be like that.

  18. Sure ^_^

    It's about a girl, who's biggest love is drawing. When she gets the chance to come to a concert of one of her favourite bands; called Eclipse, she grabs all curouge together and trows her drawing of the leadsinger on stage (in my dream it was the one of Matt Bellamy I threw on stage; see my photoalbumcover).

    Between all the things thrown on stage Jared (matt) notices the drawing and looks at it. He asks his public if the drawer of this piece is willing to come on stage. So she does. They happen to search for an artist to design their new albumcover, but they do not yet reveal their intentions of hiring her, but give her some small assignments.

    So she gets an emailadress to keep in touch with the band.


    One day she gets a call with the question if she wants to come along with the band, touring around Europe in her summerholiday. She accepts.

    Finally there, the crush she used to have on the leadsinger (who's as unavailable as you ever can be) starts to regrow. She accepts the fact that is notdone and ignores her feelings.

    Then she gets to know Eclipse's drummer better; something starts to grow between them, but hidden secrets and the world of gossipmagazines tend to destroy this one thing they both long for; true love...


    How does it sound? Is it to fangirlish?

  19. JulNaWrimo is a 'contest' for writing novels. It challenges you to write 50.000 words in one month (in this case in July). I'm about to write a story about the dream I had about MUSE :p

    Long Live YouTube ;)

  20. Hi ^^

    French exam was like... hmm.. I don't know. Didn't feel bad, didn't feel good... let's see when the results are there.

    Haha, yeah that would be very handy. Well, I know some because I had to follow the Germanclasses for about 4 years. I used to do very well, untill they stopped acting important. But German is somewhat Dutchalike. And especially Frisian looks alike (which I can read and understand when spoken, but I can't talk nor write).

    Yeah, I hope so in the future :p


    Yeah it sucks, but well... I hope for better times with better luck. No, I don't have the tickets yet. They go on sale on the 13th, but presale is earlier. So I'm having bad dreams about that particulair day for a few days more ;) did you get the tickets easily? Because this will be my first time, trying to get tickets. And I'm pretty nervous about it :p

  21. Well, yesterday I watched some DBZ online. Garlic Jr is now present :p I don't like that little man XD And I watched some Ghost Whisperer. Aaaah! I love freedom. That's why I'm going to join JulNaWriMo this July ^_^ I'm excited.

  22. Haha, nice.

    Never heard off. Might look it up some time (I'm kind of watching all anime online, because the only anime they broadcast here are Pokémon and other childish things. Wonder why they stopped broadcasting all-ages-will-like-it-manga)

  23. Hi ^^

    Funny thing. I had my last final exam today; French. I had to answer questions about french texts (most of the questions were in french too). But the final text was about Manga and mentioned Dragonball; even spending two paragraphs talking about Akira Toriyama. So at the end of the exams you could see me with a huge grin on my face; not because it went so well, but just because they mentioned dragonball XD

  24. Aahh ^_^

    It's not really common those things combined ;)

    RATM is my fav band since my 13th/14th year after watching The Matrix.

    So that's my fav band ^_^ Only know RATM fans from online (me = entitled a moderator of vietnow.org, but rarely online)

    I want to be author since the age of 11, that when I wrote my first fanfiction (about DBZ, official a boysanime, but I loved it ^_^)

  25. Heej Jules,

    I really like your name :D Sounds frenchlike ^_^ (In matter of speaking; tomorrow is my final exam French :( I'm in the final year of VWO; I'm told that its compairable with Grammarschool in England. But I guess I'll fail this year... Well, if so, I'll just have to wait one more year for Uni ;) )

    My first language is Dutch (which is not German :p I'm from the Netherlands). It's also the language that I want to study on Uni ^_^ (Biggest dream = being author)


    RATM was on Pinkpop which was in the south of our country. I live in North. And I WAS allowed to go, IF more than two people joined me (I was end 16 at the time). Well, since I only knew one friend that kind of likes festival/rock music <_<

    But that same person is going to join me in the MUSE concert, if we get the tickets.


    Wow, I typed way to much again. Hope you don't mind ^_^

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