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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. oh and yesterday she told me she knew my password 123456 and she couldve gotten on...

  2. enough evidence?

  3. does that help? we have 3 computers accually but one isnt hooked up to the inernet its hooked up to the piano

  4. plus im on the slowest computer in this house the other one is a HP this ones a dell

  5. we do have another computer in this house its possible she couldve gotten on it...

  6. NEW MEXICO!!!!

    i doubt theyve been here!

    Albuquerque, NM to be percise.

  7. OH OK ILL BE QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. 12 till 5? naw ore like an hour... 12 to 1

  9. how are youz?

  10. we should talk about what time you get on so i can ask arond that time.

  11. me too, plus my mom is going out of town for a week and my step dad is more strict about the computer... he might be more nice though...

  12. yeah im sorry, my mom doesnt let me stay on that long... and only like once a week too, but if i go to my friends house i can get on the computer there...

  13. you know that im going up to a cabin on thursday until sunday and then i leave to go back to abq on sunday? yeah so i have a couple of days left on here then i won't be on this long until next summer...

  14. YAY! i love the rain!

  15. OKOK im going now...

  16. oh jeez id kill my shower head if it did that...

  17. i don't take long showers, so ill be back in about 20 to 30 min.

  18. um then i need a shower SOOOO badly, ill be back in a bit k.

  19. how much longer are you going to be on?

  20. i just woke up so nothing really :LOL:

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