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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. i know!!! setty is SOOOO mad at me...

  2. nothing just watched some of thats 70's show!!!

  3. THANKS!!! i got them off of photobucket!

  4. yep!! i know read your conversation!

  5. ummmm, mh? naw AHH! museh! ello museh!

  6. ummm, i don't recall, if i did id ask you how you were now... i didnt know you had brething problems today... how are you???

  7. cydonians society... the group... its on my profile if you want to join

  8. :LOL: im back what do you think about the pic??? (my cousins face)
  9. got to go to the loo brb...

  10. picture.php?albumid=1162&pictureid=10781

    like mattehs face but with her makeup all over her face (shes sweating because its so hot) her eyes are opened really wide and her hair is messed up!!! OMG what a sight! im going to let her in now!!!

  11. its kinda like this...

    hold on

  12. i don't have a camera with me now... sorry

  13. yep! shes still outside... ohhh, you should see her face!!!

  14. MUSE!!!! oh no i need to make up a nick name for you muse...

  15. me: *walks up to cousin and punches her in the arm* why did you do that?!

    c: do what???*mean grin*

    me: dont be a smart ass... *evil look*

    c:*looks at injured arm* youre a bitch!

    me: *grabs her by her hair drags her out of the house and locks all the doors*

    (yep she's pounding on the door!)

  16. first im going to hit her them im going to yell then im going to put her out in ze Arizona heat!!! BRB

  17. OMG hold on my cousin is cming in ze room... must protect...

    (btw she wasnt as funny as i ussually am, right? oh and the PW thing was me...)

  18. *oh you mean the piss off guy?

  19. of you mean the piis off guy???

  20. ohh this "fucking says sorry to setty" wasnt me " and all the yes pleases werent me except for the first one... thats the only song she knows

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