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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. one more day one here then im gone!!! :(

  2. i know it might be a good song but i don't know if it is and know one else does either, plus Albuquerque, NM isnt getting the resistence so why get myself excited over it, btw just read the lyrics... posted on your boat

  3. cfan you send the link???

  4. *sigh* ill go look then...

  5. om weird, i dont like popular things... bliss is REALLY popular so i dont like it as much as i used to and twilight messed up SMBH... and guess what that song is popular too! the only popular things i like are fashion but i dont copy anyone i see... my fashion is ze skinny jeans, DC's, tank top or a t shirt, and a jacket...

    (all of my clothes are either black, red, white, or gray...)

  6. BRB, im fucking hungry!!!

  7. and HOW many times are you going to say that?!

    LOL yeah but i want it to be a surprise, im not excited here so thanks for the information though!

  8. DUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. you havent either and people LOVE it...

    i just don't like popular things but i like popular fashion like skinnu jeans DC's tanks tops and jackets... all my clothes are pretty much red black and white, even my shoes!!! LOL im a matt!

  10. yep!!! took a while to fall asleep though;)

    and why arent you in bed??? its about 12:46 pm here!

  11. LOL

    i LOVE monty python!!!

    yesh matteh will be dead dodo dead wgeb he dies!

  12. LOL i want to see other peoples veiws o this god charater... but i do feel out of place in that group!

  13. SETTy!!! i just woke up hello!

  14. OH and ill be in a cabin from thur until sun so i wont be on! then i go back home so again i won;t be on as much sorry setty! thats why i stayed up late! LOVEs YA!

    NIGHT SETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. lol SETTY ITS 4:35 AM HERE STAYED UP FOR YOU YETim not tired but need to try! LOVE YA ill be on tomaorrw!!!

  16. LOL his wisdom guys!! look!

  17. adromeda galaxy! PFFT! i could do WAYYYY better than that!

  18. LOL apperantly i picked the right words then, my stupid space knowledge!

  19. oh...i also WAS the words right??? i was really captivated with the words while i was writing them


  20. dont worry i look at yours all the time!

  21. OMG! youre checking my profile arent you!

  22. :D im full of love baby!! LOL i also WAS the words right??? i was really captivated with the words while i was writing them
  23. may i ask what changed your mind???

  24. LOL i dont want to sleep now!

  25. good, LOL i sent her on a quest

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