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Everything posted by Muse_Fan21

  1. Hey thanks for the friend request :D

    And how are we today?

  2. Hey Laura, we have like 4 started hi/heys to each other so I thought I'd make it 5 :facepalm:

    This England, Australia time diff is so not cool :LOL:

    Also not cool...the England vs Aust ODI. Australia has won 6 out of 7 with one more to go :eek: Broad is so not doing well. He's only played a couple times and got out twice with only two runs :noey: + he hasn't been bowling all too well :LOL: and he tripped on a worm (not literally of course) :chuckle:

    Anyways I'm good :) How about you? ;)

  3. :LOL: when it was translated there were no quotation marks. I thought it was the girl (I wouldn't call crazy, more out of it), but I guess the dialogue got a little mixed up. Still it was very good :kiss:
  4. Hey John, I read your short story :) I think google translated it ok. I really liked it, and your right it was dark. You have quite the imagination :cool: + I really like the guys name ;):D

  5. :LOL: stupid Hotmail put it in my junk box :noey:

    I have to go now :( but I'll deff read it later :D

  6. I know that it may not sound right when translated, but I'll get the idea...+ you made me curious as to how twisted your imagination is :unsure:

  7. I could put it through google translate, besides I've always wanted to learn French ;)

  8. Where and how do you predict, cause it looked to me that the prediction thingy was made on a separate website

  9. A short story hey, I can't write...well I can write but not like stories or anything like that :LOL:


    can you post it up anywhere?


    Oh I have to go now, My dad wants to upgrade my computer...GO TO BED JOHN :fear:

  10. Ok gl at school :chuckle:

    idk about 5-6am will be 3-4am my time so we'll see, I kinda had a late night last night watching the cricket I still haven't watched Australia's innings :noey: Darn time difference, tho England did pretty good :D

    Psst don't tell me who won :p:LOL: I'll probably watch it before we speak next ;)

  11. I can't send you one today coz I already sent too many gifts :eyebrows:

    But I'll try tomorrow :D

  12. Yeah I really like exo... My fave part is Redemption :)

  13. I've had an ok day...not much has really happened :(

  14. Haha well I'm sure you'll have fun


    and I'm great...I hope I'm not in bed when you get back :D

  15. Yes thats what I said


    What's you #1 fave muse song?

  16. Yeah, last time I voted Blackout and Fillip.


    This time I voted Shine Acoustic...Is my favourite song atm :D

  17. Cool


    Have you nominated in the Muse Song Tournament 2 - Nomination Round thread yet?

  18. Yeah, but I go to T.A.F.E so we go to class at different times diff days. :)

    You still in school?

  19. Don't feel bad John...My name is Sam :D


    And I went to bed at 5am last night :p...I know so not good for me

  20. Oh hey there, its 4pm here


    what time is it over there?

  21. Wow so here we go again...Thanks for starting this, last time you did this I was pretty much a noob as far as muse song were concerned. And another thanks cause I found a lot of muse songs like Piano Thing that I had never heard of before the tournament :D


    Also wasn't there a way to vote in advance which songs you thought were gonna win before the comp actually started...could you please tell me how :)

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