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Everything posted by Muse_Fan21

  1. Hey Jenny :kiss:

    Thats ok. How are you today?

  2. Bye Dudette :kiss:

    Say hi to baby for me :D

  3. Hey Jenny :kiss:


    not much, I've gone into depression cause I can't get BDO tix...Muse will be in Australia and I can't see them :(

    Maybe I can find out what airport they will be flying to and and stalk them :shifty:

  4. :eek: all the musers on this board are either going or has just been to a muse gig :(


    :) I'm happy that you get to go:dance: I MUST GET BDO TICKETS :moody: sorry bout that :erm:


    :chuckle: matching t-shirts would be soo cute :chuckle:

  5. I hope I do get tickets. It would be my first festival and first muse show all wrapped into one :happy:

    But I did hear that muse are coming back to Australia mid 2010 so I will definitely be going to see them then :D

    So my first festival will be Soundwave. Which is ok, the line up is better cause the only group I like playing at the BDO is muse

  6. Not yet :shifty:

    I was on Ticketmaster (the site that sells the BDO tix) at 9am on the dot (the time they went on sale) and for about 15minutes I was there re-typing random words into those security boxes trying to get 2 tix but it sold out to quickly :(

    You know where all the tickets went? On ebay, thats where they are. People are now reselling the tickets for $300+ each :ekk: 1 for the price of 2 :noey:

    Now I'm hoping they put on another BDO show in QLD cause they already did for Sydney :eyebrows:

    That or I'm gonna have to win tix cause there is no way I'm paying $300 per ticket :noey:

  7. Hey Laura :kiss:


    I've been good. I got a job at Maccas :D only they're taking on a lot of ppl cause there's a new Maccas opening up just down the road from me. Its like a 2 minute walk from my house. So I'm not sure when I'll be called in for my first shift :erm:


    What have you been up to :eyebrows:

  8. Hey Renee :kiss:


    Maccas still haven't called me in for my first shift, so I called them today and the manager said that they're taking on a lot of ppl for the new Maccas opening up just down the road from me and she doesn't know when I'll be called in for my first shift :'(...So now I'm looking for more work. It seems like even when I get called in I wont get very many hours cause of all the training of the new ppl :(


    And the BDO tix sold out like 15 minutes after they went on sale. It started at 9am and I was there re-typing in the security box over and over but I didn't get any :( The BDO in Sydney put on another show so I hope they do the same here. Or if muse did a sideshow that would be great :D


    Btw how was your muse gig? Tell me the awesomeness that was muse live :eyebrows:


    Sam :)

  9. Aw you poor thing...:shifty::chuckle:

  10. YES and YES :D Yesterday I got an email saying congrats you got the job :awesome: then it said I had to take an online Maccas quiz and I was like :( but I keep reading and it said that the quiz should take about 2 hours and that I would be paid for those two hour and I was all :dance: again.

    The test was really easy, the 2 hour came from reading all about OHS laws and diversity cultural and how to interact with your work mates and stuff that I already know from my T.A.F.E course ;) The quiz was only 20 questions and that took about 5 mins :eyebrows: So now all I have to do is wait for Maccas to call and tell me when my first shift will :shifty:


    How many day till your muse/U2 concert? BDO tickets going on sale in a couple of days and I'm trying to convince my sister to go with me :) I've never been to a festival before so this would be a great first :D I just don't think I would ever top it :chuckle:

  11. Hahahaha love your avatar.:yesey: Ken Barlow :chuckle:

  12. Nope 2 hours until the interview and at 3am I woke up with a cold :( still gonna go, I just hope I don't get the boss sick :D He wont like that at all :noey:


    8 days to go :awesome:

  13. Hi Renee :kiss:

    Yep no more dust. Another lot came though a couple of days ago but no where near as bad as the first lot ;)

    I'm glad your pumped...Summers is coming early, its so hot here and I get heat stroke very easily :erm:

    Hey guess what...I'm going for an interview tomorrow at Mcdonalds :awesome: Its my first interview ever and I am very nervous :vomit::cool: I'm still applying for work but I hope I get this job...I think it would be a great experience as a first job. :D

    What about you? How is America treating you :eyebrows:

  14. I would love to go as a group. Only I live in Brisbane and I know most musers on this board live down south. Are there any Brisbanites? If not then I have some relatives living in Sydney that need visiting and I'm due a holiday But yeah great idea
  15. Hey Joey...Happy Birthday :dance::party::dance::party::dance::party::dance::party:


  16. Got to go for dinner now

    Have you been watching the cricket ICC Champions Trophy. England beat Sri Lanka :D

    Isn't Andrew Strauss romantic :p:LOL:

  17. Like your sig:D

    Its all in the reflexes

  18. I bought the CD/DVD and I put it on repeat :D

    3rd time now :shifty: I need help :facepalm:

    Have you seen the making. Omg its amazing :eek:

  19. Me too.

    2 hours :eek: daredevil :p

    Yeah I need to play a sport that wont leave me in bruises :LOL:

    Have you bought The Resistance yet?

  20. gl and finger hurts so bad :LOL:

  21. I have The Resistance on repeat 3rd play now :facepalm: I need help :yesey:

  22. I'm good too :D tho I stubbed my toe a couple of days ago and yesterday my brother hurt my finger while playing cricket and they're both still hurting. Typing isn't very easy :(

  23. Haha. Poor unliked girl :LOL:

    My brother hurt my pinky yesterday while playing cricket and its still fat :(


    How are you?

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