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Everything posted by Muse_Fan21

  1. aw, yeah all I really did was fetch the tools :LOL:

    Hey I'll try to come back on later, right now i'm having dinner.

    Bye Jen:kiss:

  2. Just backyard cricket for me :) Sometimes I'll play other things but I'm not that sporty :noey:

    I'm gonna have to go soon for dinner, were having fish and veg :D

  3. Today I did a lot of cleaning the house, assist my dad in fixing something on the car (don't ask me what he was doing it looked complicated) :chuckle: And then we played cricket(it was very hot) and I still smell of sunblock :rolleyes: I won of course :D

  4. Sports day, cool. :awesome: Do you play any sport?

  5. Oh bugger, I think that might be one of the stations we turned off coz no one watched it :( I know SBS is covering it for Aus I'll check there later. I love 20/twenty's coz they have to hit the ball:LOL: Its fun to watch

  6. Um just googling that now;) it'll be on at 11pm my time. i'll check later to see if I have sky 2, coz i know I have sky but thats it:LOL: *hopes i do* :D

  7. +1 :eyebrows:

    Ah I was so close :p

    And sure you can, QLD (the sunshine state) I live in Caboolture a town just above Brisbane :)

  8. k

    How are you?

    Dudette says its a nice day today:D

  9. Was a really good day today. We played backyard cricket and I won :D It was really hot and I smell of sunscreen :chuckle: Right now its 6pm. typing with one hand, carrot in the other :rolleyes:


    what time is it in England? 10am-ish?

  10. Hey Dudette,:kiss:

    How are you?

  11. 1600 pounds:eek: thats crazy


    Usually I would be on the boards any time between 1amish your time, to 2 in the afternoon your time which on week days would make it hard for you coz of school and stuff.

    Maybe if we have a weekend party at my house this time and you and Dudette stay up.:LOL:

    Now all we need is something to celebrate. Hey when do the 1 day test matches start again? I'll probably stay up late for that.:D


  12. Aw I'm sorry, my dads going through the same thing right now. Looking for work right now is hard, even for me. I mean its not like they would have to pay me much :rolleyes: I wanna job :(


    Hey I just got an email from cinebuzz (cinema) about New Moon tix. I told my sister and she went crazy (big twi fan):chuckle: one credit card later (my dads) :p and we're going to see the first screening of New Moon on november 19th at midnight :D

  13. Hello Ionnas, :kiss:


    I'm great :awesome:

    Almost recovered from the Ashes, I've been feeling sickish for the past couple of days. I think it was my body way of telling me never to stay up so late every day for a week, Then to top it off stay up all night partying in front of your computer screen with British musers. Yes thats right England won :dance:


    And how are you?

  14. Almost, I've been feeling sickish for the past couple of days. I think it was my body way of telling me never to stay up so late every day for a week, Then to top it off stay up all night partying in front of your computer screen :LOL: Other then that I've been good


    How have you been? There is only a week until the Den concert, I so wish I could go :(

  15. Been a bit sick these past few days, but other then that life has been :awesome: I think the sickness is cause through Thursday to Sunday I was staying up till 3am-5am every night watching the Ashes (England was hosting so the time difference f**ked things up a little) and on the last day, Sunday I stayed up all night celebrating :party: with a couple of English musers, cause England won:dance: . Btw the Ashes is like a cricket war between England and Australia that we have every year and a half. Next time I'm gonna make Dudette and musefan28 stay up :p

    And how are you?

  16. Waking The Demon was the first song I heard too. My sister is a big fan, I bought her both their albums:) And now I'm starting to like them. What are your favourite songs?
  17. Hey, I've seen you "frightened" picture. I love the eyes, and the noes, and the mouth. ok I love it all.:D

    And some of you pix have turned blue;)

  18. Happy 19th Birthday :dance::party::dance::party::dance:

  19. Hey Jenny i'm off for a little while.

    Be back on later bye :kiss:

  20. Aww. please make a copy for me :happy:

    Well I'm off to Jenny's, but I'll be around later to help clean the mess;)

    byebye hon :kiss: Oh and we'll have to do this again be4 I go back to Aus. K

  21. Broard has had a lot to drink too as you already know. But hold on *goes to the door* its andrew strauss he says that they have a game against the West Indies tomorrow, well its late so about 5 hours time and they need to sober Broard up :noey: why didn't he tell us

    *give Broard a kiss on the cheek* :kiss: bye bye hon *leads them out*

    Well Dudette that was some party, but :LOL: look at Chris and Dom sitting on the couch together sleeping. quick get the camera

  22. Omg he is so cute

    and they have made him do the spins as well:D

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