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Everything posted by Muse_Fan21

  1. Hey Meg,


    I don't know if you know this, but Peter Jackson has just made a movie for The Lovely Bones staring Mark Wahlberg and Rachel Weisz as the parents :D


    Thought I'd tell you since you're such a big fan of the book :)

  2. Hey Jenny :kiss:


    Sorry for not answering you. I was so bored and I found bingo on facebook, so I opened another window to play it and didn't see the chat box before it was too late :(


    No :( no tickets yet and I don't think I will end up getting any :'(

    And working at Macca's is ok. So far only I have been working from 4pm-8pm but now that the new store is opening up I have 3 6am starts :eek: Most days I try not to get up before 10 :LOL: Now I'm gonna have to get up at 4am just to make myself look pretty :moody:

    My first 6am start is on monday the same as my final day of tafe (for this certificate) which ends at 9pm :eek: I'm gonna be so tired :sleepy:

    But anyways how are you? Looking forward to Wem or is that still too far away?

  3. Yes we do have fried apple pies :awesome: and the food isn't free :( only half price :noey: so far I haven't had a long enough shift to bother eating there. My first long shift will be on the 5th and thats 7 and half hours. Too bad I hate salad, I'm gonna have to eat a burger :eek:

    It's the end of certificate 2 though this second job (the one I'm hoping will be in a music or book store) is part of it, so I have to work 80hours for free and hope that they will keep me on (with pay)

    No I'm not going to wait until the 23rd, I meant that I just wanted to see brisbane all busy at like 1am with all the Christmas trees and lights and stuff :)

    I've already bought some of my presents :D

    And your right about the boards being a bit boring. I think we joined when a lot was happening and we aren't used to the boards being so slow.

  4. Hey Renee :kiss:


    I'm very good. The new McDonald's store is opening on monday and I have a 6am start :eek: It also happens to be the last day of my tafe course and that goes from 6pm-9pm :eek: :eek: gets up really early and goes to bed really late cause I live an hour away from campus :'(

    On the plus side because of the new store 1. we get a free lunch immediate family only, its what it says on the invitation :LOL: and 2 my days have gone from 2 days a week to 4 days a week :D plus with my course ending I'm gonna be working in another retail store *is hoping for a music or book store* :)

    Finally I have money to buy people presents for Christmas :happy:

    Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? :eyebrows: I'm going to make my family go into Brisbane on the 23rd cause thats the only day the shops stay open all night :awesome:


    I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving :)

    Sam xoxo

  5. Hey Jenny :kiss:

    I see your going to see muse live at Wembely next year:awesome: . Jealous, but happy for you :D

    Working, studying, boring. :stunned:

    How are you :eyebrows:

  6. Hey Renee :kiss:

    Job is pretty good. It'll do until I can get this work experience through tafe so I can get a job in retail which is really what I want. Until then 'Would you like fries with that?' :facepalm:

    So how have you been?



  7. Hey Dudette :kiss:

    Just got back form the cinema. Watched New Moon and it's now 3am...so tired :erm:

    How are you?:)

  8. Hey! I see it was your birthday was on the 4th, Happy Birthday :party:


    Did you find the book you were looking for? :)

  9. :LOL: My sister thought Matt was facing the other way when she first saw it. :chuckle:


    Hey how was the muse gig in Berlin?

    I'm must be the only muser that never been to a muse concert :( and I still don't have BDO tix :moody:

    So how good was it. Did they play your favourite songs?:D

  10. :party: Happy birthday Mozzie :party:
  11. Well I'm back :)


    So 8 others turned up and we all had to squeeze into a very small room and watch a video with very happy and enthusiastic people talking bout how great McDonald's is. The video also taught us how to handle a robbery, and treat people with respect and all about hygiene like MAKE SURE YOU WASH YOU HANDS. yep thats it. And now I don't start for two weeks :( I wanna work now :moody:

    Right now there is a massive storm over us, I love storms :D


    Aw I hope your daughter get well soon :) And I'm sure you'll get a job in no time. You sound like a nice, smart, funny person. Well over the internet :erm: I'm sure you're the same irl :shifty::rolleyes:


    Oh god every time there is a crack of thunder it scares me :chuckle::facepalm:


    Sam :kiss:

  12. Hey Renee! :kiss:


    Guess what...I have an orientation today with Maccas :D Last week I got a call from one of the managers saying I've missed my first shift :eek: I said to her that I didn't know that I had a shift, she says that she posted it online and that because I wasn't paying attention that I'd have to delay my start for two weeks :( only I check the site everyday and when I went to my roster section there was nothing there :erm: So I call her back and she admits that they have had some trouble with the online roster :noey: Then says that I still should have known to come in cause the other two ppl that were supposed to start the same time as me remember to come in. I told her that this is the first time Maccas has contacted me and that I don't have a uniform. And she was like er..um..someone should have contacted you last week, so come in next monday for an orientation.

    And now its next monday and I have to be there in three hours :unsure:


    Sam :)

  13. :party: Happy Birthday Niall :party:


    I think that the third time I've said happy birthday :chuckle:

    I swear I'm not stalking :shifty::ninja:

  14. Hey! I did start reading it but have to take it back to the library. There were a few books that I wanted to loan that weren't in the library at the time, so I put them all on hold and they all came in at the same time :chuckle: So I couldn't finish it. But I'm definitely going to re-loan it soon :)

    I'm pretty sure Zürischnurre and the_invincible_dude has read it if your wanting to know what its like or just want another persons pov.

    Have you read it?

  15. Happy Birthday Psyche :dance::party::dance::party:


  16. Well I'm glad your having fun with your homework :D

    I have to go to bed now I'm falling asleep at the keyboard :sleepy:

    Goodnight Dudette :kiss:

  17. I understand how you feel. Hey its getting late and I have tafe tomorrow so I'm hopping off line now.

    gl with your lazy boy loving best friend :chuckle:

    Bye Jen :kiss:

  18. Yes we are :D I've only ever seen one other muser (sticker on the back of a car) before the resistance and now they seem to be everywhere:awesome:

  19. I'm good, but tired. Its 11pm and I have tafe tomorrow :( why am I up? I do not know :unsure:

    I'm usually good at staying up late :fear:

    And how are you today?

  20. Bugger, hey ever since you mentioned that "does he wash up, no he never wash up" song, I can hear it playing everywhere. Also the music clip came on a couple of weeks ago I was like :vomit: The Australians are now singing along to it :noey:

    I did however go into Best and Less and they were playing all of The Resistance :awesome: I ended up trying on everything in that store:facepalm:

  21. Aw you poor thing, what are you going to do with her teach her the ways of muse :eyebrows::rolleyes:

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