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Everything posted by Tacticalkat

  1. Hahhahahaha that would be quite a spectacle! I have heard the Bowie rumour too, I think I'd like to see him just to see how he performs these days. Though nothing could beat him in Labrynth. Sigghhh.
  2. You know I love weekends like that sometimes, they are the shizzle! I HATE daylight savings with a passion! It takes me like over a week to get used to it and I get really grumpy! I should also go to bed!
  3. Oooh hello! Didn't think anyone would be on! Friday night had dinner in the viaduct at a place called Mecca for a mate's birthday. The most ridiculously overpriced place I have ever been to in my life! The average glass of wine was $10! And there was one for $17 per GLASS!!! Service wasn't great and my ginger beer was flat so it wasn't that great, but we had fun all the same! Today I had a mad shopping spree, (very rare for me) top to toe outfitted in under two hours which was sweeeet as I hate shopping! Tonight have been to Parnell to see my friend's band play, which was really cool. How about you?
  4. Yaay new thread!!! Hahaha it took them long enough to notice we were over! Nearly 11 thousand! Hope everyone is having a good weekend, I haven't been on the board since Friday and have been having withdrawls from all your stories. I am sad!!!!!
  5. I heard Sunburn playing in the background on the New Zealand version of 'Stars in their Eyes' it was while the performers were talking about themselves, and then after that they played some hideous cover of Hysteria in the background. So random.
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