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Everything posted by Tacticalkat

  1. OMG! GO! I'm going! (don't tell anyone!!) I went last year with my brother and it was the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. There were guys dressed in full ghostbuster regalia, comeplete with their gun things that lit up! Hysterical!
  2. Pretty good! Got loads of study done so I am up to date again, and then got some stuff for my friend's hen party on Sat, and went for dinner and a big walk with my friend and her dogs. Had a few wines as I am on a late shift, was nice! How about you?
  3. Yeah, and I remember mine telling us that it should always have some percentage because it will always be able to pick up sentances from a particular topic, and I've never had it happen! I have kept her email assuring me it's fine, just incase they try and tell me I haven't submitted it or something. Oh AUT, how I hate you!
  4. OMG turnitin sucks a fat one. I submitted my assignment to it today, and it came back with 0% which I thought was impossible??? Especially since I have direct quotes from books, it reckoned there was nothing compatible that is could find, highly suspect I think! Emailed my lecturer about it and she reckons it's a good thing.... um I am convinced it hasn't gone through.... Growling?
  5. BOOOOOOOOOOOO, *runs to get my pitchfork* Sounds fun! My good luck ran out and I had to go help with a spine.... evil evilness, but then we had a baby shower thing for my boss and I got to eat delicious quiche and cake, and watermelon, om nom nomnom!
  6. Ooooh yes! I am a wicked shimmier, though definitely better at shimmying through the crowds when I am drunk! *note to self* I can't believe people actually do this!!!! I have to officially see an orthopaedic surgeon for my knee, bahh! How's everyone's Thursday? I got to work thinking how much study I need to do and how little time I will have to finish it all, set my theatre up, checked the machine and stuff and then found out that they had decided not to used that theatre for the day. So I have study time instead How stoked am I!
  7. Lol I changed the tune too, it is funnier in my memory! I got an email at work this morning about the tsunami, being part of the health board we get stuff like that warning us we might have to go into crisis mode. Poor Samoa though I will likely be going with my friends that work at Universal and Warners, so they will be in the corporate lounge bit, and I know I won't be in there with them, so I will probably be by myself a lot of the day.
  8. Lol, I'd love to work with someone like you, the antics we could get up to!!!! That's a good idea! And are we all going to try and meet up at some stage? It'd be nice to meet ya'll OMG! How did you find this????!! I have actually been looking for this over the years in the hope that someone would put it up! Me and my brother loved to sing it, and it drove my Mum and Dad crazy. I can still remember the words! I was on just after we moved here and thought it was the coolest thing ever!! So I had to work with the anaesthetist who drove me from theatre on Monday. Eeek! He has got into a load of trouble over it from various people above him.... awkward much? He was super nice all morning, offered to buy me coffee and everything! It was a little awkward but not as bad as I thought it would be!!! And I finished my assignment! woot!
  9. Yeha same all I know is that there are loads of people wanting time off round then and I HAVE to be one of them! LOL I just noticed some of the tags, epic guys! I'm beached!!! Moa for less = brilliant!!
  10. Hi Sorry i don't think I know you?

  11. After talking with some of my collegues it sounds like he can be a bit like that on a regular basis, I have just managed to miss it until now. There are a lot of them like this unfortunately it goes with the job. Which is shit. Anyway hopefully he will behave next time!!! Got to go to bed, so tired! Hope you all have a better day tomorrow!!
  12. There are about thirty so you get to work with a lot, but you tend to have cycles where you work with the same ones a lot. I think the worst thing was that I actually get along reaaaally well with him usually, his wife makes me muffins and we have a good laugh while we work. He just took out all his stress on me, and it was a bit like being hit from the side, just so unexpected, and relentless!
  13. Yeah, because I could not face going back in there, red faced and puffy eyed, and he just gave me no choice, it was really nice. Bit overwhelming actually!! Not used to people being that caring!
  14. And I still don't have a job FUUUU- Oh man you poor thing, being in the middle of the parents crap is the worst thing ever. I don't care how close I am to my family, I DO NOT need to know their issues, it's awful. Oh no! Hopefully you will be surprised and the oldies will have a roaring sense of humour (fingers crossed for you anyway) I'm so glad someone had a good day today, I had the worst day ever. The anaesthetist working with me picked on me all day because he was in such a bad mood, bullied me so bad that I actually had to walk out of theatre and barricade myself in a room and bawled my eyes out for a good hour. One of my supervisors was really good and said he would follow it up as he was so out of line. I've never felt so low or so embarrassed! But then when I text my workmate who is also my climbing buddy, he text and said "me and the wife are on the way to pick you up now, you are going home" And they picked me up, took me for a big walk in the park with the dogs, took me out for dinner and then out climbing. I felt pretty special, no one has ever done anything like that for me before. I'm worried about tomorrow though, my scary boss is going to want to talk to me about it and I really don't want to have to go through it again
  15. Wheat packs save lives man!!! They are fab for my busted jaw AND kneee =) And basically anywhere else that should need it =) Hello all and good night all, 4 hours of climbing has killed me! xx
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