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Status Updates posted by Ahkmed

  1. LOVE YOU xxx :kiss: <3

  2. ??? I don't even understand..what's going on??

  3. come baaack. :( where'd you go???

  4. yes I am :happy: No problem dear! :) <3

  5. You are gorgeous! Just saying. :happy: <3

  6. Ahkmed

    :( Y U SO MEAN.
  7. Ahkmed

    Favourite Muser :awesome: Congrats !

  8. aww :(


    Yeah I don't get that either. There's some homeless people here who like it for some reason. There's soup kitchens and stuff so I don't know why they don't go there. :erm:

  9. YAY FREE SAMPLES. There's a place near us that gives samples out a lot. Friday and Saturday are the best days to go..but they give em out usually every day. :happy:

  10. :LOL: Yes I suppose. I may do that. Free samples sounds fantastic right now.
  11. :LOL: I love doing the free sample stuff. I do that too often with my friends. :$ I think we are going shopping soon though. It's never good to go shopping hungry though.
  12. I mean we have some..but we need to go grocery shopping. We got back from a 2 week vacation so we have like nothing left. :LOL: SO HUNGRY

  13. That's good. I'm fantastic as well. Hungry though..and we have no food. :(

  14. hai. How are you?

  15. You have your title :awesome: Congrats hun! :happy:

  16. love you. olol

  17. Ahkmed

    But don't you dare leave me!

  18. Ahkmed

    That. Was. Awesome. <3 You are amazing Simon.

  19. haha..long story

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