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Status Updates posted by Ahkmed

  1. Hey do you happen to have a link to a torrent from DeadMau5? If so..that would be highly awesome of you! Just let me know..!

  2. Ok well I'll leave you alone now. Good night!

  3. Not really but ok :p How have you been?

  4. I know. :LOL: Don't crush my dreams more than they already are :LOL: It's pretty clear that he doesn't like me. But he smells good so I enjoyed laying on him.

  5. :erm: probably not exciting for you :chuckle: I layed on my friends lap yesterday though :eyebrows: oh yeeaahh
  6. oh sweet. Sounds fun. And I'm honestly the last person to judge. I'm a lord of the rings whore :$. I'm such a geek. But a hot one, innit. I just hung with my bitcheds yesterday. :cool: Yay for having hot guy friends.

  7. /jealous!


    Where you going?!

  8. I am fantastic sir...very very tired though. Got up early for work today :supersad: How are you?

  9. Are we still friends? :supersad:

  10. hey..what is your name!?

  11. HAR HAR nvm..we are on MSN now..you should come on

  12. we're going on Skype if you want to join us YMTers...it's pretty fun.

  13. Well you should too ;)

  14. :awesome: I feel so special.
  15. Oh yeeyaah. It's kind of sad how basically all of my pms are from you :chuckle:

  16. Well while you were doing the groceries I took a shower. So I was naked. because that's how one would take a shower....with no cothes on.

  17. :LOL: Awesome. I'm never going to let it go away either...muahaha
  18. :( You have to wait! I will only give my photos when you do on christmas :phu:

    Oh and I did take photos yesterday cause I got a new bra. Yep. That's right. It's a plaid bra too.

  19. Um...yes? :LOL: Unless you don't want me..that's always cool too.

  20. But I AM hard to get :phu: Oh I will get you some day..I know I will.

  21. Oh that's true. But I don't want to be viewed as easy by guys. I'm actually picky..I'm just sexually aroused easily I guess. :LOL: Made more sense in my head..

  22. I've noticed :chuckle: but I'm easily aroused...maybe there's something wrong with me..

  23. that's awesome yo. I didn't know I could so easily induce boners.

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