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Status Updates posted by Ahkmed

  1. wat. that's..like...wat. that's like impossible. :LOL: I want more random sex facts..

  2. Ah I see..


    :eek: Oh noes...not your penis!!!

  3. Wtf...furry sex? :LOL: I don't know what that is but I still wanna do it.

  4. :LOL: Oh wow...I laughed so hard. I hope no one wakes up. Let's start checking off the list..
  5. Meh...Salad is for losers. Donuts are easy to eat. :yesey:


    Hnnngg...I want it right now. I wonder what some of the awkwardest places are to have sex. I want to find a list and do it at all those places. HA

  6. Spaghetti is so good though...yummm. I'm terrible at eating salads. It falls all over the place. I try to look graceful eating it but it doesn't work. :noey:


    Sounds good. Car sex would be amazing. you know what would be even awesomer....elevator sex. DO WANT.

  7. That's hot. Really...it is.


    Oh of course. I hope you can control the wheel through that though...pretty intense I might say.

  8. It's hot to watch guys eat, though. At least for me....


    Oh of course. We'd never get anywhere because we would be shagging too often.

  9. Lucky! I probably burn so many calories exercising that It wouldn't matter for me. Probably! ....as for you...it's just not fair! :phu:


    :supersad: But...but..it would be a fun 3 days. We could to all sorts of shennanigans in the car on the way back :eyebrows:

  10. What's wrong with that? :LOL: Donuts are amazing! Plus you probably have a friggin fast metabolism...teenage boys :indiff:


    Come pick me up! :awesome:

  11. I want a donut...mmm. And you're not a fatty :phu:


    I should :'( I don't like it much here anyways.

  12. Well patience young one. Perhaps I'll take them right now :ninja: I actually have to shower so maybe christmas ? :awesome:


    I'm glad you stayed awake. I wish you weren't ahead of me in time. :(

  13. they were closed :'( I got there too late! So I went to target and bought bra and panties instead :awesome: I bet you wanna see em.

  14. You're not lazy at all! My brothers are lazy. :chuckle: Hey I'm going to run out real quick and get some starbucks..don't leave me while I'm gone :p Otherwise I'll be doing nothing :(

  15. That's evil! :chuckle: I push Atticus away with my foot so that he slides across the tile. He loves it though!

  16. you don't need it for skype! I don't have those either. you just type But that's ok that you don't have it :p

  17. :$ I don't know..i just thought maybe you didn't know. Do you have Skype/MSN? :)
  18. You know what RBS and CE stands for right?!

  19. Oh goodness :LOL: That's awesome. Sometimes I close the screen door really quickly as my dog is running inside just to be mean. :p

  20. That's awesome, yo. :awesome: Oh my...sounds like our dogs a bit...but not that bad :chuckle: Sometimes they will get excited for no reason and start running in circles!

  21. Well I'm allergic to cats too. :( Kind of sucks cause I like them a lot too. but my dog is a monster...so I'm used to getting bit by him all the time. :LOL:

  22. :awesome: I love your kitteh. He's so cute!
  23. RBS or CE :awesome: I practically died inside when they played RBS at San Diego. greatest Muse moment of my life! I think I would jizz if they ever played CE live though. I would just..yeah.

  24. :awesome: yay! So...we haven't asked any Muse questions yet. What's your favourite Muse song?!
  25. I know, right? :LOL: It's awesome though. I don't mind. I like talking to you!

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