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Everything posted by kueller

  1. It is a pretty minor detail I can get over eventually. Issue I've seen with Cohen, without really reading much Pitchfork, is the tendancy to get caught in the little tangents he throws in there as added entertainment. He can be eloquent enough when writing about the music if he stayed on track. The Coldplay one posted earlier was a lot more on point about reviewing the music and I liked it for that.
  2. This is why I like Fantano waiting until the end to post his score (even though I know people just skip to the end or read the description anyways).
  3. It's a barely below average album. If Pitchfork's history would imply differently then the rating system is pointless and just ignore it.
  4. Don't bother with the ratings. Just read the text. That's applies to all reviewers. Whatever it was it's more ridiculous than most of the lyrics. But the middle is ok. It's not terrible, and when it gets honest it delivers, but there's a lot of fluff.
  5. I also love stabs at homoeroticisms for humor.
  6. I kinda like the humor but it's always the self-indulgent attitude it's presented in that gets off-putting.
  7. Assassin goes pretty well before or after Defector (better after) but doesn't fit musically or lyrically with Aftermath. It needs something in between.
  8. I don't know how else to say this. "Maybe the reason Exogenesis would seem like a more cohesive song put together is because each movement is more fulfilled than the movements of The Globalist." It was a passing unimportant thought. If it still seems confusing I'm dropping it anyways.
  9. Bonus drinking game: Take a shot every time a review mentions The Wall because The Wall is the only other concept album to have existed. Preferrably with Dave's 50% alcolhol drink.
  10. I cannot take anyone seriously who replaces the r's with w's. Even jokingly.
  11. I see a big issue in the lack of cohesion in The Globalist as these unexpanded poorly transitioned parts. "the three parts of exogenesis make a lot more cohesive song than the three parts of the globalist though." And I say the three parts of Exo are more fleshed out serving as a fitting beginning middle and end with each part being satisfying. They're not really cohesive but this is why I would see it as at least a more cohesive song. Trying to compress Exogenesis into 2/3 of its running time might result in the same feeling of unexpanded sections that rushes through poorly paced. This could analogously be the same thing that happened with The Globalist. Not to say The Globalist started out as 3 longer songs but that each movement ends up feeling inconclusive as if it were 3 different songs chopped up and put together.
  12. Considering one of the biggest complaints of the middle section was its length and early cutoff. Each part of Exogensis had time to build and fade. Putting it into a single track (I think the vinyl transitions better) wouldn't change that.
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