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Status Updates posted by mrs_bellamy_

  1. :kiss: Miss you, too. I should be online tomorrow, depends how things go :)
  2. You know how some people have undertitles like "Best New Muser" "Sexiest Male" "Chattiest Muser" etc, they're just awards that get held at the end of the year.

  3. Hey, I've been so shattered! How are you?

  4. hey, how are you?


    Guess what?


    Eight weeks to go till I finish :D

  5. Hey Musemum, how are you?


    I am going to nominate you as best New Muser 09 :)

  6. A musical, Im in the chorus.

  7. *sneezes* I think I'm coming down with something. Been on a hectic timetable!! Rush Rush, Study Study, Stress Stress along with performances and perpartions for other stress things to come.


    I am tired and I feel like shit. Not even coffee can save me. Speaking of which, I might stop by the corner shop and buy some sweets for my mate and me :D.

  8. I've been busy, too. I've got interviews and portfolios to prepare, applications for tertiary education and performances. :facepalm: Hectic, innit?

    Glad things have been working out for you, I am bloody exausted after rehersals yesterday that when on from 9 am- 7:30 p,m.

  9. Yes, I have a show on tonight.

  10. Likewise, I've been tired :( have you been talking to Pablo Ginger lately?

  11. Hey, I didn't end up doing what I supposed to, instead, we ended up talking about his golfing skills :facepalm: And I'm off to do production work for the rest of the week, so anything has to be held off till next week :D

  12. My day was alright, thank you. Nearly finished school. :)

  13. Hey, cool profile photo!

  14. Hey, Lena! It's been literally forever. How are you?

  15. It's okay, I am a n00b too. Im unsure what a keck is, try urban dict.

  16. Are you serious? I checked search for both muser17 and mia :facepalm:

  17. Oh that's cool. Hope your move is okay.

  18. Hey, how are you? it's been ages.

  19. Pressure Pressure Pressure. I'm on my way to finishing High School!!

  20. Hey, again. I think most people would say such things is because of the amount of TEE (HSC) subjects you've got to do. However, if you're determined enough, then you'll be okay. Besides, if you dont get in the first go, you can always go to TAFE and do Vet nursing first. Uni or Tafe has no age limit.

  21. I wish it was summer, I am so cold.

  22. People who say being a Vet requires a lot of work is a bit foolish to say that specifically. Every bloody job requires a lot of work unless you were a fucking call girl.


    Just remember to stay on top of your work and make a habbit of it early so you don't end up like me and pulling every single strand of hair from my head.

  23. try graphic design :eyebrows: it's all computer based, and you don't get slaughtered if your (hand) art skills are lacking. I want to become an Art Director, I would require studying graphic design. Perhaps I should minor in art :LOL:

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