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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. man that's a point, i never consider it must be annoying to like music from another country cause basically everything i like it british... a couple of bands are american.. but y'know nirvana aren't exactly touring anymore :chuckle:

    i feellike i should be more exited about wembley than i am... i dunno whats up with me lol not really exited about anything..


    :noey: it's so unfair :LOL: AND even if they are fat they still look good :mad: haha


    i do know :awesome: and ikea, srsly all the best shops are from sweden lool

    i only jus like a while ago got over my hate of my legs and started wearing skirts again lmao

    + does monki mean monkey :chuckle:? cause thats an awesome name for a shop :p

  2. teignmouth was like the holy grail of recent muse gigs :LOL: i proper considered just going anyway and fuck the consequences xD


    nope :LOL: i sometimes wonder if guys have as many insecurities.. i know they have some but like they always seem more content with themselves :chuckle:


    oooh try H&M basically all my cardigans are simple and black and from there :awesome:, love that shop :p


    jeans ftw :D theyre like the staple of my outfit haha, 2 of mine are from primark, so theyre a bit rubbish so i have 1 good pair of jeans lool

  3. i'm guessing thats like equivalent to me going to devon.. i reaaaaally wanted to see em at teignmouth.. parents wouldnt let me though :(


    stiiill lol i hate my thighs..could moan about my body for hours :LOL:


    :eek: i basically live in cardigans, gotta love layering.. i have loads.. but then i only have like 3 pairs of jeans but i never wear anything else :chuckle:

  4. i kinda stopped listening to all their new dates announcement after wembbley lol, but any near you?


    lmao, skinny > muscley :noey: though at least i look tough :chuckle: i guess it would like deterring people from beating me up xD


    :LOL: i think my fringe isnt really classed as a fringe anymore... part of my hair now.. i cant decide whether to cut it back or not...


    more clothes is never bad :awesome: especially when it's this freezing lately..

  5. i just couldn't get tickets :( woulld've really lightened up my year.. ohh well now i can say i'm seeing muse this year :happy:


    it sounds like the sort of thing your body would sort out itself yeah.. man i'm jealous of people with small bones as well.. i have like weirdly muscley arms as well :noey: they dont look good in T-shirts :LOL:


    ooh :p i didnt know what your hair was like before lol but whats it like?

    hahaa i just have a lackage of clothes :chuckle: i'm such a tramp.. i've been wearing all my ugly clothes lolol

  6. i'm extremely jealous of you :( wembleys gonna be ridiculously hard to get good standing places for... i'll have to sitt :erm: which one did you go to?


    ooops :LOL: thats pretty much what i just did, but i get how it would be hard like, it's not getting fat, you have to get muscles as well i'm guessing..

    mm me too actually, i'm big boned AND fat :chuckle:


    hahaa i get the same.. man my hair hadn't be washed for aages yesterday, so glad just to have clean hair now :LOL:

    i lose all sense of dressing to look good when i am in school though, i run out of clothes but the end of the week and just wear anything haha

  7. ahh no i was and still am annoyed at their setlists lool, going to wembley and you just know they'll play guiding light *shudder*


    oh man... it seems so strange to hear someone moaning about being too skinny rather than fat.. but i guess it must be just as annoying... :LOL: you can have my fat.... ok that sounds a bit weird :noey::chuckle:


    that qualifies you to be girly then :awesome:

    but no so do I :D except lately i've just been throwing anything on, so lazy :LOL:


    hmmm... i like both, the laces on the sandals aren't as pretty as the boots though :D.. but then they look more casual..

  8. weeeell, were you there when someone posted some angry ass comment in the setlist b33f thread? they called the people posting there who usually spaz over muse 'sheep' and everyone had a good laugh saying BAA! and such.. and i went the extra mile and made the sheep account :chuckle:

    i may wait until people know me enough to realise sheep is the same person then start using that account :awesome:


    woww, that is tall :awesome: you're lucky man, i wanna get taller so i get skinnier :chuckle:


    hmm.. i still say the boots.. but i just like comfy shoes lool, i'm so not girly enough haha, what're the sandals like?

  9. innit :LOL:

    i actually have another account :shifty: don't use it though.. but i prefer it's username lool

    called 'Sheep' :cool:


    ohhh lol, now i get it :p

    my teeth just erode really easy :( i have a stupid amount of fillings already...


    only 5 foot 6 and a bit but i'm taller than my friends :LOL: so in pictures i'm always 'the tall one' ... but then i feel proper short if everyones in heels but me.


    hmmmm.... sandals can get uncomfy easy... but then if you're not wearing them a lot... but then the snoww/coldness :chuckle: .. i think ankle boots :D

  10. your ava is awesome :cool:

  11. mmm muse realted usernames seem like they'd get annoying :LOL: imagine if you REALLY liked GL and names yourself.. guiding light or something then discovered all the hate for it lmfao.. i think i'd abandon the account


    in you palatte? sounds annoying..

    and lool no it sounds right.. i didnt know wikipedia translated stuff :chuckle:


    man it's alright for some :chuckle:.. wish my legs were too skinny haha, though i do stand out a bit in heels.. damn being tall lmao


    ahh get the nicest pair first and see if you end up wearing 'em :D


    loool oh man i've started the essay replies again... they take aages to reply to :chuckle: but oh well haha

  12. i got my mates to spoil the twatlight series for me :awesome: couldnt be bothered to read it all :LOL:

  13. haaaa, people'd get sooo annoyed :chuckle:

    lool, i got mistaken for a bloke once :LOL:

    i just hate it when people call me futurophy haha, it sounds weird... i don't really like my username lool


    all thats wrong with er teeth is her canine are a bit too far forward... i mean i wouldn't bother getting them JUST for that...

    apparently it feels really weird after having braces in your mouth for ages to have nothing all of a sudden... i'mglad i didnt get braces.. but i've got fillings though :(


    mmm i have boots now :D but they have like no treads so i'm scared ill fall over lmfao..

    me too about the heels... i have big ass ankles so i cant pull off some shoes..

    have like one pair of heels that i like :LOL:


    waheyy, theres another one lool

    might be the last one for a while though.. i'mma go bed i think *is proud of self* this is an early night by my standards

  14. yeah, when people have no choic but to pay attention to my anoying posts :D

    im just not good at like getting to the point in conversation where you would exchange names lool, i dont know if ive ever asked anyyone what their name is irl..


    i ear the do suck :erm: y sister actually wanted them when the dentist said she didnt need them.. which i found.. weird lol


    man knee deep would be CRAZY for me :LOL: i can hardly deal with the like 10cm or so we've got now, got blisters or chillblains or something from wearing converse in the snow.. not the best of ideas..


    and good you like em cause this is another one :p

  15. nah i get ignored still :LOL: theres certain tmes of the day i've learnt that n00bs are less tolerated :chuckle:

    i'm not known at all though hahaa, i think it helps to share your name a lot.. which i dont much, people have to be bothered to check the facebook :chuckle:


    the amount of sweets/ chocolate at christmas is craaazy :D

    ahh man i can just imagine gum getting stuck in braces ( though i neever had em) .. must be annoying..


    man, sweden has snow coping skillz... it really is hilarious here :chuckle, there was a special news programe JUST about the weather today lmfao


    hang on half a meter :O sounds reaally hard to alk in lol


    omg my replies are getting so long ahaha

  16. :LOL: the same thing keeps happening to me in there, it's like .. you lurk till there's a suitable opening in conversation for you to chime in :ninja:

    and then get ignored lool


    that's a bit late hahaa, what'd you get?


    that's only cause your school ain't as shitty as mine lmao / EVERYTHING stops when it snows...

  17. still better than going back this week though :(


    i'm a'ighht.. thoug i literally spent 6HOURS on a playstation today :stunned: (a ps2 as well, not even the new one :chuckle:) done NO work whatsoever and feel well lazy..


    ughh i hate the school for making me get up early :mad: they said it wasn't closed, so i went in, then after one lesson everyone got sent home cause it as snowing too heavy..

    i tell you they better just call it a snowday tomorow so i get a lie in :LOL:


    oh and after that ramble loll how're you?

  18. sleep till 2pm? are you still not back at school? if so... *jealousyy* :fear::LOL:

  19. :chuckle: some random compliment there from me... but yeah i do admire bilingual peeps... i so with i could learn.. i dunno french or something..


    i'mma go bed now, i still wanna get up early even if i probably dont have school :D

  20. :( unfortunately :LOL:


    awww :supersad: what music video was it slipknot or something crazy like that?




    :chuckle: man, bilingual grammar nazi, you got skillz

    i dunno it was just well worded, good imagery loooool

  21. n'aww that actually sounds like the perfect guy :LOL:



    ah i love gore.. but when stuffs suddenly like jumping at you in the dark :noey: can't deal with that either...

    some film made me scared of the dark for a couple of weeks :LOL:


    it was.... interesting indeed :chuckle: though i must say, despite being what it was it was pretty well written haha

  22. ooh i forgot about formspring :awesome:

  23. hot geeks ftw :awesome::chuckle:


    :eek: i wouldn't watch anything scary in th emiddle of the night.... well maybe gore but not like ghosts and stuff *shudder*


    only fanfic i ever read was a short story where Dom raped Matt :chuckle: and it was hilarious lmfao

  24. ahhhh your av :awesome: he's actually pretty good looking.. you should seehim with facial hair :chuckle:


    ohhhh them angels... they were creepy :eek:

    now i think of it.. that was the one were they got sent back in time and stuff innit? yeah that was a great episode :happy:


    :LOL: oh dearrrr.. fanfic about who may i ask :p

  25. ewwww thats not like the new logo is it, at the end?

    i don't like his geronemo catchphrase :chuckle: and MORE sword fighting :rolleyes:

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