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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. soz for confusion :( like i said.. loads of what i say don't make sense to anyone but me :chuckle:


    and you tooo :D

  2. yeah ava :chuckle: i was referencing the whole muse - radiohead beef but it really wasn't funny at all :LOL:

  3. damnit your av sounds JUST like mine and mine came first and shit :phu:


    radiohead-muse b33f lolz :chuckle:

  4. indeed :awesome:

    joegrinch was pissing me off :LOL:

  5. boring ass instant coffee granules...

    but still :D yummy

  6. mmmm... fuck school.. i want a coffee.. :D

  7. well...... i sit there and say nothing :LOL: but got alright GCSEs so yay for that :happy:


    gos why am i talking about schoool i'm on xmas hols damnit i should be taking a break xD .. at least for a couple of days..

  8. will do, and good :LOL: i'm alright in the smart department at school but i end up saying stuff i can't back up / stuff that doesn't make sense any other time

  9. yeah it seems like its better to like properly realise why you're not religious by at first being religious... but nah it just never worked for me..

    it is interesting :D but i feel well dumb in the thread on religion :LOL:

  10. man that is quite weird.. like you just like realised one day.. i think i was just raised athiest i think..


    i'll come :awesome:

  11. haha do you crave ' a good cuppa' every now and then :LOL:

    yeah athiest, always been too like scientifically minded to accept religion-y type things..

  12. nope, UK, and yep if the situation arose i would so totally got back to 1997, fuck space and shit :chuckle:

  13. innit :happy:

    srsly, i've said it before, if i could time travel i'd go back to 1997 :D

  14. :awesome:

    sober is funky... and the lyrics are... excusable... they were young :chuckle:



    showbiz> the resistance sometimes..

  15. :eek:

    someone else who doesn't HATE sober :LOL:

    i'd have a spaz if they played anything off showbiz apart from jazzy cave :yesey:

  16. ahh i'm glad i won't care what the setlist is cause it's my first time seeing em :D

  17. only one cat but he was so affectionate... gonna miss the poor guy

    got rid of?

    sucks to lose pets..


    and awesome :awesome: which one? i'm gonna see them for the first time in september next year :D ages away but oh well :LOL:

  18. :LOL: oh god amount i bullshat in the description task for my exam lmfao.. though i only got a B for it .... but oh well :chuckle:

    it was supposed to be about a 'dream world'.. and i went all metaphorical and shit.. was fun though :D

  19. i was gonna say man you're REALLY good at writing in english.. i really wish i knew another language :LOL: just cause it'd just be an awesome thing to able to do yknow..

    ughh i used to like the writing bit more than the analysing bit but according to my grades i was better at analysing than writing :( oh well

  20. so.. is swedish like the same lesson as my engish but in swedish..?

    i hated english man.. just analysing stuff to death :LOL:

    spanish was good when i took it though :happy:

  21. and i dont have to do english anymore :dance:

  22. not crappy.. confusing but not crappy :LOL:

    sounds better than what i'm doing.. basically i just focus on 3 subjects now.. hich just means more work on less diverse stuff.. so boring :erm: but ok wellss.. i like art anyway :D

  23. shouldn't be jealous lol i've forgotten like ALL my maths from last year :LOL: i miss knowing stuff :( now i just know the more complicated stuff from 3 subjects....

    how many do you do?

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