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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. t'is a fine boat :awesome:


    it sucks having been here for a while but being too much of a n00b for a love boat :chuckle:

  2. w00t no longer am i loveboatless :happy:


    feeling less ill than yesterday?

  3. oh mannn and your birthday *feels sorry for you*

    i stayed in bed till 1 today :LOL: but thats just cause i'm lazy :chuckle:


    i wouldn't say no to one :awesome:

  4. yeah.. only good time to get sick is when some sort of terrible lesson is scheduled for tomorow :LOL: but xmas/new years sickness :noey:

    it stops you appreciating the january sales :eek:

    and noo i don't

  5. my god the amount my ipod get's lost :facepalm:

    its actually like apple gave them little robot legs to walk off with...


    well you can probs tell i'm tired.. hence going to bed :( soz your sick though

  6. i dunno.. i dont think they feel they can make up anything clever enough for his real name :chuckle:

    .... i wonder if the timelords are gonna die again maybe :erm:

  7. n'awww :happy: them cats are so cute :chuckle:


    season 4... i accidentally ound out what happens in the finale :(

    still good though :awesome:

  8. ahhh i love the fact bloopers exist :chuckle:

    of what programme?


    i'm about to watch an episode of Dexter :D

    yet more work i won't be doing :LOL:

  9. :happy: i love it haha.. looks like it's on shroomz


    i really should be working at coursework / revising... but im on the boards :LOL:

    whats up with you?

  10. yo :awesome:


    zomg your profile pic :chuckle:


  11. innit :D have to wait till new years day noww :( but still i wanna know what happens :awesome:


    i've just realised.. still not listened to your song :eek:... TVs on again .. ill wait till i can actually hear it..

  12. oooooppsss.. :facepalm: totally didnt know you didnt already know that sorryyyy.. but his hair is awesome :D

  13. i wont tell you :D

    but i will say, john simm's hair is hot :awesome:

  14. weeell you didnt say what it was called but its the piano song right :awesome:

    i'll give it a listen after watch dr who :chuckle:

  15. mmm it's just depressing :LOL: like i've grown out of it aleady..

    i'm gonna watch some tv then bed now

    byeee :D

    merry xmas for tomorow (technically today :chuckle:)

  16. my pleasure haha

    ahhh i'm still not exited about xmass :erm: this sucks..

  17. you tooo :D



    half an hour to do here :(

  18. ah no wasn't leaving just er hooked up to the cathode ray :LOL:


    t'is an awesome present, barts cock :chuckle:


    hmm.. *searches for present for youu..*

  19. wow, damnit so many people on here are musical.. i'm jealous :awesome: don't know how you guys do it :LOL:

    i really have no life around winter time (and probably a lot more of the year tbh lmao)

    have fun at the party :awesome: /with the whole family lol

  20. yo :awesome: you too :happy: and a happy new yeaarr

  21. ooh :awesome: and i'm probably just staying at home and hanging around in pyjamas like a loser :chuckle: ...this is weird my enter button isn't working..... anyways, whatre you doing?

  22. :chuckle: nah srsly it's my problem
  23. You tooo :D


    Merry CHRISmass :awesome:

    and and a musey new year :chuckle:

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