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Everything posted by lalalive

  1. I know! It's finally upon me. I'm so excited I've been crying constantly!


    Oh nos! I hope it isn't serious! :supersad:

  2. Hey baby! It's been just about forever since I've talked to you. I'm leaving tomorrow. :eek: My plane takes off and then I invade your lands! How is you babes?

  3. YAYS! Oh that will be just so much fun! Oh gosh. It's amazing. Let me just say. That every single time I listen to Exogenesis I weep openly and without shame. It's absolutely ridiculous. I have never just sad and cried like this to a song. I feel so strange. OMG I WANT AN UPRISING TEDDY. I've been meaning to get one. But them I'm like "kat...you really shouldn't spend $25 on a teddy bear that you probably don't absolutely need." This is when i wish I had a boyfriend...so I could be like "honeyy....:D" :LOL: But the LP just is going to be absolutely incredible and it's something I need. I am completely aware of this. But I think Niall owns Muse, not just their releases but the guys as well. They pay Niall to exist :LOL:


    I AM SO JEALOUS THAT YOU WENT TO TEIGNMOUTH. Had I been there a week earlier I totally would have gone. :( Oh well...I need to be patient for November. Which isn't even possible since I can barely handle 3 days :LOL:


    Sept. 14. A day that will live in infamy :awesome::happy:

  4. Go check your twitter DMs.

  5. :LOL: :LOL: Oh gosh I adore you so hard!


    It's ok I totally understand about the work bit. Mine was eating me for the summer until my last day. And I've been a crap friend too. I basically live in NIall's love boat now and no where else :$ Oh dear. BUT THAT'S OK BECAUSE NOW I WILL SEE YOU IN PERSON AND IT WILL BE BETTER! How has work been aside from insane? Are you still writing for that company? Muse is taking over my life too. It's fairly pathetic how much I talk about them. I spent $110 on the box set because of currency conversion and now I'm thinking of buying the iTunes LP just because I want that too. ON TOP OF the $80 I spent for the London concert tickets (which still haven't arrived :indiff:). I am burying myself in a Muse debt hole. BUT IT'S A FUN HOLE!


    I AM SO EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN IT TO YOU!!! I'm like...peeing myself a little each day. Seriously. Sept. 14 is literally like...the best day EVER. I'm going to lose my mind completely and weep openly when I land. Tbh, I haven't even started packing yet. :$ I keep telling myself I will but then it gets so daunting. And I usually LOVE packing but right now I'm just like I WANT TO BE THERE SO BAD LET ME SKIP EVERYTHING AND LAND. But I can't feasibly do that.


    Yes. We has got to meet up. I will be so depressed if I spend months in your town and never see your gorgeous face. I mean, at the very least we need to just hang out at a cafe or something and gab about Muse. I am probably going to go to grad school in England too. So there will be plenty of times for this!!!


    I LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!! :kiss:

  6. Omg sex kitten how are you!


    Effing took out my caps :(

  7. Darling <3 I just wanted to let you know that I still love you. And there are 4 days until I invade your country. :happy:

  8. BABY!!! I've been all over this weekend. I went to purchase to say goodbye to my friends before I leave for England. :stunned:


    How's my love?

  9. Yes come snuggle inside me. It will be fine tonight I promise.

  10. I leave for london on sept. 13. I'm excited but also nervous...and not looking forward to all the work :LOL:

  11. I am loverly. I am starving though. And I totally have no idea what I want to eat :( When does school start for you?

  12. God I know it's horrible. New av :LOL: I barely recognized you. How are you love?

  13. Oh gosh. I'm not mad at all. I feel horrible at myself :LOL: Mostly because I have been neglecting the rest of the museboard because I have no time anymore and because I live in Niall's thread now :$. I do still love you though :happy:

  14. I know darling. :supersad: I have literally been working my butt off. Tell me how you are darling and how you've been. I miss you completely. Have you read anything lovely anymore?

  15. I finally had another Muse dream last night. It has been such a long time since I had one. I was in Central Park walking a poodle and eating a pretzel and Dom came up to me yelling about how I had stolen his dog. I got super mad at him shouted back, saying that it was NOT his dog and he shouldn't just assume things. He got very disgruntled and apologized. He sat on the ground and hugged his knees to his chest and looked incredibly sad. I sat next to him with the dog in my lap and asked him what was wrong. He said he was having the worst week ever. Matt and Chris ran off on a romantic holiday without him, he was upset that Matt was being unfaithful (my face looked something like and when he told me that), and to top it off, the dog Matt had given him for his birthday had gone missing. I hugged Dom and said I would help him look. He got really happy and we left cnretal park but wound up in the absolut ice bar in England and he was drinking his sadness away. I yelled at him asking why he wasn't looking for his dog. He said he didn't care. Life without Matt was much too hard. I slapped his arm, called him a crass asshole and left. I found Matt outside the door to the bar with Dom's dog. He apparently took the dog on vacation with him and Chris and Dom had taken things out of proportion. He wasn't being unfaithful, he went on holiday with Chris because Chris wanted to go house hunting for his family and Dom sucks at property searching. I woke up after that...I wish I had seen how the rest worked out
  16. Wow. Just. WOW. I need. To be on top of that shit. Right now. All over. In the grass. In the bathroom. In a tree. Fuck me sideways.



    Now that that's out in the open, yeah work sucks. Kids can be retarded sometimes. How's life?

  17. I work at American Eagle. Land of prep school tenny boppers who are spoiled with daddy's credit card.


    Yeah, why would you put that on yourself? :LOL: One of the most impossible tasks ever.

  18. I have no idea where that came from. :LOL: I've been listening to a lot of U2 lately to be honest. They play Magnificent at work CONSTANTLY. So they're in my head. Awful.

  19. :LOL: Hey babeh. What's the haps?






  20. I cann'tt liivveeeeeeee if living is without you????????

  21. Those do not seem like good guy friends. :mad: Beat their asses down.



  22. I'm good!! My mother got me a credit card from American Express that gives me flyer miles with every purchase :awesome: And since I'm attached to her account....I could like...buy a plane ticket to hawaii atm for free. :LOL: I will refrain.

  23. Oui! C'est moi? Ça va. cherie?

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