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Status Updates posted by tails

  1. (Sorry, this wouldn't fit in the PM...but I figured it wasn't to risque to be put with the visitor messages!)


    Oh it's fine, I have to run off here in a bit to my night class:indiff: only 2 more left though so I guess I shouldn't complain too much lol.


    Aww, I can't wait for my family to all get together for Christmas, I have an older brother and sister who are 25 and 23 so I hardly see them anymore as they're both living their own lives now. But it makes me look forward to the holidays even more now:happy:


    Exactly! all the Muse shirts I even considered buying were no smaller than XL:( I'm not teeny tiny, but I'm not a beast either:LOL: I think the largest I could go is M with hopes that it would shrink a bit...but good luck finding that in the US Muse shops..


    I like your username! then again, I do love that song though. I think that was the first Muse song that actually brought me to tears (sorry, TMI haha) but it's true...you can just feel the emotion pouring out of that song, I absolutely love it. Meh, graduating from high school might sound cool, but it was really kind of pointless. It was a huge ordeal only to get a certificate lol followed by,"now get your asses out of here!"


    Yeah, I know it's a lot easier said than done to just say "do whatever makes you happy!" Which is sad, but life is too damn complicated I don't know if anyone knows what they're doing half the time, they all just try to act like they've got everything under control. (That's my theory anyways. Might not make sense but it helps me feel better when I'm feeling like I'm about to lose it lol). And it might seem like I've got some time to decide, but they really try and push a major on you so you can graduate in 4 years or less....which I can understand but it doesn't help us undecided people!:rolleyes:


    I really hope to visit sometime, that's number 1 on my list of places to go! Whenever I get a chance and the money to travel anywhere, that is:p. I'm used to the cold too, so that's no big deal for me. Minnesota is winter practically 8 months out of the year! only a 3 month break for summer lol (not literally, but it always seems like it).


    Oh Florida, I went there once when I was about 5 and can hardly remember it haha. What did you think of it? Lots of tan, skinny, blond girls around eh? Have you been anywhere else for vacation?


    Oh and this PM was just about as long as yours so don't worry, plus I enjoy meeting and getting to know new people, especially from out of the US:happy: It makes me feel cultured, lol just kidding, but yeah I find that you lot from the UK are a hell of a lot more entertaining and fun to talk to than some of the idiots I run into over here. aw, now it sounds like I hate America. I don't, but only leaving here once makes me feel suffocated sometimes, if ya know what I mean. God I'm rambling now too sorry!

  2. I first got into them in 2004 when 'Absolution' was released in the US, then I listened to Showbiz and OoS and was hooked.

    Hysteria is my fave, but New Born is a close second and the others jump around a bit. Right now the others are Hoodoo, Megalomania, Stockholm Syndrome, Darkshines, Space Dementia, MotP, Fury and Futurism. Hah I can never really decide:rolleyes:

    What other bands do you like?

  3. Yeah that's understandable...so when did you first hear Muse and start to like them? What are your favorite songs btw so I can gauge what kind of a fan you are lol (i'm mostly kidding, mostly)

  4. I have terrible time management skills. But then again, if I had any I probably would never be on here:rolleyes:

    Ugh I hate energy drinks, especially Rockstar...I drink coffee and tea all day everyday. Not much better for you but it doesn't taste like cough syrup IMO

  5. Hello!

    I'm just trying to write a paper that's due in a couple of hours....story of my life

    How about you?

  6. tails

    Aw thanks:happy:

    He puts up with so much from me lol

    How's it going with you?

  7. :stunned:wow you've been to so many cool places! Which one was your favorite? Aww you were at Devon once:happy: lol I've been to some places when I was really young too and only remember tiny bits of it. Like Disney World (Land?) in Florida. I can't remember if Disney World is in California or if it's Florida...but either way, I was in the one in Florida:LOL: Same with Chicago, I was super young when i first went there, but then went back again a couple years ago. The only place outside of the US I've been to is Mexico. Other than that just some random states like South Dakota, Missouri, Iowa (LAME), Florida, Washington DC, Wisconsin, ehh I think there's more but I'm drawing a blank:$


    And I love traveling, I have so many places I want to visit also (Australia, Italy, and Japan would be so cool). Flying doesn't bother me too much, luckily...but it's so expensive all the time and my family and I definitely don't have the budget to go on international vacations whenever we feel like:LOL: I need to go to England though, my brother, sister, and dad all went there and said they had the time of their lives! And you should come to Minnesota when you go to America! lol I'm partially kidding...the main attractions here are California and New York, but Minnesota has snooowwww! (And moose hahaha)


    Our schools go pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, college lol. Which I have found out is the same as university over there (it's optional, but highly recommended in order to get a better job). And we have mostly public boy/girl schools, although there are options like all boy and all girl schools around, they're really uncommon. And I've never been to a school where we have to wear uniforms..that sounds like a real pain:( And your rules?! My goodness they enforce even nail polish and make up?!:eek: The only rules we had to worry about were acting appropriate and being respectful lol. Otherwise the teachers basically let us do whatever we wanted. Do you like your school besides the ridiculous rules they enforce there?


    And it's not like people don't like alternative music, it's just no one knows about Muse or cares to know about them. Plus, just other things they do for fun are just not my cup of tea, so it's kind of hard to always act enthused when they want to do something and I'm like ahhhhhh okay......lol. But yes, I actually do enjoy being different:happy:


    Our malls are pretty big. We have the Mall of America in Minnesota and that place is enormous. But then we have smaller malls but they're still like a couple hundred shops all within one big building. And you can get practically anything there lol, you name it they probably have it!


    Our messages keep getting longer and longer:LOL:

  8. Oh God tell me about it! When I haven't been working on homework or barely studying for finals I've been on here:LOL: I like it though so it doesn't bother me! I have a lot more fun on here talking to people about things I actually enjoy rather than listening to other people around me talk about things I have no idea about!


    Peanut butter on toast = SOOO GOOOD! That was my favorite after school snack when I was younger. My mom would draw hearts in the middle of the peanut butter before she gave them to me too <3 awwww:LOL:


    YES COME SAVE ME! hahaha anywhere where there is less Britney I would happily travel to! Us Americans are making such a huge deal about her new album and the fact that she's "come back":rolleyes: I could seriously care less about her highly synthesized voice in songs and slutty barely-there clothing mixed with cheap mental hooker dance moves.....:chuckle:


    I laugh every time I see that! They did such a good job with it I'm really impressed! And it's true, when I saw the real trailer after watching the spoof I just cracked up at all the parts they mimicked. Ahh it was priceless!




    Hmm, I don't know, I'll have to google it and see if there are any places with bubble tea in my area! If there are, you know I'll be there:p


    Oh, buy my own plane! Why didn't I think of that!? Jess I should just hire you to solve all my life problems:LOL:


    I guess what I find scary about them is driving next to them...It's kind of overwhelming and I always just speed up so I can pass them and not have that huge truck right next to me anymore lol. I don't know why it freaks me out so much but I just get nervous everytime:rolleyes:


    When do you get to start driving again?!


    Aww..slushy snow is the worst too:( You should come to Minnesota and see real fluffy white snow!:D


    Yeah, Absolution was probably my favorite last week or so:rolleyes::LOL: I'm sure it'll change from OoS to something else soon enough too....haha oh well! I have favorites on each album so it's always bound to change!


    Christmas cookies are the bestttttt<3 I should find a way to send some to you:happy: We make all sorts of cookies, like Cinnamon thumbs, sugar cookies, peanut butter blossoms (which I think you would love) gingerbread cookies, you name it. It's so much fun just baking for an entire day and having the kitchen smell like cookies...I can't wait!


    I love decorating the house too! But it makes me sad to take everything down...plus it's just a pain and not as fun as putting everything up:happy:


    Yeah they do! Plus they make us younger than everyone! hahaha which can be good or bad depending on how you feel about that lol

  9. I know, it's like the news only focuses on tragedy and disaster...it's really rather depressing! I try to not watch it, and just look up the interesting stuff online lol.


    Yeah, it's maybe not as extreme as I made it sound before, but like...everyone has different accents in almost every state, which is interesting. And there are a lot of things people do in the north that people in the south don't do and vice versa. And the same with the 2 coasts...it's amusing:happy:


    Oh I meant what areas in the world have you been to lol, but now that you mention it, England also!:eek:Someone got stabbed in broad daylight? Wow, usually things like that go down around 2 or 3 AM over here....aww your shops aren't good either? So what do you do/where do you go in your free time? And do you like going to school in a different town?


    There are a lot of things I like about where I'm from, but also some things I can't stand. Well, where I am right now are the biggest cities in MN, so it's kind of overwhelming, and scary to hear about how much more crime happens than back at home. I like how we get snow and it stays for a couple months, because that makes Christmas all the better:happy: and we have some pretty good shopping malls too, and a lot to choose from instead of just one or two. I guess the negatives are that a lot of the people here (in Minnesota in general) are like my complete opposite, like I don't really belong or fit in to any particular group, mainly because my hobbies and things I like are polar opposites from everyone else's. That's mainly why I joined the boards I guess:rolleyes: And it's not only that they just have complete different interests than me, but they're pretty judgmental and critical of anyone who doesn't believe what they believe. I think it's just most people in MN grow up and stay here their entire lives so they never experience anything else, and although I have only lived here, I've always been open to other things and experiences, so maybe that's what makes me so different from them *shrugs*


    Sorry I didn't even realize how much I was typing until I was done:$

  10. Well, I was thinking Psychology, but I'm really not too sure to be honest. This is only my first semester here though so I know I've got time to figure it out.

    And nice to meet you Daniel, my name's Stephanie...if you couldn't tell by my username...

  11. Well congratulations! That sounds like kind of a bitch of a major, but I'm not too into the engineering field I guess....

    lol that may be true, but do many people even like MN?

    btw, what's your name?

  12. Minnesota...but looking back on it I kind of wish I would've gone to Michigan....

    What was your major? And I take it you just got your Masters right?

  13. Done with school as in completely done? Or just because finals will be done and you're going back for winter break.

    I'm from MN and I'm going to school at the U of M right now.

    Do you like Indiana and Virginia?

  14. Oh so you do actually like Muse then lol....nice

    It can be exciting when you don't feel like doing anything, but idk I think it's alright for the most part...where are you from?

  15. Oh yeah I can relate to that. Being in these major cities really creeps me out...especially because whenever some sort of crime happens, all the students get e-mails explaining it:( I mean, it's good to know, but I'd almost rather not know because it just makes me paranoid walking anywhere!


    I like it at times, other times not so much. It's weird because it's almost like every state in the US is like it's own little country. People are so different everywhere. So I'm way up north and most of the other states around MN are similar, but when you go South or to either of the coasts it's like I'm on a different planet.:rolleyes:


    Where have you been to? And apart from being so close to London, do you like where you live?

  16. Oh I'm sorry! When did you first hear Muse or first start to like them?

  17. Agreed, the original is always the best:happy:

    Really? Why don't you like living so close?

    I'm from Minnesota, originally Rochester but now I'm in the Twin Cities going to school at the U of M (University of MN) *unenthusiastic 'yay'*

  18. LOL OMG IT TOTALLY DOES! (I think we've been spending too much time in the Twilight thread lol)


    I know, plus the fact that it seems like peanuts or possible traces of peanuts are ingredients in almost everything these days:rolleyes: It just makes it easier to not have to worry so much about if I'm going to die eating something lol. And I agree, not a huge fan of peanuts in general, but peanut butter = yummmmm


    Yeah we're the same age. Which I always thought older women liked Celine Dion:wtf: guess not lol! OH GOD, and she has the Britney Spears greatest hits DVD or whatever with all of her music videos on it and has been watching it almost nonstop since her new album has come out....save me:(


    lol nice return on the lyrics;)


    Oh almost an entire month after it came out over here. Ah yeah it'll probably just get worse every day:facepalm: I think if you're in the mood to just laugh at everything, then you should go see it. There are seriously so many parts where I don't think we're supposed to laugh but you just can't help it. (Like when he runs with her on his back XD) OH GOD IT'S TERRIBLE!


    Aw yeah I bet Canada is beautiful....I really do want to go someday, maybe I can convince my parents to take a little family vacation to Vancouver. I don't know if either of them have even been to Canada either. It's a shame!


    Oh yay! I wish there were places that just made s'mores lol. But it's actually fun making them yourself anyways so I don't mind. If only bubble tea existed here....but when/if I go to Vancouver I'll make sure to try it!:happy:


    Oh no, not everyone can afford a plane everywhere:LOL: and some places it would only be a plane ride of 20 minutes! It's just a pain when you want to even go to another state, the drive can take a loonnnnng time:rolleyes: I guess that's probably another reason why I haven't traveled that much: My parents just don't feel like driving everywhere!


    Well good luck with your exams and everything! Your term ends around the same time ours does too, we just have a little bit longer than you do (but that is college, so.....lol. Probably one of the only things I like about it so far: the longer breaks!)


    I know, so embarrassing...people all like "you're crying?! WHAT!?" And then you get more embarrassed....ahhh, that's the worst!


    lol truckers are almost kind of repulsive. How meaty they are and it's like they never look in a mirror to see if maybe they should shave/shower/cut back on those burgers/etc. lol I would hate to have a job just driving everywhere, especially because large trucks kind of scare me:$


    lol "I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas!" Yeah that's really too bad...do you get any snow at all? Does it just melt right away? Christmas is coming up so soon, almost too soon! I mean I can't wait for it, but at the same time I'm like GAH I need more time to get presents and everything!:rolleyes:


    I think OoS is my favorite album...I actually really like Absolution too. I think for me it goes OoS, Absolution, BHAR, then Showbiz. But then again, it'll probably change around a bit depending on what I begin listening to more:p


    YAY! Do you enjoy decorating the house? I get in such a festive mood when we start putting up decorations. I can't wait until I can go home and start baking loads of Christmas cookies....I miss baking! lol (that's a weird hobby of mine that I enjoy):LOL:


    Oh the middle of the summer....:cool: Mine is June 4th...right at the end of the school year (when I was in middle school/high school) I like having a summer birthday, do you?


    And I've done that already like 3 times with this message:LOL:

  19. Yeah I'm procrastinating too, so where are you from again? And how did you find your way to this forum?

    Aw are you really gonna be gone in 2 weeks:supersad:

  20. Hey Kirstie! Yeah I love that thread, but now it's being deemed "lame":( Oh well as long as it doesn't get shut down I don't care lol.

    And I'm good, I have no classes today so I've decided instead of studying for finals I'm just going to be lazy:p

    Where are you from?

  21. Oh you made yourself a little love boat...are you on speed or just incredibly hyper?

  22. Where did you come from and where can I find more of you:LOL:

  23. HI,

    We've posted in that Twilight thread together for ages now and I still don't even know your name:$

    I'm Stephanie (If you couldn't tell:rolleyes:)

    But how's it going?

  24. AH my avatar <3 hahaha I just thought that picture was fricking hilarious and was like :eek: I MUST HAVE IT! lol Matt looks so goofy


    Oh I remember Brownies and Girl Scouts but I'm not sure if we have Rainbows ( XD CUTE NAME!) haha I'm sorry I'm starting to go caps lock crazy I really don't know why....:$


    Oh I love peanut butter....I'm allergic to almonds pistachios and cashews too so I was really worried I'd end up being allergic to peanuts, but luckily I'm not!:happy: It goes with practically anything!


    I agree, it's like no one really likes their music except for us kids lol. But there's enough of us out there to count for something! (That sounded oddly uplifting)


    And yes, my roommate absolutely LOVES her:facepalm: I, personally, can't stand her at all....her voice just drives me crazy. Yeah, I don't know about Nickelback they just piss me off lol. I liked a couple of their songs when I first heard them, but I really can't stand the band in general so that kind of makes me hate all of their other songs:rolleyes:





    I actually just watched the Twilight movie a couple days ago (don't worry, I didn't pay for it...I downloaded it shhhh!) And was SO glad I didn't pay for it lol. The baseball scene was the only one I liked, and the only one I thought was actually done well. Everything else was 'meh' Have you seen it yet?


    I'm still embarrassed that I've lived in MN my entire life and haven't been to Canada once! I really do want to go there, and I feel like I should. But Australia is definitely up there on my list of places to go too!


    Aw bubble tea! I really want to try some now!


    lol celeryfail!


    Yes, America is very spread out......kind of gets on my nerves sometime because it's at least an hour or 2 hour drive to any major city in MN from where I live. And Chicago is about 6 hours away driving. And you almost have to drive. You could take a bus but that can take up to 8 hours....blahhhhh.


    Finals for me are starting on Friday:eek: I can't wait for them to be done....It'll be such a relief....The semester is almost over! yay! Is it almost done for you too?


    OH MY GOD I know EXACTLY what you're talking about! I absolutely hate when that happens! And it's ALWAYS at the worst possible moments too! Ah, it's so embarrassing but you really can't help it! That stupid tickly-cough has happened to me so many times....and yes, of course our luck is that as soon as we have the opportunity to drink some water it's all done:mad: (I just realized I used caps a lot again, jeeze I'm in such a yelling mood right now:LOL:)


    I wish we called them lorries instead of truckers! That sounds so much nicer! lol I did enjoy the parody still...and I was eventually able to figure it out, but yeah they all are stereotypically pretty heavyset lol. Thus is the nature of their job!:p


    I still have to go Christmas shopping.....I wish I was looking forward to it but I just haven't even had a chance to think about what I want to get anyone! Stupid school and it's stupid stressfulness:mad: We keep getting more and more snow! It's amazing! I hope it all stays for Christmas and I hope we get tons more, awww I love white Christmases <3


    That is pretty ironic! lol But yeah it's a good song, I'm glad Chris mentioned it to hopefully get more people listening to it. I've been starting to dig up older stuff (once again) and am listening to those songs a lot more than the recent stuff lately. I've just been in that mood I guess....but I love rediscovering old songs and appreciating them so much more, it's like listening to them for the first time again:happy:


    Have you started decorating your house and stuff for Christmas yet? When I was home for Thanksgiving we put up our trees and lights and all the other little decorations up already and we usually don't take stuff down until after New Years haha....so our house is decorated for a while, but I like it...I love the winter holidays:D


    Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you: When is your birthday? (*Thinks* I know it's probably posted on here, but I don't want to abort my message to go look lol)


    Have a good day:)

  25. You get to take class trips to London and Australia? That would be so awesome! I'm 18 lol so just a few years older than you....when did you first get into Muse?

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