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Status Updates posted by tails

  1. That's good! Aw you've been to Australia and London? *jealous* I want to go to both of those places so bad! And yeah, the USA is pretty far away from where you are haha...how old are you?

  2. Oh fun! Do you like living in Italy? My mom visited there once and said it was absolutely gorgeous...I'm from Minnesota in the US...not quite Italy lol

  3. Categorized piles lol my favorite kind!:p


    Oh yeah we have Girl Scouts I just forgot you call them Guides! I never got to be in Girl Scouts *pouts* my parents had 2 other kids to raise along with me so they were constantly busy and Girl Scouts weren't a necessity I guess:rolleyes: I'm scarred for life!!!!!!:LOL:


    Oh Graham crackers are like a sweet version of a cracker. They usually have like hints of honey flavor in them. They're awesome with just peanutbutter on them too:happy: You could always make your own parfait, they're never as good as the ones you can buy (like always) but I've made my own before and have been satisfied lol. But you can't buy them over there? And no I've never even heard of bubble tea:stunned: it sounds cute! What's in it? Aww you remember exactly where the building is haha it must be good then!


    I'm STILL craving s'mores...I'll have to make some when I go home (:


    Yeah I agree, no one here at all knew them after Showbiz or OoS, (which I was completely content with!) but then Absolution came out and they got a little more popular with Hysteria, but when BH&R was released even more people heard of them and kind of caught on with their style. There still aren't that many people that I've ever run into that have heard of Muse apart from "that song on Guitar Hero" and now the ever popular, "OH that band with the Twilight songs!!!":facepalm: And I really like how they've been able to stay pretty off the radar for the most part, but still have a huge fan following. I think it's really awesome


    lol pwning her is almost an everyday thing:p and tell me about it, I have some sort of Muse on nearly all of my CD's too..which also makes a lot of people complain lol. They don't even want to listen to any of their songs after they hear the first 10 seconds or so of them. They think they're "weird" but whatever! They can have their Britney Spears and Nickelback, and CELINE DION (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:mad:) I'll stick with my Muse tx:happy:


    Oh yeah, I'll be careful to not get arrested! If I feel like I might be close I'll just give my bag of phones to someone to "hold for a sec" while I run in the opposite direction! Trust me, I've got this planned out muahaha


    Oh ours are navy blue...it never occurred to me that passports would be different colors in different countries, but then again I guess I never thought about it! I've only used mine once too:$ I've only been out of the US one time and that was to Mexico...I've never even been to Canada and they're our neighbors upstairs!! I really need to get out more....(of the country that is...) *sigh*


    Yeah celery by itself = not for me. There's no flavor in it, it's like chewing threw a handful of plant stems...because it basically is a stem...delicious


    Well we don't typically travel by trains...or coaches! But we have buses and taxis, but taxis usually just take you around the same city, I'd have to catch a bus to take me back home. They're usually pretty expensive though, so my parents prefer me to just carpool back with someone or be patient for them to come get me. I wish we had more trains/buses and stuff to take us around places....


    Oh I know, working around the holidays is the absolute worrrrrst....I don't think anyone feels like doing anything:LOL: There always seems to be so much going on all the time during holidays and when you have to sit down and work on homework it's just depressing!


    Ew exams the first week in January? Our final exams start this week...I really need to get studying, I'm kind of nervous because they're such a big part of our grade. Which I find really unfair because we've all been working hard all semester and it's just coming to an end but NO! One more exam in every class! Bah Humbug!


    I'm glad you're feeling better...hopefully you won't be sick on Christmas! I think I'm starting to get a cold too...my nose has been stuffed up for the past couple days and I'm getting headaches also....boy do I love this winter weather! And yeah I can get bored lol there's only so much you can do when you're sick, I just get sick (no pun intended lol) of stuff real easily *shrugs shoulders* maybe I have ADD or something:LOL: But listening to Muse (or watching my Muse DVD's is always a great pastime no matter how I'm feeling)


    lol at that Womanizer remix song:LOL: (but what's a lorry driver?!)


    Sorry I didn't respond back earlier, I totally forgot you had sent me a message and I thought I replied! But have a good weekend! Let me know how much it rains;):LOL:

    (We got about 2-3 inches of snow last night! YAY!)

  4. Nice to meet you Ilaria!! My name's Stephanie, where are you from?

  5. I have basically a box to keep clean up at college haha (my room is pretty small) so it's either really clean because I can clean everything up in like 2 minutes, or really messy because I get way lazy and just keep piling stuff on top of each other:p


    What's Guides? Oh s'mores are gooooood. That is, if you like chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers:happy: You roast the marshmallow then put it in between 2 graham cracker squares with a square of hershey's chocolate and the marshmallow melts the chocolate and it's SOO GOOOD. Really messy though, but so worth it. Did I mention that it's really good?! lol sorry. I haven't had them in forever and talking about them is making me crave one so much right now...


    Oh parfaits are pretty good too. They're typically plain or vanilla yogurt with mixed fruit and granola. They're usually layered all on top of each other in some way too. You should try them sometime! (And s'mores:happy:)


    I agree with the exclusivity :yesey: I kind of like knowing I'm the only one who likes Muse out of my family, friends, and other acquaintances. It makes their music more special to me:happy:


    And it's so funny when I listen to them in the car and pull out CD after CD with nothing but Muse on it. My mom is all like ".....seriously, ANOTHER ONE?!" I go "oh no this one has other stuff on it" Then I make her listen to it all the way through and take it out when it's done and she's like "That was all Muse wasn't it....." And I go, "YEP!:D" Then she just gets pissed because I forced her to listen to an entire CD.....again...AHA!:LOL:


    I wonder if anyone else has ever tried that method....if not I will be the first one and it will be successful! I know it!:p


    Oh nice one! I'm not sure if mine is I haven't used it for 2 years though, so looks like it's just me that has to get on that hahaha


    Oh! Frogs on a Log! At least that's kind of what those snacks sound like. We had those all the time in pre-school. Celery with peanut butter and either raisins or chocolate chips on them. I always just ate the peanut butter and chocolate too:happy:


    It's about an hour and a half away, but during rush hour it can take up to 2 hours to get home. So it's really not that bad. But I don't have a car with me so I'm always dependent on getting a ride from a friend or my parent whenever I go home. Kind of like not having my license anymore:stunned:


    And true, these next 2 weeks will probably go fast, but they will be a pain in the ass that's for sure. All studying and finals and last minute projects....grrrrrr:mad:


    Awww, are you feeling better? It is starting to get to be cold and flu season that's for sure. I hate getting sick...it seems like I can never do anything except lay around and sleep and I get so bored doing that after the first day:LOL: Of course that's the only way to get better though:rolleyes:I hope you start to get better soon! *hugs*


    Muse = perfect vacation:happy:

  6. Hey! Sorry I'm replying so late, I haven't been on much in the last few days

    But I'm good how are you? What's your name?

  7. Oh I'm kind of like that too. Then my mom every few months or so is like "OKAY time to clean out your closet and drawers and everything because I KNOW there is stuff in there you don't even know about!" So I'm like ahhhh fiiiiine:rolleyes: Only then am I forced to get rid of stuff:p


    Yeah roasting marshmallows is American:happy: that's a big thing to do at bonfires! Making S'mores...they're soo good. Have you had those before? (sorry if that's a really 'DUH' question but I have no clue lol:$)


    Ohh Pocahontas was a big obsession of mine when I was younger! I had all these hair scrunchies and stuffed animals and t-shirts and sing-a-long videos and stuff:LOL: I wanted to be her for Halloween one year but we got like 10 inches of snow that day and my mom didn't want me to go out in moccasins and a dress so I went as a dog instead:LOL:

    Aww they called you Mulan because of that? Sorry but I think that's cute lol Mulan was such a great Disney movie!


    Good for you for converting people to Muse!:happy: I listened to them a lot during break around my family and I really don't think they like them at all:LOL: My mom was like OKAY can we listen to something else for a while?! My dad was like I'd think some of these songs were okay if his voice wasn't so gay:rolleyes: My sister was like ummmm they're okay.....and my brother was like whatever I don't care. So yeah, I'm the only Muser of the family haha SWEET


    hahaha that's a great idea. I'll just tell them I'm organizing some sort of plan to recycle? :p Then just hoard them all until I can go see Muse and then use them to gain closer access to the stage:D perfect


    I am so in!:yesey:Let's start working on those passports! lol


    4th grade was sweet, we had the "cool room" haha One day she even brought in food and stuff (which I'm pretty sure is illegal, or at least really frowned upon...but when in Rome!) and made some snacks for us that she had over there a few times. It was so awesome!


    And Thanksgiving was pretty good! I ate way too much, like I knew I would lol but it was so nice to be at home for longer than a weekend. I'm back in my dorm now and I'm already like :( I wanna go back home. lol But, now I just have Christmas break to look forward to...2 and a half more weeks!


    How was your weekend?


    And Muse is probably one of the only things keeping me sane right now:p as sad as that is it's true...I'm getting so fed up with school and people and blaaaaaah. I look forward to listening to them anytime I have a chance because it's a nice little break from reality:happy:

  8. oooh sarcasm is like my second language! It's just hard to get it across in typing:$ And I usually completely forget about everything until I need it, then I'm like okay it's either here or here and 9 times out of 10 I'm usually right! So I keep my organized mess because it stimulates my brian:nerd:


    Oh that's right, Heroes! Hmmm well the things on my list are harder for you to try...like sledding/snowboarding for one. And that's all I can think of right now hahaha It's been a long day:rolleyes: But I'll keep thinking and let you know!


    Oh yeah me too!!! I loved allllll the classic Disney Movies<3 I actually just watched Mulan, which isn't one of the classics, but still a good one, yesterday lol. I can never get sick of them! But yeah HSM has taken over Disney and the world practically and makes me want to throw up everywhere..I have never seen HSM and never plan to just out of spite of what it has turned our society into:mad::LOL:


    MUSE IS MUSE! AND I AGREE!! :D OH MY GOD I watch random Muse youtube videos all the time and they get me so pumped up..haha just everything from the performance to the crowd to their songs to MATT DOM AND CHRIS just make me so :D:D lol at this rate I'm going to go over my smiley limit


    lol just bring like 20 phones with me to throw them at everyone:LOL: "take that you bastard!!!" *whips out another one* "GET OUT OF MY WAY!"


    Professional Muser = My dream job:happy:


    Oh I know, Australia seems like it's its own little world down there, all by itself:happy: My 4th grade teacher went there every single summer for like 10 years in a row and our classroom was decorated with stuff from there, it was so cool. Ever since then I've always wanted to visit haha. But to go for vacation end end it with a Muse concert:eek: If that happened I could die the next day a happy lady:LOL:


    It's on November 27th, this Thursday! I get to go home tomorrow after my last class at 12:30 because all my Wednesday classes were canceled yaaaay! So excited! Do you not celebrate even a fall break (autumn break?) or anything like that at all?


    I love how in so many Muse songs you can interpret the lyrics anyway you want. I mean there are some obvious ones that are pretty straightforward in what they mean, but for the most part I feel like you can apply any song to yourself and whatever you want it to mean. I love that about Muse<3 I love everything about Muse:$:rolleyes:


    Thanks, like I said I'm going home tomorrow so less computer-time starts now haha but I'll be baaaaaack<3

  9. really? organized mess is like the story of my life! that and homework haha. I really try to keep everything clean, but in a time of crisis at least I know where most of my stuff is:rolleyes:


    Wow you're giving me so many suggestions on things I need to see/do/listen to:LOL: I love it! The Radio 1 and Doctor Who and coming to the UK to see Muse, I need to start making a list:p


    I see, well that Medlink thing sounds cool I'm sure it will be fun, hopefully you can find your own way there! (Just wait until you can drive yourself:eek: think of all the hassle you will save in your life!!!:LOL:)


    Yeah Disney Channel was a MUST when I was growing up. I loved all the shows on there, but now it's just annoying...maybe because I'm older, but also because I just hate how it seems like people younger than me look like they're at least 20-25.:noey: It's just sad....and depressing....and even more sad. PLUS their music is complete shit!!!


    lol yes It was a good night. Which I needed since I've been so stressed out....and you really don't get that much snow? Aw that's a shame:( I mean it sucks having it get all your shoes and pants all mushy and wet, but it's so much fun going sledding or snowboarding or building snowmen or just running around in it. Let me guess, you just get rain instead:LOL: aww I'm sorry...I shouldn't laugh at that:rolleyes:


    Yeah I think I would want to go to at least one big gig, like Wembley-style or something like that...but then try to go to all other smaller gigs. I don't know how that will happen, that's just what I'd want to do haha. And don't worry about not making Wembley or Reading....they'll be back and touring for sure so we'll have plenty of chances to see them someday:happy: I wouldn't be surprised if they go to Wembley again too....since that was such an epic concert(s) for them and all the fans!


    And I definitely would push people out of the way:happy: Hell, I would throw people out of the way if I had to!


    I know, fuck it all! Let's just go be professional Musers:p


    Oh no I haven't talked to her...or seen her on the boards (yet). But that's probably because I haven't really looked for anyone in particular. But she lives in Australia? That would be a sweet place to see a Muse concert too...or just visit in general lol.


    That's still a great start!


    Yeah, I mainly like it for the extra long break...but it's not bad seeing all my family and having huge dinners either! It's only a couple more days away! yessssss


    I love Escape too! I didn't know it really was underrated by the fans because I've always liked it since I heard it for the first time, but when I read that Chris said he always liked it but it wasn't really well appreciated I was like :eek: really?! I never knew!!


    I hope your week goes well and I'll try to keep in touch as much as I can!

    <3Happy Thanksgiving! (:p)

  10. I go through my own little neat freak moments too sometimes...not lately though because I feel like I've been consumed with so much other stuff going on (like SCHOOL:mad:) but I generally like wherever I am to be organized, or at least in an organized mess;) But I take my anger out on people sometimes too...it's almost easier to do that, although I know what you mean, it's not always the best thing to do. I usually take it out on my parents, though. So they know it's never anything personal.


    lol Doctor Who (I know it's a big deal, but I've never seen it:eek::$) And I miss school field trips! I think that's what you're talking about? Or is this trip to Nottingham completely different than a school field trip? Sounds fun though:happy:


    Oh fun! How was the gig? And how were the ridiculous falling-over-drunk girls?:chuckle:I love going to see people play. Big concerts or smaller gigs, it doesn't matter! I love music and everything that goes along with it! (Correction: I love GOOD music:rolleyes:) lol none of that Britney Spears or Miley Cyrus Jonas Brothers garbage!


    I hate when I reach my limit with smileys...I think I'm almost there too haha


    Oh and confession: I drank the other night:$ just in my dorm though with some friends! And then we went outside for a while because it snowed!! But yeah, we were all pretty drunk but at least we stayed in one place and just played games rather than go and be completely retarded all night...or I guess I should say retarded in public haha:p


    You can call me Steph, all my friends do:happy:

    I KNOW I NEED TO GO TO THE UK!!! You honestly have no idea how much of a dream come true that would be...as cheesy as that sounds lol dream come true....

    I think it would be awesome to see Muse in the UK not only because that's where they're the most appreciated, but also the gigs seem so much more personal and like intimate...If you get what I'm saying? Usually when foreign bands tour the US they usually play bigger concerts because they have to go to so many more places in such a specific amount of time and don't really have the opportunity to play lots of smaller ones:(


    But yes, I want floor seats, front row EVERY TIME I SEE THEM! hahaha Or at least the closest I can get:happy:


    But yes, you should come to the US and see them too!! I have a great idea..How about we both just quit school and have full-time jobs of just going to every Muse concert during their next album...in every country they visit! You could call it stalking...but I prefer just being addicted to their music and performances in general:LOL:


    Oz? Court? Maccah? (all over my head!)


    So you've been doing your research on the colleges..I mean unis that you're the most interested in..good girl! I didn't do my research until way late, so I kind of picked whatever I thought would be best...and turns out I don't like it at all:( Well, not at ALL...but just, not as much as I could like some other places, ya know? So, I guess what I'm getting at is good for you on thinking/planning ahead and get all the info you can on every place you're interested in so you can really see which place you think would suit you more!


    And yeah, Thanksgiving is more just you eat a ton with relatives you can't stand until you pass out and then you wake up and watch American football....haha my family doesn't do presents but I know some that do. But yeah, it seems like every American holiday consists of tons of food, your ENTIRE family, and presents. Or some combination of the 3 haha


    Sorry if I don't reply back much in the next few days...I'll be at home seeing friends I haven't seen for months and I'll be out of town for a few days at my aunt's house, and I'll of course be working on homework (barf). But yeah I just wanted to give you a heads up so you didn't think I died or anything:LOL:

  11. haha permanent Invincible Muse ride!! That would be a great tourist attraction;)


    Yeah, wrestling is just lame....lame lame lame lame lame.....:rolleyes:


    My phone was the first (and only I think) thing that I've ever broken in rage...It was a really, and I mean REAAAALLLY bad day:$ but yeah I know it's on TV a lot and looks like everyone breaks stuff whenever they're mad! But I usually think ahead most of the time anyways, so if I feel like I'll end up breaking something eventually, I know to just go somewhere else:LOL: You're right I should've thrown them at those girls:indiff: whatever, it was a couple years ago anyways!


    haha I know, it was completely random I just thought he was cute and wanted to use him:happy: But Christmas isn't too far away actually! At least Christmas break is in less than a month for me! YAAAAAAAAY I can't wait until Thanksgiving next week either:D Finally a decent break from school and a chance to just relax with the whole family


    YES! I would love to be able to do that! Take a trip over there around the time that Muse is playing nearby and just have an awesome week-long trip/Muse fest:D God that would be SO awesome! I don't know how my money situation will be in the next year or so if I would even have the option to do that....but If I could, I definitely would:D And are you saying you'd want to come to the US to see them play too!?


    Oh yes, I grew up the youngest of an older brother and older sister, who are 7 and 5 years older than me lol. SO by the time I reached high school they were both in college already, and I felt pretty much like an only child most of the time since they only visited some weekends and holidays. And I love spending time with my parents, just not all my time with my parents haha. Since my older brother and sister now live in other places, and I just recently left for college this year, they love it when I'm home because now the house is only those 2 and our dog:LOL:


    Oh good, I'm glad you're excited about that next stage in your life! lol Have you thought of where you'd want to go?


    And yeah don't worry about the late reply...I've only had much time to go on here for like 5 minutes at a time anyways because this week has been insane! Teachers are loading up work and having everything due at the same time because of Thanksgiving next week and we get about 5 days off..so that's a yay:happy: for the break but an awww:( for the work haha..and procrastination is my middle name;)


    So no worries, it's not like I'll be mad if you forget to write me a message one day:eek::LOL: Hope you're day was good today, mine's just about starting haha

  12. hey thanks for the request!...how's it going :)

  13. Oh yeah Disney World (duh) not Sea World!:LOL: I was young give me a break!! And you're right the Invincible music video is a lot like that ride...but a lot better, since Muse is part of it hahaha:p


    Well, a lot of people like stupid American wrestling...who knows why. It's basically like an over-acted and overly dramatic version of Ultimate Fighters...but in UF they actually do try to hurt each other:rolleyes:


    Oh that's a real unfortunate ending for your phone:LOL: I broke one of mine because I threw it against a wall out of pure rage:$ I had had a real bad day and was fed up with everything/everyone (stupid high school girls and their stupid made up rumors and drama:mad:) So I took it out on my phone haha...but I've learned from my mistakes and now whenever I get angry I make sure my phone is far faaaar away from me!:rudolph: (sorry, I really wanted to use that rudolph smiley)


    And I know that cell phone stands for cellular phone...but I'm not sure why we call it that while you guys call it mobile phones haha oh and instead of grandad we say grandpa:happy:


    Yeah, those aren't even half of the pics, I just didn't want to make 3 albums for it...especially since a lot of the pictures are blurry or weird. I was really camera happy:$ But ohh my god Muse would be so insane to be at. I really can't wait until they're done with the album and start touring again...I have to see them live at least once!!


    Exactly..especially when I'm up at college and I have 2 other roommates, It's almost impossible to have time alone:(


    Yeah I have heard the UK version is a lot better, I just haven't gotten around to checking it out...I have a lot of things to do!


    And you are definitely not alone...as soon as I'm done writing this I have to spend the rest of my night doing homework...and I have a lot (like usual) It's almost 7 pm now and I have an entire book to read by Tuesday, I have to read about 6 chapters in "The Odyssey" and read about 3 chapters in my Psychology text book (because I slacked off last week):facepalm: it was too hard to concentrate towards the end of the week because I was so excited for the concert haha...ohhh well. OH! And I have to write a research paper and the rough draft is due by Wednesday...and I only have my thesis statement done. Okay, now after typing all this out for what I have to do I realize that I really DO need to go now and start my work...ahhh I'll talk to you later, hope you did have a good weekend even though you procrastinated! (like me:rolleyes:)

  14. Oh I know I cried when I was at Sea World too lol...some of the things there were just plain freaky...like that big giant silver ball ride? Ah I can't remember the real name, but it was kind of scary in there..singing "It's a small world after all" and it was dark with tons of random characters popping out...I definitely remember crying during that:LOL:


    Ah yeah I'm not a huge golf fan, I've never played it so I've never completely understood it. Plus all you do is hit the ball really far than walk and hit it again lol, not the most intense sport I'd say:p And wrestling? Like professional wrestling? Like professional, completely fake, over-acted wrestling? :stunned::LOL: Well, I guess I'd pick that over golf!:chuckle:


    Yeah, the iPhone is pretty cool, but way too expensive for my taste. I'd probably never use half of its features too because I wouldn't need them or just never even know they existed lol so I prefer my simple cell phone, it does the job:happy:


    OH MY GOD:D:D:D THE CONCERT WAS SO GOOD!!!! I took like 150 pictures haha, I bet the people around me were getting so annoyed but I didn't care!! AHHH THEY WERE SO AWESOME!!!! I had an amazing time, Coldplay was so nice and funny and just kept the crowd pumped up the entire time it was insane....(If you couldn't tell by now, I had a great time hahaha!)


    Yeah I know, he needs to find himself a girlfriend:rolleyes::LOL:


    Well, just for like updates and stuff we get e-mails and if we have any questions or like have to miss a class, they like us to e-mail them just so they know. Our school is so large that it's really the easiest way communicate with each other....but it's not like we chat and are like "soooo how was your weekend!?" haha that would be so awkward...


    And I feel like I'm somewhat bipolar...not seriously, but like, I know what you mean. I sometimes go through times when I don't mind being with people that much, and kind of feel like being social and outgoing, but then there are other times when I really just want to be by myself and do my own thing. And when I don't get my "me" time I can get pretty nasty...like really bitchy haha. I don't try to, it just happens because usually when I need time alone is because I'm stressed out and just want to unwind and relax and think about nothing or do something completely distracting....but when that doesn't happen it just makes me more stressed out so I vent and take it out on the people around me...WOW I just wrote you a mini life story haha! Sorry about that...I just needed to get that out I guess:$


    Well at least you can attempt to fix your computer:indiff: I know how to turn it on/off, check my e-mail, occasionally facebook, and write papers. Figuring out how to use this site and like post things on it took a lot of effort haha, but I'm getting better! *high fives back* yaaaay for being compterally challenged!


    Thanks;) haha


    Yeah I get what you mean about The Office and it's idiocy...that is kind of the point of the show I guess. So it can get annoying but for the most part I find it really funny...I guess I just have an immature sense of humor, oh well!!


    So how's your weekend going? Do you have a lot of homework and stuff to do or do you get a chance to kind of relax and do your own thing? I came home this weekend so I get to relax but STILL do homework, story of my life! I love being home though..

  15. Oh I was obsessed with them too! Nice one! I was probably about 6 or 7 at the time? I haven't been back there since then either:( I have no idea what it's like now but I'm sure it's changed a ton..


    What sports do you have over there? Besides soccer lol (and swimming!)




    yes you are trying to sell it to me:p I know a lot of people like it, and it does seem really cool...I think if I had to choose between iPod touch or iPhone I'd pick the touch. Probably because I'm so hard on my phone as it is that I would find a way to snap it in half...somehow. Knowing my luck I'd do it within the first week haha!:$


    MEEE TOOOOO I can't wait to hear some of their new stuff! I'm glad that dom is keeping his myspace randomly updated too (I'm pretty convinced it's him, even though I know a lot of other people think otherwise...) It makes me excited knowing that they think it's going really well so far! AHHHH:happy:


    I have to spend a lot of time in the internet/computer...it's like my main source of communication between my teachers/friends/family...plus I always have to do homework like writing papers and stuff so yeah, I spend a lot of time on it too, but I don't mind it either, because sometimes I like being on here more than like going to hang out with people or something lol...we're weirdos:p


    That would be annoying....If anything happened to my computer idk what I would do...I'm really bad with technology. Well, not really bad, but I'm not a computer genius that's for sure:rolleyes:


    No, just Hi is fine...I'm too shy hahaha:$


    And yeah I think The Office is hilarious...I've only seen the US version but my brother's said the UK version is a lot funnier. (Which it probably is because we ripped it off from you guys hahaha sorry!) But yeah a new one is on tonight and I'm excited to see it:)

  16. :LOL: oh my god that was spot on hahahaha!


    Agreed, it's the parents that let their kids get away with acting like that....just ridiculous...


    And Shamu was my favorite:happy: we got wet without even sitting in that area hahaha I actually got really scared and started crying! And my brother and sister just laughed at me saying it was stupid that I was upset but I couldn't help it at the time!:$


    And yeah, sorry about the confusion with Softball/lesbian sports hahaha. People have said it so many times here I forget that it's probably hardly mentioned over there. Oh well!




    Oooh iPod touch, I have some friends that have those and they like them but say they're also somewhat overrated. I've never really had a desire to get one so I don't know, but you like yours a lot? I think the iPhone is cool too but also kind of overrated...maybe I'm just too old-fashioned:rolleyes::LOL:


    I think Newborn and Hysteria will always be 2 of my most favorite songs by Muse, they're so awesome I freaking love it!! And we do need to see them soon!!! I can't wait for this album to be out so 1)We can buy it and listen to it (duh) and 2) They'll start touring again!!!! Watching my HAARP dvd is simply not enough haha I need to BE THERE!


    No, it doesn't sound selfish...it's how a lot of people are actually. I used to be pretty outgoing and talkative when I was back in high school but since I've been away from home I've been more and more introverted. I'll still go and hang out with people but I don't really have much to add to conversations because I feel like everyone here is a certain "type." Like they fit the college mold so easily and I'm just kind of there...lol maybe that sounds weird, but that's what it seems like to me.


    And don't worry about replying late...this is kind of late also! You've had problems with your PC? Is it on the fritz....:( I've been super busy too...all my teachers are cramming us with homework and projects to be due by Thanksgiving, so I'm swamped all the time with new work to do:'(


    And I do hope you enjoyed Heroes;) haha next time, tell Milo I say HI:LOL:


    Do you like The Office?

  17. Oh my GOD I know...I've seen that episode that you're talking about actually and I remember being like WTF!? When she freaked out so much at her mom! And her mom just took it too! I would never dream of being such an unselfish bitch to my parents or yelling at them like that EVER! I'd like to think my parents raised me better than that and also that my parents wouldn't be afraid to let me know when I'm out of line...but I guess some parents just want to be their kids' "friends":facepalm:


    Yes! I loved Sea World too!!! I remember that's when Free Willy (you know, that movie with the Killer Whale and that one boy) was huuuuge so I was super excited to go see one up close! One of my most memorable moments as a child I'd say haha!


    PC...got it...lol:$


    Swimming is to a real sport! Did you not watch the Olympics this summer?! Michael Phelps and all his hot body/awkward faced glory?! :chuckle:No but seriously, that's tough sport, so don't shortchange yourself there!


    Oh softball...lol It's like the women's equivalent of baseball..except for the pitching is all different and the balls we use are bigger than baseballs. And the whole "lesbian sport" thing is somewhat of a joke...it's not like it's known officially as "the lesbian sport!" But a lot of people associate lesbians with softball because it seems like they all play it or are like obsessed with it. I really don't know why, but that's just the way it is I guess!


    :LOL:It's okay for shouting! I'm extremely excited!!! IT'S ONLY 4 DAYS AWAY!!!!! GUY BERRYMAN!!! ...sorry I got a little carried away too haha, your shouting is contagious!


    I want to get the new iPod nano really bad (in red or black:happy:)...I think they're so cool. For some reason I've always liked the nanos more than the original iPods:rolleyes: I'm just weird! I guess I like how small and cute they are...perfect for running/working out with rather than lugging around one of those original beasts:LOL: nah the regular iPods aren't that bad...but I like my nano! even if it does make me delete songs all the time....:indiff:


    oooh B&H and Newborn are awesome:D My "favorite" changes around a lot, depending on my mood I guess, but my true favorite, the one I first heard and what first got me into Muse is Hysteria<3 I will always love that song haha


    And you first heard Muse through a music class?!:stunned: That's awesome! I don't think any music teacher I've ever had has ever heard of Muse....it's a shame. But wow Apocalypse Please as the first one, quite provocative eh?


    I haven't been to one either, unfortunately :( I HAVE to go to at least ONE sometime though, hopefully when they start touring for their next album. They've been to places about 5-6 hours away from where I live, but I was too young at the time to go/no one ever wanted to go with me....so I was Muse-less:supersad:


    Ohh I see now, I didn't know the background story of the Chelsea team...what selfish bastards!!:p


    Yes debate and medical ethics count! You think you're antisocial? Really? Do you prefer to just spend time by yourself more than with other people? Because I'm kind of like that too...I have my friends, sure, but I really cherish my alone time and almost prefer that over spending all my time with friends/other people.


    And I took piano lessons up until I was 10 years old or so...but I haven't played in years so I kind of forgot it all...which I'm really upset about because I would love to be able to play some Muse pieces also. Maybe when I'm home for a period of time I'll sit myself down and try to relearn a bit. Start off with something easy like Con-Science or something:LOL:


    And I searched you, and found you! And I'm adding you as a friend as soon as I finish typing and sending this!:) yaaaaaay

  18. WOW My Super Sweet 16 makes me want to rip my hair out..those girls are unbelievably spoiled and I'm so glad I've never met anyone like that. That's one of the good things about living in the Midwest I guess, people are less materialistic and money-hungry...when you get more on the West Coast, and the East Coast sometimes too....the people there are insanely rich and spoiled and bratty and I just couldn't imagine being around some of those girls for more than 2 seconds...


    Yeah, Paris Hilton's my New BFF....it's just as dumb as it sounds. I watched only one episode and the one I watched there had to be SMBH as background music:supersad: After that I vowed to never watch it again! Mainly because I can't afford to let my IQ drop any more than it has already from watching that dreaded show:facepalm:


    Oh, and she's basically famous for getting shitfaced every weekend and having a sex tape....American's really pick the winners huh!?:rolleyes:


    I really do want to come to England you have NOOOO idea!!! Did you go to Washington the state? Or Washington DC? and I haven't even been to LA or San Francisco:$ lol I've been to random states: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, South Dakota (lame) Wisconsin (which is a given since we're neighboring states lol) maybe a couple more I'm forgetting but yeah...not exactly America's most famous states:LOL:


    And my friend is in New York as we speak with her grandma just to go shopping for the weekend! I'm so jealous, I've never been there, but my brother has and said it's absolutely insane! My friend got picked up from the airport in a limo....apparently her grandma is absolutely loaded:indiff: lucky brat:p


    pc? I don't know what that means:$ I bet it's blatantly obvious but could you tell me what you're talking about? lol Was it about the rule on businesses having to say "Happy Holidays"?


    I played all sorts of sports, just to try them out, like basketball, cross country, soccer when I was younger...but my main one was Softball...I got a lot of shit for it though because apparently it's the "lesbian sport" lol But I didn't care because I loved playing it and I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't too bad!;)


    I know what you mean about the Madonna thing...you can't really get away from her:rolleyes: lol But you like COLDPLAY TOO!?! They're my 2nd favorite band behind Muse:D I'm going to their concert this Friday actually! I'm super excited!!!!!!! And you have good taste in music in general lol...but that doesn't surprise me, you are on the Muse forum and I figure almost everyone who likes Muse probably has similar music tastes lol


    And Muse takes over my ipod too:LOL: They have so many good songs for whatever mood I'm in that I can never get sick of them...I should go count to see how many I have...hmm...I only have an iPod nano though, the first one ever (i love my nano) so I constantly have to delete songs to add new ones...it's kind of annoying but it keeps my music up-to-date at least!


    Speaking of Muse, I haven't even asked you this: What are your favorite songs ever/currently? And where did you first hear them? And have you ever been to any of their gigs yet?


    And yes, my family and I are quite weird....:LOL: But I don't mind:happy: Glad you got a kick out of that lol..That's a typical conversation between my mom and I. Me always saying something inappropriate and her correcting me, only to have it backfire hahaha


    When my dad and siblings went over there they brought me back a Chelsea zip-up sweatshirt! Only after I wore it around a bit did I find out that more people hate Chelsea than like them! They're a professional team right? What other teams are in the Premiership? And what does that mean? And NO LIVERPOOL! lol I got it!


    Are you in any clubs or groups or anything then if you don't play sports? Or do you play any instruments or act in plays or something?


    Ahh I had a myspace a couple years ago, then deleted it out of a random impulse I had for some reason!:rolleyes: I have a facebook though, do you have one?

  19. Yeah same here...like I said, I mainly just wanna know where they play SMBH! lol And apart from that see if the movie really is all it's hyped up to be. Honestly, the trailers make me go :wtf: so I don't know HOW some girls think this is going to be the most monumental experience in their lives....ah whatever, we'll see I guess!


    you get snow....then it rains hahahaha! And yeah Mean Girls is somewhat of an accurate depiction of a lot of high schools....of course it's exaggerated in a lot of ways too, but that is the personality/attitude of a lot of girls....Luckily, my high school wasn't that clicky. There were certain groups of friends, yeah, but everyone pretty much talked to everyone and no one was like "OMG why are you talking to HER?!:eek:" lol But I think it's getting worse now, some of the girls that are just getting into high school look like they're 20 or something, it's ridiculous! They're so fake and definitely Mean Girl-like. Not to mention they drink and do more drugs than I've even heard of:rolleyes:....oh what is this world coming to....


    Ahh and I can't stand America's Next Top Model either...mainly because I think Tyra Banks is an annoying twat:p And a lot of those girls on there are retarded....so many reality TV shows make American's look so stupid it makes me go:facepalm: OVER AND OVER! Like this new one, Paris Hilton's my New BFF...WOW:noey: I saw one episode and was just like THIS is why people don't take America seriously! We focus on the most idiotic of celebrities and encourage them to continue to live pointless lives!!!! sorry.../end rant!


    Oh and "whinge" for you is spelled "whine" for us...like when someone is "whining" or complaining about something...lol, no "g";)


    And I agree with you on the visiting countries bit...it really is the only way to get a true feel for what people are really like. My dad, brother, and sister visited London a couple springs ago and absolutely loved it. (I couldn't go because I was in sports...lame....) But yeah, I hope to make it over there at least once in my lifetime!


    Well, our breaks aren't exactly like that. In high school, for Christmas we only got about a week or a week and a half off...in college you get about a month. But other than that we don't get any breaks for longer than 3-4 days for random Holiday's like President's Day, or Martin Luther King Jr. Day (except for Spring Break is about a week) until summer. And that's when we get 3 months off because it's the end of the school year. So we get a longer break until the next school year starts in September.


    Yeah, I guess how I can see fireworks getting old after a couple nights.... And when your neighbors through big house parties!:LOL: I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood...so the only time it's ever loud is probably when I have friends over for a bonfire or something. Your neighbors sound like a riot haha (Madonna!? I don't even listen to Madonna lol)


    Yeah, Happy Christmas sounds weird....everyone over here says Merry Christmas...but now it's becoming a rule that for businesses they have to say Happy Holidays...because not everyone celebrates Christmas and so some people got offended by just Christmas-based advertising:facepalm:


    And for the most part during Christmas, people do get really drunk and abnormally happy hahaha but it's entertaining so I don't complain about it :happy:


    Pissing down rain! We say "It's raining down cats and dogs" When it's pouring or something like that lol....Such a stupid phrase, I never use it. I just say It's fucking pouring out! (which makes my mom go..STEPHANIE! don't say that word! And I'm like what word, pouring? And she's like No, the other one! the F-word! So I say...oh....FUCKING?! and then she looks at me like :eek::mad: and i just :LOL:right in her face...oh mothers....)


    I know I'm very surprised at how well it's doing...but I also haven't seen any other questions like it so that's good I guess! I do hope it gets asked!!:D But I also wish that we could see the answers via podcast or like a downloadable clip like the Fury one from RAH....but oh well, I'm still happy they're doing this question thing. Makes me love them even more!


    lol at you saying football 5 times in that paragraph! I do follow it some (American football)...I usually just watch it by coincidence, but soccer (actual football) I find really entertaining to watch...I've only been to one professional game though, But my dad brother and sister went to one when they were over there and said the fans were nuts!!


    Do you play any sports or anything like that?

  20. Yeah, just don't go on opening weekend! That's my plan at least...I would like to actually go to watch the movie, not listen to OMG OMG OMG WAAAHHHHJHSADKLGS I WANT TO MARRY ROB PATTINSON! every 5 minutes:indiff:


    Well, you get your rain, we get our snow:LOL: And don't think every American is like "If you dont like America you can get the hell out!" (Although you don't seem like you think that anyways) But I know a lot of movies probably portray us stuck up and bitchy :rolleyes: which, I'm not gonna lie, some people definitely are...but It's probably like that everywhere (at least I would think so)...we just end up being the butt of the joke more often than not:LOL:


    And I'm sure we're not really all that different, minus a few phrases here and there and the accent lol....but of course movies have to completely exaggerate it all, making us all feel like everyone outside of our own country is practically like an alien!


    And no we don't get half-term breaks! But I guess that makes up for us getting months off at a time:p We might have like, 3-day long weekends on occasion when it's the end of the semester or right after we have our mid-terms (there's another one: mid-term and half-term!) But that's not even all the time. Those sound like a better idea than getting months off....because by the end of the break I always feel like I've forgotten everything!:rolleyes:


    Haha do you set off fireworks that often over there? Really it's just the one day for us then nothing for the other 364 days of the year! I wish we set them off more....


    Oh yeah, do you say "Happy Christmas" or "Merry Christmas?" Because (sorry, HP reference again!) in the movies they all said Happy Christmas to each other...but then I think it changed to Merry Christmas a couple movies later?


    Another thing: "Stop pissing around" And we say "Stop messing/screwing around" Not too different, but no one says pissing around over here:p


    And I think I found yours and voted for it too:D I'm glad you asked a question that not any Muse fan would be able to answer...or one of those "when will you come back to so-and-so?":facepalm:

  21. Do you think you'll see the Twilight movie? It comes out in a couple weeks....I haven't decided If I want to see it or not...I might just go to hear what scene they play SMBH in:LOL: I'm not even kidding, I'm really curious about that!


    :stunned:you mean you don't all live in castles and have tea parties with the Queen every weekend?:eek::supersad::'(

    hahahaha oh man that's too bad that people really DO think that. But I guess when all they have to go off of are movies lol.....I never thought that actually, but I did always picture it raining or being about to rain like all the time. Is it like that though?


    You can have your Wentworth Miller and I'll take my Christian Bale thank you:p


    And I liked the OC for a while too, until after like the first season lol....I just kind of fell out of love with it and never really turned back...Like I said, I have really bad commitment issues with TV series:$


    I know, it takes a lot of time management to be able to balance work, school, social life, etc. I'm still trying to figure that out myself as well lol


    and I dunno why we get such long summer and winter breaks lol plus there's thanksgiving and spring break inbetween......I'm not complaining though!;)


    Oh the zoo, I will always love going there! It will never get old for me lol


    I think I do get Sirius, hmmm then again I dunno for sure....I don't really listen to the radio that much, If anything I'll just listen to random stuff on itunes or I search around on youtube for things...but BBC Radio 1 I have heard of so I'll look into it more and listen to some things sometime! (Chris Moyles and Scott Mills...I'll remember that!)


    And going with the flow is a great idea:) plus, you seem like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders so I'm sure no matter what you end up doing you'll be juuuust fiiine!


    OH and thanks for getting that Barack song stuck in my head for like 5 hours...........:indiff:lol


    and the fireworks are going off!? (or went off) hide the kitty!!!!


    AND...in case you didn't see...for the Muse question thing, you should vote for mine:happy: It's the "have there been any dire consequences due to some of your actions blah blah blah such as when Matt said the F word like 15 times during Feeling Good on Radio 3" (I can't remember exactly what I said now)

    But yeah, It would be nice if you voted for it:D

  22. lol, the 3rd Harry Potter was the best IMO anyways:happy: but that's funny, I swear giving away the books for christmas and such is a given. That's when I've gotten all of mine pretty much:LOL: You have to admit though, they're at least better than Twilight (barf) I mean, the Twilight books were a cute love story and everything, but then it just got all screwed up and weird...I was like :wtf: the whole time after the first one pretty much....definitely overrated.:indiff:


    Oh Hugh Grant is for sure always the fumbling, good-looking English bloke! But I believe you when you say no one over there actually acts or talks like him:rolleyes: ahh movies...the fictional goodness of them all. Yeah when I hear women going crazy over Alan Rickman I'm pretty sure they're at least all over 35....:p still weird though, I know.


    Oh Brad and Jake:happy: lol I would have to say my favorite actor is Christian Bale, (coincidentally English!) But that was way before Batman and everything, I saw American Psycho when it came out and just fell in love with him:yesey: It's true Johnny Depp became this huge sex symbol suddenly after he's wearing dreads and eyeliner:LOL: I thought he played the character really well, but I didn't swoon over him like a lot of other girls my age did either.


    and I don't blame you for being obsessed with Milo Ventimiglia! He's definitely a looker:eyebrows: I take it your a Heroes fan then? I wish I got into that series more...I'm really bad with TV show series..I can never stay committed enough to them, ohh well!


    And that's perfectly fine that you prefer spending your time doing other things rather than getting drunk. You might feel like a nerd now, (and don't worry, I'm a nerd too. A cool nerd, but still a nerd:LOL:) but as soon as you can driiiiive your entire world will open up:D


    Yes, our summer "holiday!" or vacation as we call it! Goes from June 5th or so, until September 2nd or so? (they're always give or take a few days here and there) And that was in high school.... College is from like May 15th to September 2nd-ish. We also get an entire month off from the middle of December to the middle of January for our Christmas break:D


    And cabins are great! Right by lakes where you can just lay around in the sun and go tubing and waterskiing and everything. Always a good time....do you have any cabins you use for vacations/holidays? Or are they basically nonexistent over there? Or what do you do for random little holidays with family?


    And try not to stress TOO much about what you'll wanna do for your career. Even though your friend has a good idea, and very well might become a doctor, she could always change her mind; it's completely normal. Just try to start it off with what you like and what you're good at and it'll come to you a lot easier.:happy: Plus, you don't want to go through school learning something you end up hating later...so don't be afraid to change your mind!


    Hmm, that is quite a predicament:LOL: I might have to go with the mom too (I wonder where "mum" and "mom" came from...hmmm) anyways...It would be sad, but then you'd think "well is this what my mom/mum would've wanted?" Unless all 5 people on the other train had AIDS, then i'd save my mom!

  23. Ron Weasley does say Bloody Hell a lot, I usually think of him whenever I hear it:happy: I love the Harry Potter books and movies, can't wait for this summer to see the next one! I'm guessing they're still pretty big over there too aren't they? (I'm sure you know this already, seeing as you've posted in some of the threads, but now it's "Twilight" that's so huge over here now...:indiff: such a load of crap. So many people were saying Stephenie Meyer is the next J.K. Rowling...yeaaah riiiiiight:LOL:)


    And YES a lot of women find Hugh Grant amazingly attractive:p...I don't think he's bad-looking, but he's not exactly my cup of tea. OH! A lot of women also really like Alan Rickman, who plays Snape in Harry Potter I believe? Now THAT definitely is over my head...What American actors are big hits for women over there?


    Yeah bon fires are some of the best things to do during the summer and fall nights:happy: do you never do things like that over there with your friends? In fact, what DO most teens do over there for fun or during some free time?


    Well, I've never had to do anything work/school related on 4th of July since it's right in the middle of summer vacation:D And usually my parents take work off for it, especially if it's close to the weekend. And we usually go to our cabin or I've gone to a friend's cabin or something, and the city usually sets off a pretty decent display of fireworks...it's always really fun:)


    And yeah, until you get to college or University you're stuck with the pretty basic and boring classes:rolleyes: It's like that for us too so don't worry! College is where you're exposed to a TON of new opportunities and career possibilities, it's rather overwhelming actually! But Mass Communications is like the overall major, and it is basically using television, radio, internet, newspaper, etc. to communicate to the general public. Journalism is a kind of smaller focus or specialization under mass communications, and it's based mostly on the writing aspect of it....did that help or are you even more confused now lol


    And if you like science, then go for it! There are a lot of cool science-based jobs out there, and if you're good at it and enjoy it then definitely look into your options!:D Don't worry if you get to college and end up changing your mind though, that's what I'm going through right now and it feels like I should know exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life, but in reality, I'm 18, just out of high school and have NO idea:LOL: and pretty much everyone is in the same boat too..but it never hurts to have some sort of idea or plan!


    Medical Ethics sounds really cool:nerd: Were the situations like: "Someone is on life support, do you keep them on it or just pull the plug?"

  24. Snogging, for some reason it just reminds me of pigs I don't know why! It's a funny word:LOL:


    I think Bloody Hell is an awesome phrase, but no one says over here:erm: I think if people did start saying it they would get looked at really funny. It only sounds cool with a British accent!:LOL:


    So Bonfire Night is like an actual celebration for you! Setting off fireworks and such, that sounds like our 4th of July. (My dog hates it too, he cowers under the kitchen table, or random beds...poor guy:rolleyes:)Like I said, we just have nights where we have bonfires--basically sit around in folding chairs at a fire pit in someone's yard or something and talk or whatever...they're usually really chill but very fun:happy:


    I'm not sure what I'm going to study, I've only been in it for a couple months so I basically am just taking general classes that all freshman have to take. Boring. I was thinking about Psychology for a while, but not so much anymore...I think I would get real depressed having to listen to other people's terrible lives all the time:( So maybe something in Mass Communications or Journalism? I dunno! I'm just trying to keep my options open:happy:


    Do you have any idea what you'd want to study when you go off to college/Uni;)

  25. I forgot to comment on the youtube video you sent me earlier too...lol nice one! I love when people manupulate their speeches:LOL: Did you happen to watch any of the SNL Sarah Palin spoofs? oh god those were a riot too

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