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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. Well I'm seeing Muse pretty soon, so I figure it's good to take a break.

  2. You'll hate on me if I say them. :awesome:


    I haven't listened to Muse in a few weeks or so.

  3. So...uh...:LOL:


    What music have you been listening to lately? :happy:

  4. Conversation at all really. :LOL:

  5. If you want good conversation, I'm probably not one you want to talk to. :LOL:

  6. Actually it shouldn't be, it's only 6:34. :LOL:

  7. :p


    I've been on the computer since 7 AM so...:awesome:

  8. I'm fine, bit tired, dunno why that is.


    How are you?

  9. You can change your nickname, which I suppose is like changing what name you display, you'll just have to log in with that.

  10. Instead of "Hello, deletedwithonestroke" it says "Howdy, deletedwithonestroke"


    I don't know why it's obsessed with "Howdy". :LOL:

  11. And then I need the email you signed up with so I can add you to my blog.


    I don't KNOW why I need your email, they're just too stupid to use usernames. :erm:

  12. Well you go to wordpress.com and go make an account and stuff. When it asks you if you want a blog or a username, just say "username". :p

  13. Okay. :happy:


    You're gonna need to join up though. :chuckle:

  14. Do you want to write for it too? I can add members and stuff and I will be less shy about showing it to people...


    Or you're Jonnie, you want to do it on your own, don't you?

  15. You said you wanted to steal my idea, right?

  16. Neither do I.


    Curling is good entertainment though. :happy:

  17. Aww I like the Olympics


    I like cheering on the other countries because they don't win as many medals as the US. :LOL:

  18. Nah, actually, I'm trying to add Ryan to my blog now. :LOL:


    Ooh Olympics. Do you know what's on?

  19. Uh no not really. :LOL: I kind of feel like reviewing more albums, but not SotU. :LOL: What an odd person I am.



  20. :LOL: Mine are just kind of odd.



  21. I mean that my descriptions are kind of elaborate and "deep" :LOL:


    Oh and I'm not gonna finish it tonight, I'll send you the link tomorrow when I do finish it.

  22. I'm really weird when it comes to describing music. :LOL:

  23. :awesome:


    I wish I didn't suck at it. :LOL:

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