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Everything posted by SingforMuse

  1. True :D

    your avi: tis like Matt is sexily hypnotising :eyebrows: lol

  2. Saw them in March :D brilliant

    its a shame they don't have a live dvd out :(

  3. Happy to join lol, Brandon=:awesome:

    aw, thanks :happy:

  4. Think Dom quite likes them, mentioned in an interview somewhere :)

    they're amazing live :dance:

  5. lol, was expecting the group to be bigger if it's about Brandon. Love The Killers :)

  6. Hey, thanks for the friend invite :)

  7. wow thats such an epic crazy dream! wierd dream on Wednesday night: Matt was sitting by himself in a cafe so i ran up to him asking for his autograph and he gave me it then said "would you like to buy a puncho?"wtf? n then his table turned into a stall n he was all "buy 1 get 1 free!" i left the cafe n noticed these massive flashin arrows, followed them to a greenhouse (huh?) n found a crazy lady yelling "we must get Bells back, he has become a salesman n teacher! need muse back!"
  8. Billy Joe? lol the songs would sound so wierd More of a day dream but Dom got stuck in the drum riser at some festival and Matt was literally rolling on the floor laughing. But Chris just stood with his arms folded telling the hysterical audience "its not funny. How would you feel in that situation?"
  9. Matt and Santa, who knew?? Lmao had a really, really wierd one a few weeks ago Muse were on the Tv performing on some kind of chat show and they were dressed in full white but wearing bunny masks (WTF???!) freaked me out when i woke up. In another i was at a concert and KOC was playing - preferred that one
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