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Everything posted by purpleasure

  1. oh wait you just did

  2. you can't leave me like that

  3. I am here to say hi to you and stuff

  4. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Chairulll, how is life going?

  6. Thank you my dear Simon <3

  7. OMG just 2 months! any plans of what you are going to do after that? and nice to hear you are good :)

    I'm, ok I guess, just in that limbo situation where I am done with uni and I don't have a job, but I hope it ends soon.

  8. And how is the panda life going?

  9. I SO thought we were already friendsss

  10. I was going to post something but now I got all distracted with your pic <3333333333

  11. YAAAY! I am glad it arrived, it took so long.

    I hope you liked it :kiss:

  12. Sixty five! can you believe it?

    Oh and you should update your id pic with another awesome face

  13. <333 I love you more, aaaaaaaand I hope you get that letter I sent soon! stupid postal service.


    OHH and someone told me you are going to uni, right? :D tell me about that

  14. Oh I am so proud of you, keep those B's! and yeah, try to do some work too lol. I am fine fine, I can say I am done with uni, no more classes at least, just some final reports and presentations, I AM SO OLD NOW.

  15. No card yet??? even fire got it a couple of days ago, and she is more far away from me :(

  16. Hahahaha cuanto halago que bárbaro. Si, a ver cuando se me hace ir para allá, espero no sea en fechas muy lejanas.


    Y cualquier duda que tengas con esto te puedo ayudar si quieres :)

  17. No one has! I never thought it was going to take this long ugh, I hope it gets there soon.

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