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Status Updates posted by Megglen

  1. :phu: Because I asked so kindly


    Well, I haven't spoken to you on the board since I said it have I?

  2. :LOL: You little Irish shit! Why isn't my quote in dark red?
  3. :happy: & I have yours! So when is your burfday? I'll have to return the favour
  4. :( DAMN! Oh well, I'll make a big long list of likes & dislikes for next year & my santa :LOL:
  5. :happy: Nope! I love it

    Well, you're a fan of True Blood, & I became one in the past 2 weeks. So if I was one earlier, maybe you could've rustled up something :LOL:

  6. :happy: I KNEW IT WAS YOU! I'm so very, very smart! I adore the bracelet. I've worn it everyday since it came. My brother tried to steal the key rings off me :LOL: They're on my school bag at the moment. When I get a set of keys for a car, house etc. I'm going to have the most awesome set of keys ever :LOL: Oh yeah, just to tell you, the key ring with the crown on it broke :( But no probs, I got my dad to fix it

    THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 I love it

    Now I wish I had fallen in love with True Blood earlier so I could get that type of merch :chuckle:

  7. :happy: When I saw the necklace I was like: YEP! PERFECT! It's soo cy00te! & I'm glad you like the bag! I was slightly worried about that :LOL:


    No probs! I'm just sooo happy you like it :awesome: I DEMAND PICTURES!

  8. Open it!!!! I also forgot a part of it! But I went over the limit anyway, so it's all cool

  9. Yes! Please do! Go nuts!

  10. I do? :erm: I thought it made me look young, quiet young actually :LOL:


    MSN'll do... megrosesin@hotmail.com

  11. What woman!? I'm on MSN!

  12. I've been waiting when I can talk to you so we can discuss what is going on this USB!

  13. Okay, okay. We need to arrange a time for us to both be on. Anytime is good for me except Thursday

  14. I was on MSN you silleh!


    Anywho, my internet cut & is still doing it

  15. Ah yessss, I am!

  16. Yeah, nothing too expensive & nothing too big. I'd just love something to go on my desk alongside my Paddington Bear :awesome:

  17. Oi Sair!


    I've got an idea for my present & not an English guy :awesome: Can you lasso me a TARDIS? Mebeh a sonic screwdriver? David Tennant?:ninja:


    :happy: Luff,


  18. Bitchface, if I don't have a present from everywhere you've been, you'll be in big twubble!

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