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Status Updates posted by Megglen

  1. :LOL: I can't see it! It's a file on your computer


    Maybe this'll help


    Yeah, I know he is, but... meh




    Better wave or they'll be shitty


    I like Chris... But Dommeh :kiss:

  2. :LOL::LOL: This is a file on your computer right?


    It's pretty epic for a treasure hunt.. :erm:


    Matty getting dirty with Dommeh!


    :LOL: They're watching you from above


    I still love Maffoo Faffoo... But now I luffs Dommeh moar!

  3. I don't think it's for a new website.. That would mean a new board too wouldn't it? Anyways, I like the current website, no other bands is as awesome


    :awesome: I'd watch that TV show!!

    Oh? *can't wait*


    :yesey: Exactly! It's takes up like a little area when it's open, but it is so simple & convenient & ah! Bliss :happy:


    Nah... I used to love Matt, but it's changed. I LUFFS YOU DOMMEH

  4. :LOL: I hope he doesn't destroy it like he did the other website


    That is perverted!! :LOL: It'd be like Big Brother.. Big Muse :p


    Twitterfox just gives you your updates, you can have up to 200 at a time, but I'm hoping that number is gonna increase. & it is just an icon in the corner & you click on it & a little thing pops up that you can Tweet from & all that jazz


    Dom for the win in everything :awesome:

  5. When he'd say something on Twitter AND photos

    I would guess Kirky would be there sometimes, but he has his own life & he would be arranging stuff for the new album, like interviews, press releases, photoshoots


    Twitterfox is a little icon in the corner, it is very easy to use :yesey:http://twitterfox.net/

    As for Opera, I dunno... Never used it


    :yesey: For a club, there was 2 girls :awesome:


    Dom ftw :cool:

  6. :awesome: It's an awesome feeling... Especially when Dom was updating


    :chuckle: What browser do you use? You can get a Twitter application for nearly every thing now, not like when it started


    I agree there! I used to play cricket :LOL: I was pretty crap, but I cannot stand watching it. Blah! :vomit:


    :LOL: Yeah, I know, or well I guessed after a while :p

  7. :LOL: & his eye pops out when he shouts, then back in when he's quieter

    Same :D I have a thing for Gen X men :p Especially in TV shows


    :eek: It's so exciting... because they're like online & yeah


    It's the Twitter application for Mozilla Firefox :yesey: It is very awesome

    Umm.. I'm not sure, I don't think it does


    :LOL: My dad is watching the cricket, but he's not very loud


    I'm just about to go off to bed :kiss: Night! Talk to you tomorrow

  8. :LOL: Yes! & when he yells it pops out. Ah funny! I should really buy that on DVD

    Still... Trent :cool: He's supposedly based on Trent Reznor :awesome:


    Yes! I almost died when I saw an update from Muse on Twitterfox :chuckle: I did that too when The Resistance name was announced

  9. :chuckle: Hey thankies. Trent is my fave btw :happy:


    Sorry I didn't reply before, I checked it, then was half way through a reply... then I dunno what happened to it :LOL:

  10. :eek: Dommeh is the sexiest


    :p You could... with a bananana


    Please? :( I wanna see

  11. :LOL: Yeah, quiet literally in the middle of nowhere


    :yesey: I was going to do that.... But I didn't in the end :supersad: I forgot, but I voted once & it was all for my00ze


    :LOL: It's okay love


    Very, very late... HAPPY BIRTHDAY

  12. :awesome::musesign:


    Dommeh is :phu:


    You'll murder them all?


    :supersad: I didn't get that, I didn't have a camera with me & my DVD was posted to me *must see these photos*



  13. :awesome: You're awesome too! Except you don't like James Blunt :phu:


    14 :p 15 in October. You?


    Nah :( I'm not, I have to stream it online if I wanna listen to it & I'm saving that for the last part of Hottest 100 Of All Time

    Yeah I did :happy:

  14. :happy: Still fun to reads :p


    :pope: Blunty is made of win, & he's a sexy English man, what more could anyone ask for?


    :p Could get Andrew & Matt together then :ninja:


    Yeah.. I got wood

    :LOL: Well apparently Matt lives in my backyard, I shall go ask him

  15. I have a DVD & a piece of wood signed by Andrew :p Finger prints will be easy peasy! But Maffoos... *thinks*



  16. *goes off & reads yours*


    But James is a sexy ex-soldier from England :( I still luffs him, he is sooo *wipes tear away*


    :eek: BDO?

  17. :LOL::LOL: I'm glad someone took the effort to read it, it took me at least 10 minutes of hardcore typing


    :eek: I love Blunty... omnomnom :happy:


    Yes! I nearly got up & hugged the TV.. :$ But he does remind me a lot of Bellzie, I would like them to meet :yesey: But I'm not sure if Andrew knows their music, I shall have to track his DNA :p

  18. Because I changed it at 11.56pm :LOL:

  19. And poser photo!!


  20. *squeals* Tellytubbies! Or however you spell it

  21. *hugs* Sowweh Sammy :(

  22. Well... WHATEVER :phu:

  23. :eek: Nearly?

    I'm insulted

  24. *giggles* " Ye got a request to join your crew."

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