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Everything posted by denise3112

  1. 1. Why not? Simple examples which illustrate my point. 2. More than one album as my reference is to Grohl as singer, not drummer. Obvious I'd have thought.
  2. Mebbe the techies didn't like her incessant screaming either.......
  3. I stated IMO in the beginning of the post: IMO they'd have more potential with a more varied use of the scream. The clip (which is a studio clip) you show is much better IMO than how she sang during the 3 live gigs I saw. Which was 90-95 pc screaming in most if not all the songs (and therefore boring instead of exciting). They are young and therefore, yes, they do need to learn IF they are to develop their musical skills. IMO. Which they may choose not to do, and nor do I care either way. I like raw screaming when well done eg Cobain and Grohl. They used/use that rawness with a skill that Becca has not yet mastered on the evidence of the 3 gigs I have seen her in. IMO.
  4. Really liking Reapers now having heard it 3 times live now, the guitar work v clear yesterday. Lots proggy broken chords. Overall sound for Muse was really sharp and perfectly balanced even though the mixing desk looked tiny. One of my favourite Muse gigs ever and I've been to over 30 now, partly helped by getting a great spot in this lovely little venue. Matt playing with us in the intro to PIB was jokes, great to see him engaging with the crowd much more. IMO Marmosets have potential but suffered from having substandard acoustics of the whack-all-amps-up-to-max variety, and the girl needs to learn to mix in her screaming with some singing or at least vary the intensity of it a bit. Even Cobain didn't scream all the time, and Dave Grohl is a master of the judiciously placed scream. Feel much less enthusiastic for Download now, having been to Newport, Exeter and Brighton. And my body is sore! In fact Muse should just coming and gig in my house.
  5. That's great, how lucky! and missing the Marmozets was a good thing unless you want bleeding ears.
  6. Yes, you've got 'Post-Muse Depression'. I get it badly at the end of every tour. I'd have thought that they would announce some arena, if not stadium dates, when the album is released in June, if not sooner. Getting a date in the diary is the best cure.
  7. The announcement favoured those fans who keep their ears to the ground. It also worked in cutting out those people who register then beg pre-sale codes from gullible pre-registered fans, as there wasn't time for that. Short notice also works against touts. Other big bands who offer surprise small gigs 'for the fans' adopt the same short notice approach. I'd have been kicking myself if I hadn't got tickets, I grant you, but there's not enough tickets for everyone who wants or deserves one, so luck has to come in somewhere, and that's just a fact.
  8. I don't think it makes a band 'dicks' because they haven't given international fans enough notice to get cheap flights to get to small gigs in the UK. The gigs were massively oversubscribed anyway. Sorry for your disappointment and all.....
  9. Bottom line is there aren't remotely enough tickets for everyone who wants to go on a small tour like this, so what does the notice matter? We all started off from the same place when they announced the tour last week. I didn't notice anyone in the Foofighters forums calling them dicks when they did their surprise gigs last September.
  10. Yeah, I think the very front is usually mental if that's where you were. What I meant was that at Exeter the 'mentalness' spread further, and the singing was louder, than at Newport. It's only my opinion, having been to both. I had a great time, sang, danced and bounced throughout both. I've also been to a few concerts too!
  11. It wasn't a downer, it was an upper. Knights is a natural closer even if its the usual one. I don't agree they were dicks about the tour either, and I dont expect that festival tours will have the same songs as a small tour like this. But I dont see that as fucking up. Sometimes you get what you look for.
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