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Everything posted by denise3112

  1. Good on you! :D:D I saw Royal Blood last year at Brixton academy (saw them the year before at Glastonbury), and they completely tore it up. The whole floor bounced/moshed front to back. Hope their second album lives up to the first.
  2. What a waste! So it was a promo gig then? Interesting how the filming makes the crowd look good. Also on the VT the crowd sounds loud on Psycho... but I guess than can be tweaked. was this at the same gig? Royal Blood and Muse small venue! I'd sell my granny for that
  3. Morgan looks as though that's what a middle-aged man might actually wear... Chris and Matt are retro chi-chi girly tongue-in-cheek and don't give a shit so that's funny but Dom aargh that shiny suit is filth, grime, and needs to burn in hell.
  4. Quite. An off the cuff mumbled comment, probably embarrassed, when they'd tried to respond to a crowd shout-out, then couldn't play a song they hadn't rehearsed. There was no 'promise' and no definition of what his vague 'maybe next time' meant. some of you go on like it was a contractual arrangement. No-one was 'fucked over' It was billed as 'The Drones' world tour, not 'The Drones plus Assassin in Belfast' Tour. The only songs you can reasonably expect to feature are those from Drones. Supposed I'll get lynched but I don't care
  5. Aaah you should go if you're going to be in Hamburg anyway... It's great seeing Muse in other countries. I'm from the UK but I saw them in Berlin a few years ago and the crowd was really up for it, I had a ball. And loads of German people speak English and are friendly, you'd get chatting.
  6. Now you do have a point there. His voice needs a rest. Those falsetto notes did grate a couple of times at the O2. Ok then a fan karaoke on the grounds of voice rest for Matt makes sense. But then people will be complaining he's lazy.
  7. I'm not missing the point. You made it in an earlier post and I answered your point in an earlier post...perhaps you missed it... here it is. Bellamy doesn't do talking to crowds. His talking is cringeworthy. He'd die of embarrassment trying to get a fan onstage. He'd mumble through it and no-one would hear him. Shudder. Horrible. It's not Bellamy's thing.
  8. Didn't know they were so big in the US, that's interesting. I've seen Mumford and Sons twice, at festivals. Enjoyed both occasions thoroughly... but what elevated their live performance, above the musical content, was the interaction between Marcus Mumford and the crowd. He is a natural charmer, full of chat and confidence. He makes you feel like you're his bessie mate, in his gang. Bit like Dave Grohl. Bellamy hasn't got that. He's uncomfortable talking to the audience, and its painful when he tries. There's no point wishing that Muse were like that, it ain't gonna happen.
  9. the first sentence is logical. The second sentence is an assertion based on a debatable opinion not fact. Therefore your logical argument falters. We'll have to agree to differ therefore, on a matter of opinion of how stressful it is performing/touring. Lets move on. It's past my bedtime, going for my hot milk
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