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Status Updates posted by /donna

  1. /donna

    Don't tell him your muser secrets! He is likely to tell people :p;)

  2. Ohhh good I am glad it was all nice things, usualyl Kev tries to humiliate me :LOL:

    Yesssss it will be awsome, I am definitely going now but Shhhhh haha I don't want lots of people knowing that I am going. :D

  3. /donna

    I am glad it is going really well!

    I had an amazing weekend, i went down to London to visit my best friend and we went to brighton on Saturday. I t was great eeep :D I am still on a high from it.

    I also got my lip pierced on Sunday :LOL: randomly. xxx

  4. I hope your weekend went ok :) I heard that you and Kev were talking about me :LOL: I hope nothing bad was said <33

  5. /donna

    :eek: you walke dup two mountains!!! that has made me feel tired just thinking about it :LOL:

    Awww gad you had fun, are you working hard on your book? :happy:

  6. /donna

    Good Morning! :D

    How are you?

    Did you have a fun wekend? <3333

  7. :eek: I have just realised I have not officially befriended you! :kiss: don't worry it has been sorted now!
  8. /donna

    I think I know who you are :p

  9. I have just sent you a PM :D

  10. <333 hello. I still have no voice :LOL: I do feel a bit more energetic today though. How are you?

  11. haha I know! I thought I would show myself on here for a change :happy:

  12. Awww thanks lovely :kiss: I hope so too

  13. Why thank you :happy: it is not like that at the moment though haha I really need it doing again :D

  14. /donna

    Well the computer is now back on... Now for the moment of truth! *clicks to open the problem file* fucking fuck YESSS!! It works. Oh and you know that file I asked you to open yesterday? Wooo I managed to open it today, Dirty Donna=Genius! :D:D :yesey: you know it. Anyway wish me luck for tonight and I will leave poorly you to get on with your work :p

  15. /donna

    God I am such a kid! The word "snotty" made me giggle. Yeah I am going to try and reset my computer now and see if that works. It is so frustrating. Ooo it looks like a ranted on that much I have accidently written a short novel on your profile :LOL: Awww I hate feeling all bunged up and shit, I can hardly breathe! *gasps*

  16. /donna

    Yeah I started to feel a bit ill yesterdasy and it just got worse as the night went on... :( I woke up this morning feeling so shit but had to go to work because I have things I need to do for my boss for tomorrow. Now my computer is playing up and illustrator is even worse. I just spent ages doing this peice of work for it not to save... Everytime I tried it said error or not enough memory of something *sigh* OH FUCK it is almost 2!!!!! :eek: still got lots to do, I was hoping to go early too because I feel so shit, I am not going to be no fun in York tonight (yes I decided to go in the end).


    Awww how comes your feeling ill? is it a cold?

  17. /donna

    aww Kev my bloody computer/illustrator is making my day a fucking nightmare!!!! I feel like shit too so that is not helping :supersad: make my computer better?

  18. /donna

    awww sorry :supersad:

  19. thanks for your addition to my wiki page :kiss: *huggles*

  20. /donna

    Yeah I didn't see much point in changing it, I hope you feel privaliged! :p I suppose it is half true :erm::LOL:

  21. /donna

    aparently according to your wiki page you have seen my boobs :stunned::LOL:

  22. :kiss: awww you are awsome I luffs you <333333
  23. The wiki thing is funny. I keep looking to see if anyone has put anything else on my page. I noticed someone deleted a lot of it :LOL: the bit about you and Dip

  24. Did you even go to sleep last night or have you just been up on the muse wiki thing :LOL:

  25. /donna

    nice idea! thanks. all though you do realize I drink pints.... I could look particularly stupid with a straw sticking out of my pint! should that bother me ? :erm:

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