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Status Updates posted by /donna

  1. You weren't around when I mentioned b00bs so I thought I would post the word "b00bs" here for you :p Have a good day :happy:

  2. /donna

    :supersad: I hate you! Get on with your work and stop playing on it... I am going to have a right mission tonight if you carry on like this!


    I still feel happy that on mine I have beaten your score on some of the levels :p

  3. /donna

    It's HARD! :p

  4. /donna

    I can't get past world 2 level 3 :( TONIGHT I will beat you :p

  5. I want another design job but hopefully in a design studio, I want to be around other designers. I am the only desinger at Coopers so I get lonely and it is boring when you dont have others to bounce your ideas off... if you get me :LOL:


    Your mum is very right! You should get back out there on the road, just drive carefully. You don't want to be scared of the road forever. I am sure it won't happen again as you will be extra careful. :happy:

  6. Aww that is really rubbish that someone has stolen your bike! Is it a long walk? I want to see everything covered in snow at least once this year :happy: It makes everything look so much better.


    Hmmmm christmas eve I will probably be working then going to York and being on my own... Christamas is such a lonely time of year. :(


    Are you doing anything nice?

  7. I don't get enough emails off friends :( I don't know why.

    My email is: donna.carter72@yahoo.com :D


    Yeah most of my closer friends are guys :/ Ah you know just work work, nothing interesting. I think that is why I am struggling to make myself do anything because it is a bit boring today!

  8. :D:D:D YAY!!!!

    *hugs* How are you?

    It is so so cold outside! I want more snow and less slush :LOL:

  9. Atm I am on my work computer but yeah I use my iphone a lot now, I will email you my yahoo address at somepoint so you can send me emails! :D


    Aw thats great about your friend! I always find I get on with guys better than I do girls anyway :LOL:

    I am good, hated the trains this morning but feel better now! I just need to get on with some work but I can't be bothered *sigh* want to come and do it for me? :happy:

  10. That sounds awful! :( really scary. If that was me I would never get in the car again! I work as an in-house Graphic Designer for a company called Cooper's Coffee, they sell and distribute coffee and machines etc. It is ok, I am getting a bit bored of it now tbh :LOL: I should really make the effort to look for a new job.

  11. I have just seent he pic of your car in banter! :eek: What did you do to it :LOL:

    I am good, a disaster with the trains this morning but I hope the day gets better.

    I need to work but just can't make myself :(

  12. I am loving my new iphone! I need people to start emailing me more though :( to my yahoo. The thing is I haven't given it to anyone :LOL:


    How are you keeping anyway hun? :happy:

  13. I hope you are keeping well :D Sorry about my littl emoan about not getting any Xmas pressies the other day :LOL:

  14. /donna

    :eek: I missed the first! I wanted to change my undertitle boooooooooooooo. I blame this on not having an advent calendar... :(
  15. Your awesome :D:kiss:

  16. Ha you said hi to me on msn but you seem to have gone! :LOL:

  17. /donna

    Guess who I saw last night? hehe :D:D

  18. Okies I will have a look for you. :happy:

  19. Yeah I will do, what make is it and things? :)

  20. Yeah I think over the weekend I am going to have a look around and see. I have no plans for the weekend so will be nice to treat myself to a few things I need. :happy: I get paid on Friday too. So I should be ok for money soon. The printer is not working today and I need it desperately! lol.

  21. I could do with a few slightly warmer things than what I own. Just some jumpers and cardigans really. I am ok for everything else. :happy:

  22. I hope so too, I will be able to buy a jumper to keep me warm as it is freezing here now!

  23. Awww don't worry I am sure I will be ok :happy: Keep your fingers crossed for me today, Ben is meant to be putting money into my account after he finishes work. I wish I could give you a big cuddle right now *squeezes*

  24. Awww that sucks about your work not letting you have a day off to go see a doctor about your knee :( *cuddles*

  25. /donna

    I have been poorly all weekend, so I have done nothing but lay in bed.

    I should be there now but decided I need money so can't afford to have time off work boooo :(


    I don't even really have much to do today either really. xxx

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