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Status Updates posted by /donna

  1. /donna

    OW Keeeeeeevvvvvvvvv my wrist is really fucking hurting!!!! make it stop :supersad: how am I meant to lift my drinks tonight..... Ooooo Mrs Doubtfire is on NICE

  2. RAWR!! :p I see you spying on my boat :happy:

  3. /donna

    awwww cutes :p

  4. /donna

    YESSS!!! we are going to fill forms and things out tomorrow!!! all over the net do easy peasy! I will PM you the link eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep so excited, he said we can move in in less than a week if all goes through ok! It is a min from the train station. :D:D:D

  5. /donna

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep fucking eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep *dies* :D

  6. Thanks for making me unhappy!

  7. I wanted to know why it was hidden from me what ever you put. I am glad you have sorted it. I did have a right to know if you wanted it private you wouldn't have put it in my boat.

  8. :supersad: I want to know what happend
  9. haha :LOL: god I am a dick I have taken you off now :p will you send me a reply pweaseee

  10. did you get my PM?

  11. I thought I would come for a cuddle :) I have just been crying at secret millionaire.... I lose :'(

  12. /donna

    Ha you come to my boat and don't post :noey: don't think I didn't notice you spying :ninja:

  13. /donna

    think your sweet. I will let you know bout tomoz :D

  14. /donna

    massive what??!! lol RAWRR

  15. /donna

    I suck at this gfane! it tookn ages forn me yto type this!!!! x:p

  16. Yay Birthday parties ftw!!! :D:D I am going to one myself tomorrow night, it is just a house party though and I am going to another house party on Saturday night too, should be awsome! I can't wait. I am not sure how drunk I want to get though... I always get too drunk then send daft txts to people :LOL:

  17. Hey there :happy: i hope you had a great weekend and everything. Do you have much planned for this weekend? OMG I can't believe it is Friday tomorrow already! :eek:

  18. I am good thanks! Worn out though after today at work Jeeeeez i hate my boss' wife she gives me such crap jobs o do :LOL:


    How are you? x

  19. Urgh no matter how many times I clean the nozzles it is just not making a difference. the blue is a fucking purple!!! Gtrrrr OOoo marylin manson :D:D

  20. Awww *huggles* I didn't want to be mean but it is for your own good that you go :p I am crap at english! they both sound hard, good luck with them :LOL:

  21. I love spray painting! :D:D it makes me happy. Making a mess makes me happy too!


    Grrrr my nice printer is being gay! :LOL: *strokes printer*

  22. You will go!! what is it you do again? I forgot?

  23. :p


    I am making pretty patterns on paper :$

  24. /donna

    :LOL: I think around then I will be finding it hard! A strip club would just get my horny as hell, I will have to really restrain myself, I can't wait to go to a strip club with you it will be well funny! I will have to make sure I have plenty of money. No talks for you this time though ;) I won't let you. You will have to let me know when you are free for that then.


    I really want to see How to lose friends and alienate people when it comes out, :LOL: sounds like my kind of film! x

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