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Status Updates posted by /donna

  1. Awwww *huggles*


    You big meanie teasing me like that! Ooooo gold spray paint makes me happy! :D:D

  2. When are you next going to be in Leeds to buy me one? :D


    :LOL: that is well funny

  3. /donna

    Fine I haven't even thought about sex to be honest :LOL: (unlike me I know) I am just not in the mood for it... Oh god what am I saying :stunned: Nahh its going ok, I think after this I might not want sex again! Yeah I think so....yeah day 11 OMG aggggges to go :( I want to get wasted tomorrow at my friends I think. Will take the left over whisky and drink it straight.


    Went into Verve in Huddersfield last night and a guy works there who I used to work with so was getting free drinks! Awsome. Your burgering it up tonight aren't you? I can't wait to get paid x

  4. it will be cold by the time you get it here:(

  5. you should be bothered!! :LOL: *slaps wrist*

  6. awww get me one please!!!! :D

  7. I will do later, I am really busy atm. No doubt you will still be on there won't you! :LOL::p

  8. No, no reason lol. Aww I think you should go to college :p

  9. /donna

    Mmm yeah think so. Well at the mo. He text last night saying he has bought me a Christmas pressie :( *sigh* Yeah I did thanks for that.:) x

  10. Yes! :LOL: I feel really good today actually, I just hope this feeling stays :happy:


    How are you?

  11. /donna

    I hope work goes better for you today :) x

  12. /donna

    Haha sounds very nice! Thanks for helping me pick which take away to get :LOL: there are too many near my nans for me to chose from. I am having leftover pizza for tea my nan says :( because I couldn't eat the whole 11inches of it! xx

  13. /donna

    Working hard today!!! Oh and I went for a meat feast :D xx

  14. :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:


    *loves* :D

  15. No one that I know of :(

  16. How did I get it in the first place :( I want to rub it but something tells me that I really shouldn't :$

  17. /donna

    Crime, horror and vampire ftw!!! :D <33

  18. Yes I would love some days off sick, how can you tell if that is what it is? :erm:

  19. /donna

    What kind of books do they write?

    My eye is so sore today :(

  20. Cool, have you had a good weekend? Are you looking forward to coming and visiting Tash? I woke up with a dodgey eye today :LOL:

  21. are you still only saying hello? :LOL:

  22. Awww it sounds like you had a good time, as long as you have fun with your friends that is the main :happy: I never really do much on my birthday any more :LOL:

  23. /donna

    Thats cool! I must say you are very good at writing :) So what kind of book is this?

    How old are you btw? I love reading, Stephen King, Anne Rice and Rob grant are my fav authors :happy:



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