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Spy Fox

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Everything posted by Spy Fox

  1. I'ma try find some, but I dunno if anyone'll have them here. Might need a trip to the city :awesome:

  2. I'm going to get a TH-era suit for my School Ball :awesome:

  3. Oh wait. let sinx=u

  4. OH FAIL! :LOL:


    (16sin^5x)/5 is not teh answer?


    Apply for Scholarships, Student Loan, Money from parents, and if able Student Allowance. Sorted! Heaps of people think they can't afford it, when they can actually do it.

  5. -4cos 4x + C


    sinx integrates to -cosx, and you have to do 16/4 because it's 4x. Remember teh differentiations?


    So you're going to Otago? :awesome: Had a look at the Halls and which ones you like?

  6. Awesome! Are you planning to go to Otago? Philolsophy sounds awesome. I'd do it, but if I get into the BSc(Hons) degree, then I only have 117 points for optional papers :eek:


    I'm still waiting for the class to catch up to Polar Form in Complex Numbers :chuckle: This week hopefully. I got Excellence for my Trig Internal :awesome:

  7. Also, get in the YMT. I'm boreded.

  8. Oh, right haha. It's basically how the Brain and Nervous System function. You do lots of general stuff, then focus on things like specific regions of the brain, how we see, how memories are stored/coded, lots of other stuff to do with memory, how drugs have good/bad effects on the brain, neurons (brain cells).

  9. "Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary subject that covers the brain or 'neural' component of disciplines such as Anatomy, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology and Zoology. It is currently one of the fastest growing areas in Biology. The University of Otago offers the only undergraduate Neuroscience degree programme in New Zealand as well as research training for PGDipSci, MSc and PhD degrees."



  10. I don't think I'd have the opportunity really. Not until the end of exams late in November I think I can rely on the fact that it is really a student city. I'm quite intent on going to Otago right now, but that might change in the next few days That is an awesome sequence I think it's generally stacking up to be Otago, from talks I've had with people. The course is more specialised (and I have the option of taking Psychology papers towards the Neuroscience course as well, because there are no Neuroscience papers untill 400 level and you do Anatomy, Physiology and things before then.) I'm not worried about being far from home right now, but as my parents said, it'll be a bit expensive if I do want to come home for the weekend.
  11. Neuroscience > Psychology But Wellington > Dunedin But I haven't been to Dunedin, so I guess that's a bit biased. I keep swapping back and forth between where I want to go, daily. I was set on Victoria this morning, now I'm set on Otago.
  12. So, I could go to Vic and do Psychology, or Otago and do Neuroscience. Both of which I'm really interested in. Wellington is closer to home, if I want to visit. Most of my friends are going there. I like Wellington better as a city too. I also think the accomodation is better (maybe just because I want to get into Weir House, cause they have a darkroom ) It also gives me better opportunities to do something else, like Film, which I know isn't a strong point at Otago, and something I'm really interested in. I like the idea of Neuroscience better though. It uses more of what I've learnt at school. As far as I know it's the best for research, which is what I want to get into after Uni. It's a lot further away, and I'll know less people, though. There's also not much room for other papers (minors, etc) and even less if I do Honours. I can't decide which is better for me.
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