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Spy Fox

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Everything posted by Spy Fox

  1. I haven't been on here in a while. Hmmm News: The Phoenix Foundation were awesome. School is finished and I got Dux now trying to get ready for exams. Scholarship English on Tuesday morn
  2. I don't keep up with Politics, so I have no idea exactly what Laws have been put through I heard about the 90 day trial thing, and it probably affects me (and my age group) more than anyone else, because I don't have many qualifications/references yet. It'll probably make it harder for those on the dole to get into the workforce too, which is not really the best idea out. Oh our country.
  3. I don't think my night will be that exciting, noone wants to go with me. I'll still go by myself though, just have to sort out a way of getting to Napier and back. Also, the netball was great, so exciting. And what I saw of Kane Williamson was exciting, even if the rest of it was not so much.
  4. I'm getting really worried because Hall offers for Vic are supposed to be out on Friday. The Otago ones were sent out four days before they were said to be, so perhaps Vic will be early. I keep checking my email awaiting the message
  5. I am going to Vic. School decided for me by screwing up my Hall application for Otago, but I was 90% sure I was going to Vic at that point anyway. Can't be bothered going to school for the rest of the year I'm so close to not having even do the exams, although I will of course.
  6. Everyone at school today was saying "How could you not laugh at Dikshit?" and I said "well, noone else on the show was, it's called professionalism and consideration of others".
  7. Yeah, it's Breakfast. People are saying 'oh, their ratings are going to go down so much now' like it actually matters. They were going to lose more money from advertisers pulling out if he stayed. I care about this too much
  8. One of the guys on The Rock breakfast show has a theory that Paul Henry did this to get out of his contract. If he gets another job, the theory would seem to be a possibility.
  9. Two hours of insanely fast typing it would seem. Did they get a few of you to work on it, or was it just you? I want to strangle whoever first said "He just says what we're all thinking".
  10. Well yeah, there's the whole getting fired thing I haven't watched the show, because I missed the first episode and then didn't watch anything else. I could go through them all on TVNZ on Demand, but that'd take up a lot of bandwith that's not mine to waste. How early do you caption a program? Just the week before it's aired?
  11. ASCII Art.


    I know, it's pretty crazy.

  12. ASCII is not coding, nub :LOL:


    And what?

  13. HTML Cake lololololol. What about an ASCII cake?


    I enjoyed it. I didn't do anything exciting really, but party tonight! :awesome:

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