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Spy Fox

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Everything posted by Spy Fox

  1. Slightly related. We went to Wellington to see 'The Great Gatsby' at Circa, and the girl off the My Sky ad who's having a baby and quotes Titanic was in it. /starstruckinnz
  2. Thing is, I've almost planned the whole years finances (without actual numbers, should probably do that). The scholarship + one from school that I was awarded, plus Student Loan almost covers accommodation and course costs for the year, leaving me with a bit to cover, which my parents want to help with, and I have all the money I've saved from work left over until next year, or to pay off the Loan. Apparently if you repay the whole Loan back straight away, you get 10% back, which is
  3. It's probably going towards Accommodation, because if you pay it towards papers it seems they just pay off whatever you have put on your student load, so you don't get the student load as well. Might have to find out in more detail though.
  4. Is that because you have to take certain papers each year to stay in the Honours program? That's what was different between Otago and Vic when I was doing my research. You can decide to do Honours if your marks are good enough at the end of your third year, you don't have to be 'in the program' beforehand.
  5. That's true. The fact that I had to play two separate $75 Administration Fees, one to the Accommodation Office and one to the Hall of Residence, was pretty annoying. I should probably get my student loan finalised.
  6. Thanks guys It was so awesome. They're so funny I was one of two people wearing a TPF shirt and was full on dancing at the front of the audience. I freaked out when they played a couple of songs and basically sang the whole lot by myself. Really talented bunch. Afterwards Will came and shook my hand for coming, etc
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