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Everything posted by Josefine

  1. Good luck with the exam :)

  2. Me and Debs left rather early on thursday as we flew home (she to Lonon and I to Stockholm) around 11-12 am. I've still got my wrist band on, Im not taking it off until it falls off, haha :D I'm still in awe.....such en epic gig, I love Muse even more now....!!! So you had a good journey home? Mine was very uneventful but I felt so sad going home - I wanted to go to V! It's a shame we didn't get to speak more, must try to meet again at another gig :) Take care!

  3. Yeah, there were quite a lot of boardies at Marlay :D I'm rather fine, besides the lack of Muuuuuuse in my life ;) You?

  4. You're saying your shoes actually survived the weekend?! :LOL: Are you taking them to Reading as well?


    That sure was eventful.....you could have used my medical expertise it seems :p V seemed to be great, but I must say I had expected something out of the ordinary setlist wise due to tha fact that it was the last gigs for quite some time.


    Yeah I hope they appreciate it, a bit hard to ask them when they pass away :rolleyes:


    Anyway, I have to say that the whole Dublin business was awesome, great idea and great fun - I'm hoping for something similar next tour;)

  5. Hi there! *waves*

  6. Yeah, I loved it - was at the barrier and had the greatest time queing with the gang! The meet up was nice, but it felt kind of unreal to meet all the people youve chatted with online. Great people though :)

  7. 2000??!! That's not bad...... :D So you had an eventful trip? Mine was very uneventful, no delays, no drama and only one screaming kid on the night bus home ;) Work was really crappy, trying to concentrate on my (unfortunately very sick) patients while wishing I could have been with you guys at V :(

  8. I can understand that :D

  9. Amazing tatttoos Pip, just love them!

  10. Hey Paul, had a good time in Dublin?

  11. Have a great time at V, Claire!

  12. Hey babe! Was so great to meet you in Dublin, next time in England I'm coming to visit ;)

  13. Hey there, hope you get to V safe and sound! Looking forward to see loads of great pics when you get back ;)

  14. Hope you have a great time at V, I'm so fucking jealous!!!!

  15. Hey! How did you find the gig? Were you in a good spot? I'm still speechless, sitting at the airport waiting for my bus home :(

  16. What did you buy? I've just been out running, had to try to calm myself down from being farr too excited about this Marlay business :D Got to try and start packing tonight.....:p

  17. Evening Claire....having a good Saturday?

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