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Status Updates posted by Johanna

  1. No problem at all! :D

  2. Heere you go, if it works



  3. You have a sense of humour :LOL:

  4. Yeah I'm not sure what to think when they keep singing about me in the movie, haha.

  5. hi! that would be very nice! :) I really wish to participate in this somehow for all the Finn fans.

  6. Hi you! Thanks for the request. :)

  7. Hiya! Sorry 'bout the LATE reply! Yep my profile picture is from Flight of the Conchords. Very funny show! How are you?

  8. My sister promised to help out with getting me a new laptop next month so it's all good. She lets me borrow her computer until then. :)


    I accept the offer definitely! I'm gonna start working on the forum more actively after Christmas and make artwork for it, the banners and then some desktops and so on.

  9. Now it's becoming a website for Scandinavia. I haven't been working on it much yet. My own laptop died this month so I'm taking a break from the forum work until I can get a new computer.

  10. Cuuuute bunny! :LOL: Merry early Xmas to you too

  11. Hi! :) Sorry about the late reply. Haven't been here for a while.

  12. But there's still hope. If you wanna contribute you can send it to me by Friday. :)

  13. The project seems to become a flop. People promised to help me out but then backed off at last minute and I've got zero contributions so far. :( This didn't happen at all with the Matt b-day project.

  14. Hi! I'm good. :happy: There's a stunning snowstorm outside. I hate thunderstorms but love snowstorms hehe. They leave the ground beautiful and covered with snow, better than the endless raining that we've had for too many days now. Yes, I love snow! :chuckle:

  15. Twatlight? Hahaha now that's more like it. :chuckle:


    I found Muse through the radio in 2003. My sister told me to come to listen to something that I might like and then I fell in love with the band just like that *clicks fingers to Time Is Running Out*

  16. I've never started a thread here. Except for my random Muse artwork few months ago but that's it. I don't have enough imagination or guts to start a thread in this forum.


    How did you find Muse?

  17. Wanna know a secret? I only log in to Myspace because of Dom too. :chuckle: He cheered up the site. Otherwise it's a really dull place.


    Awww ok sweet dreams! :kiss: I still have few hours before I have to hit the sack.

  18. Hi Jo! Hahaha that comment .. That was a dare :chuckle: Never dare me. I will actually do it. :chuckle: I wish I'd seen Dom's face when he saw that, if he saw that.


    Do you have a Myspace account? If you wanna add me you're welcome to do that. :happy:

  19. Yea it was a shame. But I had good time. And the .mu people were actually getting along for once hehe.

  20. Awww it's a shame that the thread had to be locked. It became my favourite in the forum really fast hehe.

  21. Good to meet you *shakes hands*

  22. Which is why I've never gone abroad. It is expensive.

  23. Hahahahahaha good one!

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