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Status Updates posted by Johanna

  1. Kev could you edit my question?


    Here's my question: Matt: During an interview back in 2006 you made us Finns happy when you mentioned Apocalyptica. What do you think about this band these days and is there a possibility that we might someday see/hear a duet with them and Muse?


    I'd like to re-formulate it like this: Assuming Matt said that he loves Apocalyptica, would you consider a collaboration with them and what do you think it could bring to each band's music?

  2. Moikka Johanna! Juu oli ihan pakko kysyä tää kysymys Muselta nyt kun tuli mahdollisuus. Tykkään molemmista, Musesta ja Apocalypticasta, tosi paljon ja tiedän että bändit on toistensa faneja joten päätin ottaa riskin ja kysyä. Ja toivoa että ihmiset äänestää.

  3. Yep I saw his blog in Myspace about the Brand/Ross mess and the ridiculous fuss that came from it. People take comedians way too seriously these days.

  4. Hehe I love that! Thanks! Matt should become the next Doctor in 2010. A wallpaper of that would be nice. :D


    I believe Dom's been lurking here without logging in to his account. I wonder if he even remembers his password. He's become really active in Myspace recently. Now I got a reason to visit Myspace. I used to think it's a dull site. Here's the picture I meant:



  5. Haha I love the profile photo. xD


    By the way remember our idea about Chris's kids starting their own band? Dom loves the idea. He's been spying on our posts apparently ... (he posted the same idea to his first Myspace blog) Should I post him the first promo photo I did about the band? xD

  6. Hehehehe. Doctor Bellamy looks cute. I'm pwoud of him.

  7. Thank you. :) She'll be a great mum! My parents aren't too excited 'though.

  8. I have my own leash anyways. ;)

    *opens the door and throws the leash to Stef*

    *closes the door* Dom, stop snoring! Gah.

  9. If you and Jamie hide in my wardrobe then me and Dom take over your wardrobe, hah!

    *jumps into the closet* *jumps back, fetches Dom and jumps back in*

  10. TAM steals all of our attention, ay? Gotta love that place!

    *dances to Supermassive Whack-a-Mole*

  11. Hello, wifey! Found you! :kiss:

  12. *jumps from the wardrobe*

    Surprise! :D

  13. Hello Jill! *hugtackles*

    Oh I have let myself accept too many friend requests from those PMT people,

    I'm glad to meet a pwoppa friend for once here! A familiar face.

    *keeps hugging* Thanks for the requst, ABRSS/BBCC mum


  14. Where could I start this blog? It's a really good idea!

    By the way I finally started writing again. The result is two new chapters!

    Yay! :D

  15. Hey you! *waves*

    Just stopping by the say a quick hi before forcing myself to sleep.

    Before the sun rises and others here wake up, haha.

    So, hello & goodnight!


  16. The story's not finished yet. Few more chapters left.

    I'm having a small writer's block. :(

    I wanna continue the story but the ideas won't change into words..

    Gotta take a small break.

  17. OR they could go to Placebo.com

    Or Oasis.com

    If they really find Matt that irritating.

  18. LOL I like that idea! :D

    I also wish the Matt haters would disappear and start their own private hate club far away from us.

    That'd solve the problem. They wouldn't have to irritate us anymore with their disgusting comments.

  19. Yes they are evil. :(

    They misunderstood me completely.

    I wanted to pay some respect towards Matt and his multitalent.

    And then they try to make me look like a bad fan for standing up for my idol.

    They are evil.

  20. aaawwww don't blush :)

  21. Hi!!


    And don't start wearing a paperbag, there's no need for that :LOL:

    The new hairdue suits you. :yesey:

  22. She's younger than me. I feel so old :LOL:


    Creepy houses are interesting. Especially during night. xD

  23. I'm here with my sister.

    The house is pretty creepy during nights.

    I'm all paranoid again xD

    I should go and force myself to sleep soon


  24. Yea it's alright in here. It's so quiet in here I'm not used to it, lol. :D

    But I like it here. :yesey:


    Sorry I'm slow with the replies. *blushes*

  25. Hi Maria! I'm fine. On a little holiday in the countryside. :D

    How are you?

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