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Status Updates posted by Samcoma

  1. :happy: *Shares a pack of biscuits with you* :happy:


    Works going pretty slowly! No ones calling up and booking rehearsal rooms. :(


    Yeah me too I can't wait for Dublin! :D

  2. Awwww :( I'm stuck at work with no one else around aswell. :(


    *skips work and comes to keep you company* :happy:

  3. :LOL: They're such a cute couple. :LOL:
  4. LOLOL.


    I know. :( Tyechan is no longer the biggist n00b in K&T.

  5. At least it's on the way :D You'll love it when it comes!

  6. :D Do you know when it will arrive?
  7. No problem :happy: Glad everythings sorted now. :happy::happy:

  8. Mmm yeah at least they're trying a new sound :happy: They were rumoured to be working with Brian Eno on this album but I can't really hear it.

  9. Yeah Johnny on X&Y and AROBTTH was epic. I'm not to keen on the new album to be honest. There's like good tracks on it :(

  10. Yeah Will is awesome that way :happy: I like Johnny's new approach to guitar aswell.

  11. Yeah some of the new songs they have are really hard for them to play live so they don't sound the same as they used to :(

  12. Haha it's 8:45 am here. Supposed to be going out in a bit to go and buy some food but I'm not sure if I'm awake enough :LOL:

  13. :happy: Any idea what Coldplay are playing at their set?
  14. :eek: Hope you have a great time at the gig! Haha how long have you been up? :eek:
  15. Hiiiiiiii :) Wooo you're still online! :D

  16. Awesome dude! You'll love it with a LP or the Tele Plus :D

  17. :stunned: That's terrible!
  18. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy <333333333333333333 :happy: How are you this morning?

  19. lolololol I'll try :p I've spent most of today reading :(



    Who else is coming online tonight?

  20. Lol kinda reading still and learning mah theory :p

  21. Alright dude. Is your mate still after a ticket to see Radiohead on the 25th? Msn!

  22. :LOL: Trying to troll a KnT reg is the worst thing n00bs can do :LOL:
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