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Status Updates posted by Samcoma

  1. Okies I'll be on in about 5 mins :happy:

  2. :happy: Great vid! I'm still realllllllllllllly bored :(
  3. Nope staying in aswell :happy: Going to bed late though :p

  4. I'm pretty good :) Been lazing around all day! haha. Any plans for this evening?

  5. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D How're you?

  6. Yeah I play it with the harmonised chords :) Based around C barre and Am Barre.

  7. Yeah he defo needs more practice before teaching. It's kinda retarded someone who still needs to learn a lot teaching others. Plus the guitar was out of tune a bit :unsure:

  8. :LOL: I can has beer nao? Get on GTA tonight!
  9. I'll be on in a bit :happy: Just finishing the review :happy:

  10. Ohai. Is this who I think it is?

  11. Cheers Kev :happy: I'm looking for a few bits and pieces and everywhere I look no where has them :LOL: Thanks though!

  12. Evening Kev. Any new guitars in the works? Also where did you get the Ibanez lo pro in chrome?

  13. I can't wait to see them now! :D

  14. :D awww you're so nice :happy: *Gives a nice cold becks beer*
  15. Lol Scott did a screen print :D I'll put it up when I put it on photobucket. Basically I had a go at all the muselive bums :LOL:

  16. :D Hahaha. Yeah read the warning. One more for the road I think. :LOL:
  17. :D I'll get banned from muselive :( Oh well lol. :LOL:
  18. :D I don't really care about m00se live it's a load of wank over there :p For that I have to make as many pointless threads as possible there :LOL:
  19. Hah yeah they locked the thread and deleted the contents. :( Oh well lol.

  20. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu :happy:

  21. :D ahh I see god that was embarrassing :$
  22. LB? :$ I don't know what that is:$


    \Noob mode :$

  23. I'm pretty good :happy: Just spending the day relaxing in my garden :cool::p

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