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Status Updates posted by jonnno

  1. haha awesome picture


    thought about rickenbackers? different beast but still similar...

  2. oh and im really gassing for a white gibson firebird

  3. wow thats nuts, dont even want to hear how it happened!

  4. hahahahaha YES! thats awesome!

  5. rhys you are a genius

  6. far out, thats as 'elvis' as it gets i reckon. still dont understand what that gold thing on the forearm is.


    oh and you know those ugly round drum skin looking things on the backs of the old ones? apparently they're 'muters'...maybe to protect the back as well.

  7. thats cool :p


    oooh how was it, i dont think i've ever played one :S

  8. jonnno

    yeah been getting into my exams so thats been...fun...


    still got a week to go then holidays! its gonna be crazy. how bout you?

  9. jonnno

    ah you know, hangin around. whats up!

  10. zomg is your hair pink or some shit

  11. jonnno

    dun woree yung jj, ur butt iz safe wif meh

  12. lawl THANKS MAN!!


    ossim lazer is ossim


    and ya, it r my birthday here too :D to quote trad3mark


    "I R TEH OLD'D!!!"



    and dont you worry, kermo's not getting replaced any time soon ;)

  14. hold on to the dl4, i'm this far from taking it off you.

  15. sikrit messaj frum surpryz luvar

  16. jonnno

    headin north to queensland, should be ossim

  17. jonnno

    nop not much at all...juss chillin now. going away for a week soon <3

  18. jonnno



    whats shakin

  19. yeah its been a while between drinks hasnt it!


    but yeah holidays for 3 weeks :D heading north next week to catch some raaays

  20. jonnno


  21. oh my goodness emma you have sexy eyes, want to see a picture of my wang...? but only if you agree..

  22. jonnno

    fuck yeah! well have fun with it anyway...i know i will :|

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