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Status Updates posted by jonnno

  1. jonnno

    probably just take it easy, got heaps of stuff due in on monday so that is not cool AT ALL. how bout you?

  2. jonnno

    yeah it was awwwwwsum! got to spend the week rafting and climbing big fuck off mountains!

  3. jonnno

    haha sounds alright!


    yeah just got back from camp tonight. it was rockiiiiiiiiin

  4. jonnno



    whats up!

  5. O HAI


    yeah i've been on camp with the cows! its been a good week :happy:

  6. homework, just a bunch of projects due tomorrow that i've barely started :p

  7. yep alright. i got heaps of work on my back though!

    how bout you

  8. hahaha yeah they're getting funny now, starting to post all of the porn crap!

  9. jonnno

    yeah im alright, bit tired though. should have done something today to keep me busy...*yawns*

  10. jonnno

    hello sir! how do you do

  11. thats okay :)


    and holy crap that would sound very very nice! and holy crap as if its in melbourne :o i must find them and steal it :ninja:

  12. hey phill i saw a shitload of construction work being done in the city, there's heaps of land they're developing.

  13. Yeah I think so, there are always houses and stuff in the burbs being built I guess, and the outer suburbs are still developing so there would definitely be work out there! As for the city...not too sure atm but there will probably be some new buildings or renovations of some old ones soon?

  14. hey phill, used a dimebucker through the amp yesterday...that thing really whacked it up a notch, only the cleans sounded like a duck and im not too big on the 'metal' thing.


    Anyway I'm getting a new pedal soon, clean boost and ts808 in one :happy: I'll let you know how it is.






    ps...come to melbourne

  15. that is a fucking horny poem you raunchy bastard.


    did you know that the toff is a brothel, i think.

  16. huzzah, a new friend!

  17. hellow toffeeeeeeee

  18. msn doooooooood

  19. yup, on in a minute :)

  20. you love it

  21. Thats okay, theyre cheap as anyway. Now to pray that they fit :D

  22. jonnno

    If by later you mean 24 hours :S:p



  23. jonnno



    im gonna go to my friends now i think, watch seinfeld :D

  24. jonnno

    it was okay, i was working at the op shop again. that was really boooooooring though. TOMORROWS THE LAST DAY


    what are you doing today?

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