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Status Updates posted by Ro

  1. Ro

    Hai Linz *doesn't know what to put after*

  2. Ro

    Well you're lucky you don't have it then :)

  3. Ro

    Awwwh, *melts*

    Tablets make it a bit better, but I think I have a cold at the same time or something :erm:

  4. Ro

    Yeah, I do


    Hey, I'm forgetful, don't diss :shifty:

  5. Ro

    Hayfevered up, and you?

  6. Ro


    How are you?

  7. *ruffles hair*

  8. Well, then you're just better than that! :D

  9. I am a legend, yes. But you are MOAR :D *huggle*

  10. You've got that sexy hair look going on there David ;)


    Flick it :p

  11. Ro

    End of exams is surely good though :D My sore throats gone now thanks =) xx

  12. Elimination God *worships*

  13. Ro

    Better than I was tanks =)

  14. Ro

    :kiss: How are you Grace?
  15. Linz can talk, she has 83

  16. Ro

    I am older than time itself.

  17. Ro



    You're 12 now, getting old ;)

  18. Ro

    I've got a really sore throat at the moment so I'm not in school.


    Good to not be in school, bad to have a sore throat

  19. Ro

    Heya =) Howa you?

  20. I made it, woooo =)

  21. *goes on chat*


    there you go :p

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